
Thursday, March 12, 2009

Tenacity and patience are 'survival' words...

To be winners, tenacity and patience are the essential qualities. Even in spiritual practice, we need to hold on to Divine Names in both good and bad times. We are tested by God in our good and bad times to see if we get deviated from the divine way of living. To have a divine life, we need not have much money and wealth. We need a mind free from all types of desires and passion. Even in household life we can act as a Renunciate or Sannyasi, if we lead a desire-free and selfless life in both words and actions. My pseudo name is S.Krishnadas who tries to lead the life of a Household Renunciate or Grihi Sannyasi. Sannyas or a desire-free life is the ultimate aim of my life. I have tested all kinds of psychological colors of human minds and found that the element of 'detachment' in all actions is absent in most of them and we suffer from the unsatisfied desires of a roaming mind,a vacillating mind, a corrupted mind, a mind full of poisonous and harmful thoughts, mind full of jealousy,hatred,violence and a mind devoid of human compassion and humility. Enlightenment of the mind and a sense of humility can elevate us to greater heights of peace and silence. We should try to be the true worshipper of pure SILENCE AND DIVINE NAMES. Through our words and actions, we must prove that we are the slaves of ABSOLUTE SILENCE AND ABSOLUTE TRUTH OR GOD. We should not create any boundary for our religious beliefs. The ultimate religion is 'WE ARE THE CHILDREN OF GOD'.

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