
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Financial concentration

I believe in earning money through honest means. My personal business ventures need to be expanded. I have already taken some steps in this direction. My target is to double my income in a few months. For all these to happen in reality, I have to devote about 14 hours a day to organized activities. To work 14 hours a day, I have to keep fit through yoga,meditation and drinking of at least 5 litres of water per day.
I have tried to learn lessons from the past ventures. I have rectified many of my business-related drawbacks. I have decided to devote 3hours of focused work for my business activities.

Serving an organization is quite different from implementation of business ideas. I am nurturing these ideas for last 14 years. I have not been successful,because of my physical lethargy. Now, I am trying my mind to do the job in the best possible manner.

God bless...

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