
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Fear destroys the body and mind of a being...

To be fearless, we must ignite our minds with true knowledge...the science and art of self-realization...

We should remain prepared for the worst cases in all matters of life.

We must remember Swamiji's saying: STRENGTH IS LIFE,WEAKNESS DEATH.

I believe that in general, the world pays respect to the Strongs and hates the Weaks.

Hence we should try to be strong in all the three aspects of life...namely body-mind and spirit.

To be afraid of a human being is a personal crime.
Our weaknesses should first be destroyed to become bold, courageous, and strong with one and all.
But finally the real power flows from the compassionate heart of a human being, not from the brutal power of a so-called human being...

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