- The real cause of my ill health is my lack of self-control
- I must change my habit of late rising
- I should go to bed by 11 pm and rise at 5.30 am in the morning
- Breathing exercise & meditation for one hour a day
- Need to work harder for generating alternate professional activities
- Need to take vegetarian diet to detoxify the body
- I need to explore the sleeping lion within
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Fighting ill health: the real struggle of my life
Money: The most crucial factor in surviving & existing
- · The most crucial element in sustenance of living is MONEY
- · Money answers almost all problems of life
- · Money can solve infinite number of human problems
- · If you are without money, people treat you as beggar and beggar does not hold any position of respect in the society
- · If you cannot repay loan , life will be made miserable and painful by financer
- · If you cannot support your family , life will become hell
- · Quarrels break out every now and then for money, lust, and power factors of living
- · There will be total chaos in life, if you cannot pay money for various essential goods and services
- · One cannot sleep well , if he or she owes a lot of money to others
- · Health will break down, if you have to worry about money
- · Without money, one cannot access to health-care, education, housing, transport, food, medicine and other essentials of modern living
- · Basic Pillars of modern living are: health-care, education, housing, transport, food, medicine
- · We should remember that one will be forced to live a wretched life by the society we live in
- · Even the friends will fly away, if you have no money
- · There is no friendship in the world of money
- · Money is the most fundamental factor for living a modern human life
- · No money, No friendship
- · Money is the most critical element in surviving & existing
- · But money cannot buy happiness and peace
- · Money can buy anything except peace, happiness and true love
- · Money is the most powerful possession after love and respect
- · Other than the money-factor of living, our true friends are Nutrition-Sunlight-Drinking Water-Fresh Air & good health
Monday, May 30, 2016
My realizations
- History of mankind is the history of the courageous and confident people
- Weak people are not allowed to win in life
- Only the strong are respected in the society
- Happiness lies in good health only
- Many of the modern doctors are thieves
- A person is known for his social/business/professional activities
- A person could be a Brand for his/her high-quality services/activities
- Each one of us is excellent in some areas, we must identify the areas ourselves through deep introspection
- Make a business out of what you are good at
- Realize the truths and apply them in your own life, silently but surely
- Life is all about application of knowledge gained
- We should love our jobs at the very first place
- We should enjoying doing our daily jobs
- We should give some manual labour every day
- We should play games to relax our strained body and mind
The biggest achievement of living is keeping our spirit of humanity intact in all variety of dimensions
- be human and feel it in your heart
- be kind and compassionate & feel the pleasure
- be honest and sleep well
- do physical exercise & feel good
- talk to people with pleasantness and cheer and smile
- share your feelings only with the finely selected people
- be cool and calm, have patience to feel infinite variety of attractions of living
- pursue your hobbies and identify yourself with some works of art
- artistic activities will elevate your your minds to sublime thoughts and meaningful actions
Seeking newer meaning of living
- Health is wealth
- Good health is the source of happiness
- Self-control is the greatest virtue for anybody
- Enjoyment has its own limitations
- To be happy we should beyond enjoyments
- Meditation is the key to self-realization
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Survival of the fittest..principles and practice
- It is true for real life existence that only the fit, fitter and the fittest are qualified to survive comfortably in this competitive world
- The world is full of competitions and challenges
- If we are prepared to accept challenges , we are there to perform, and get paid for our services
- The secret of doing well lies in preparing ourselves for opportunities and challenges that come to us
- We should try to be our own boss by acting independently and creatively, and also by leading people to their personal excellence
- We can perform better, if we have the right attitudes
- Change your thoughts, and your actions will automatically change
- Energize yourself, and see the difference
- Be enthusiastic, and see the difference
- Try to have deeper understanding of things, and clarity will come to all your actions
- Life is an open book, and learn everyday from the vast open sources all around you
- Be cool and calm
- Be enthusiastic at the same time
- Your sweet smile is the biggest ornament you may have
- Give your love and respect to others, you will be a happier person
- If you are mentally weak and timid, you have no future
- If you are good at something, try to better it by practice, till you are excellent at it
- If you are excellent at something, you will be sought after for services by the rich and mighty, and slowly you will grow rich
- Get rich by being excellent at something important for the society and business world
- Be bold and courageous and utilize the opportunities that you get
- Use your talents to derive maximum benefits to you and your family
- Remember: Practice makes man perfect
Procrastination is the thief of time...
- We should set targets with their time boundaries
- Keeping things pending for a long time will become painful and we might lose vital opportunities
- I have suffered lot for my laziness
- I have suffered lot from wrong decisions
- Lack of courage and confidence had been great source of pain and suffering in my life
- I had been fickle-minded throughout my life. You should not be one.
- I had no dreams in life. You must have some dreams to be fulfilled.
- I began to dream now and my job already got started
- I did not pay much attention to my family members in the past. Now, I am closely attached to my family & enjoying a happier life
- I am trying to do enough things for regaining fitness. I firmly believe I can continue to pursue fitness activities
- Laziness, lethargy and procrastination are real sins for anybody, I learnt now.
- Shake off these sins and work harder towards your dreams
- Be honest
- Be confident
- Be fearless
- Be cheerful
- Lead people to the path of enlightenment
- Encourage others to create and innovate
- Think positive and act with energy and enthusiasm
Being your own boss
- Nothing can be forced upon you for a long time. Your talents will slowly decay, if your actions are dictated by others
- Being your own boss will determine how to act, how to think, how to execute your assigned jobs, how to prioritize things and act as per importance of things to be done
- Filter out the rubbish thrown to your brain by others
- Firstly, clean the garbage from the mind
- Bring out refined thoughts from your brain & act as per the direction of your inner conscience
- Be your own boss in independent thinking, in self-discipline, in decision-making and executing things
- Be independent
- Be professional in your approach
- Imbibe a sense of timeliness & punctuality
- Give some manual labour everyday
- Pursue your hobbies
- Be health-conscious & act according to the universal laws of fitness
- Do meditation for certain duration to filter out the rubbish
- Compare yourself with your dream-you, and keep improving continuously
- Never stop improving
- Never stop learning
- Cheer yourself up to do creative things
- Rome was not built in a day: saying goes. So, do not expect instant results and accolades. Creating master pieces takes their own time.
