
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Honest actions lead to satisfaction...

Fruit of dishonesty is bitter, as a sense of pride and self-esteem is absent in dishonesty.
Upholding of self-dignity is a tough challenge in modern life, as human values and ethics have deteriorated in course of changing times and culture. Humanistic thoughts and ideas are not attached with much importance, as the majority are running after hedonism. Still universal truths are still valid in life. If we do not live a value-based life, we shall get punished tomorrow. Behind all actions there is agoverning rule of stabilty and peace.
Peace and silence are the great hidden truths of existence.
Hence we all should work towards peace and silence.
To realise the self, we need peace and silence.
If we are realized souls, we can try to help others in realization and enlightenment...
Setting good examples before others is true teaching and preaching...
Lecturing is so easy...
Setting example through work is always tougher...
The best way of convincing is by being truly honest about what is being said...
Humility and simplicity are the true gems of any personality...
God likes simplicity of heart...
Hence be of liking to God...

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