
Monday, May 18, 2009

Change is an inevitable property of Nature

Everything in the universe is under change and transformation. Human thinking and behaviors are also undergoing change with the proceed of time.
Ideas change with time.
Attitudes also change , but slowly...
It is always better to be dynamic in both thoughts and actions.
We should be able to learn things which are needed for a modern living.
Materialistic ambitions are basically limitless and hence are the causes of all miseries of life. To get out of the unbounded desires and ambitions, one needs to be as selfless as possible in thoughts, actions and speeches. This realization comes only after a lot of sufferings. The path of material renunciation can lead us to a peaceful living. But the peace of mind will be established only when we master the art of renunciating, and the art of selfless living. Running after Name-Fame-Pleasure-Wealth-Money-Desire for Immortality can never give us peace. Rather, we shall be deviated from the path of peace,tranquility and happiness.
But to be away from these elements is never so easy. It needs continuous practice...

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