
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Knowledge is power, hence to acquire knowledge and use the same in daily scope for depression and frustration...

  • Depression and frustration are meant for the weak only

  • Let us try to be strong in body and mind and ignore things most unimportant for us

  • Let us acquire knowledge and skills and attitudes for our own development first, forgetting others 

  • Let us seek the company of the intelligent people in our society and tactfully avoid interaction with the idiots, keeping our humanity intact

  • Pure knowledge is spiritual in nature and Nature is GOD

  • Let us all feel the joy of giving and sacrifice, without complaining in our daily lives

  • Devotion to GOD is the ultimate of pleasure and joys, let us not forget that in our daily living

  • Knowledge should not be imparted free, as the unintelligent people always misuse it for doing harm to others

  • Secret knowledge on spirituality are not meant for everybody and it is always better it secret for the ordinary pepople

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