
Monday, February 2, 2009

Peacful Living-4

Physical suffering in my life originated from my wrong actions only. I have suffered a lot from my wrongdoings and have tried to learn lessons as much as possible. All types of suffering resulted from lack of self-control an self-discipline. I now understand that a reckless life is the life of a street dog only. A reckless life terminates into multiple disorders-both physical and mental. And a diseased life is so painful that I have to suffer alone shedding tears and crying for the help of God. God only can give me the strength of self-control and self-discipline which only can regain my faith if self. A suffering body is basically a suffering immortal soul. To worship the soul; and the Supreme Soul, we need to cleanse our body from diseases and most of the diseases develop from our wrong actions and unhealthy way of living. Physical sufferings make us deviate from the worship of the Almighty and a life without worship of the Absolute Truth is a meaningless life. Personally, I suffered and I suffer because of my past actions,decisions and wrongdoings. Then I started transforming myself and decided firmly to stay away from all my previous sins. I prayed to God to give me the strength to eliminate the root causes of my sufferings and I received the courage and strength from my inner mind and I could understand that the root causes of sufferings could be destroyed with a few hours,if I wish to live like a lion,and not like a street dog. The choice should be loud and clear. I said to myself : I am a fighter, I am a fighter, and lastly I must remain a true fighter. I will live the life of a lion, a lion and a lion only. A lion definitely has peaceful living.

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