
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Keeping engaged in real work is the best medicine for depression...

Depression is the outcome of constant inaction and wasteful thinking for along duration of time. It is most proper to be engaged in meaningful professional and personal actions almost all the time. The daily action plan (DAP) should be stuck to religiously so that we shall get no time to waste in any manner. Life is action. When we get detached from actions for a long time, and get entrapped in 'contemplation', a time of frustartion and depression will come to our lives. The waste of time will come back to us as a poison. LIVING IN THE PRESENT(LIP) is therefore the best option before us. If we use the present moment properly in a meaningful manner, our future moments will be taken care of automatically.
Through meaningful actions for the self,family and society, we can purify our thoughts, actions and words on a continuous basis.
Self-purification with selflessless in everything can make happy.
Hence the core principle of living for me is : LIFE IS ACTION AND LIVING IN THE PRESENT

God bless...

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