
Thursday, August 26, 2010

The oasis of happiness : my own way

The happiness lies in acting against my own weaknesses and winning over such pestering bad habits of mine. All the sources of my happiness lies within my self...I try to remind myself constantly.

I never try to find happiness outside my body and mind...
The real pleasure is the constant meditation on the formless self and its infinite variety of perceptual ecatasy. Everything is in me. I am not dependent on anyone or anything for my happiness. I never search for it, as I find it every moment in my body and mind...

I find ecstatic pleasure in thinking myself as a child of God, as a servant of God...A God-dependent life is the best thing in existence, as human being only limited control and knowledge of the true Self...Without the unconditional compassion of God, none can really achieve a life of true happiness and peace, as God only produces the results of all our earthly actions...

God bless...

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