- Have short-medium-long term planning
Distribute the day's time in a balanced manner for gaining inner satisfaction
- Decide to be pleasant and cheerful today, and stick to it
- take only decisive actions
- apply creativity
- think deeply and generate innovative ideas to put to practice
- apply your knowledge, and do not apply thumb rules only
- optimize things to reduce waste of time, money, energy
- apply scientific laws and management theories in daily life
- be the change & you will surely find your followers
- keep yourself out of the negative and frustrating thoughts
- network with people who are positive and optimistic
- have courage to act
- have courage to say
- forget yourself for certain period and enjoy the boons of Mother Nature
- be simple and simply the complex things by logical division of the problems
- execute things in time
- do not be in a race all the time
- do not compare your case with that of others
- you are good in your own unique ways
Overcoming stress, anxiety, worries, tension by applying self-management techniques
- Have a spiritualistic philosophy of life and living. God will take of your worries. Surrendering to God in the internal frame of mind will relieve us of mental burden.
- Everything is not in our hands
- Say a strong 'No' to things about which you have to worry later on. Apply your will power & explore the sleeping lion within your own self.
- You can not satisfy everyone in life, it is therefore better to satisfying your own self by working harder towards your personal objectives
- Have crystal-clear concepts about your self-wellness programs and stick to them regularly and consistently
- You have your own unique presence and you do things in your unique style by being your own boss
- Do good to good people, and send a strong message to the wrong-doers through your words and actions
- Live ethically
- Act Legally
- Be cool and calm
- Avoid all kinds of violence-physical or mental, to be happy
- Live and Let Live is a great philosophy
- Avoid extreme views by taking life seriously
- Do not take life so seriously to be happy
- Happiness does not lie in consumerism and externals of the world, it lies within
- Be spiritualistic and reduce your needs and demands
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Managing the self: challenges & techniques
- Morning should start with clear objectives and goals
- We should continuously pursue those goals with will-power and determination
- Morning shows the day, we all know
- Start the day with some wellness program for the self so that you feel comfortable with yourself throughout the day
- Have good and healthy drinks to keep system fine
- Maintain work and rest cycle properly
- Have breathing exercise for some fixed duration
- Do devote some time to your hobbies
- Improve yourself at least on two qualities
- Take some time to smile and laugh by applying sense of humour
- Encourage others to do well, and in return you will also be inspired to do better
- Being brief and 'to the point' is an art a manager must master
- Not to find faults with others is a great principle for maintaining cordial interpersonal relations
Plan your day with a lot of energy and enthusiasm
- Energy, enthusiasm and cheerfulness matter in achieving success in daily activities
- Be cheerful
- Give a big smile
- Use sense of humour to eliminate rubbishes from the mind
- Encourage others
- Have faith in yourself
- Have faith in your abilities
- Give a professional touch to your words and works
- Innovate as a daily practice
- Make innovation as part and parcel of life
- Give respect to others' opinions
- Emerge as specialist professional
Be your own boss in your own style...
- Style is the man. Hence develop your own style of doing things
- Perfect your ways of doing things on a regular basis
- Sharpen your skills everyday
- Improve your professionalism and professional services by ensuring quality
- Quality is the primary concern of all customers
- In teaching & training, we need to find innovative methods of content-delivery
- For example: In Teaching: Assessment of the ability of learners, Planning the delivery,Introduction must be attractive,Explaining the fundamentals , Giving a pictorial view of the phenomenon, Deriving formulae & a good number of examples in problem-solving by applying generalized techniques and symbols, Explaining the Summary of the topic, giving handouts for home-study, giving practical examples, giving funny examples, using sense of humour at times etc. , teaching style should be funny, interesting and attractive...
- Being a Leader-Teacher is the best possible thing in the world of teaching
Telling the naked truth reduces mental burden
- Admit the bare facts and pieces of truths & accept the reality as it is, you will be a happier person
- If you are not good enough at your work, work harder to improve upon the existing affairs
- If you do not feel healthy, start building health from today itself
- What others say hardly matter in your personal life
- Be your own boss from today and from now
- Being your own boss should be your ultimate aim. You only need to work harder to earn money and create wealth & employ people to get things done
- Listen to your heart
- Express yourself professionally
- Behave professionally
- Start Building your own business from today, slowly but steadily
- Do your home work properly so that there is positive development in your business activities
- Last, try to be independent and be your own boss
Being cool with the present moment of life
- We should accept truth and reality from our inner minds. We should not cheat or bluff ourselves with existent Truth & Reality. These are beyond control of the human beings.
- We can not change things around us drastically, we should be silent with issues that can not be addressed by us individually. We should be indifferent to things we can not change
- We can not be master of everything. So, we should keep aside things that are in our domain of actions and thoughts in any manner
- Ignore the things that hardly relates to your area of activity
- Ignoring is a bliss for mental health
- Educate yourself on important issues relating to your domain of activities
- Be a specialist
- Be a super-specialist , if possible
- Have total mastery and command over your specialist domain of activities
- Do not ignore the interdisciplinary approach to problem solving
- Be a leader who solves problems concerning business, technology and human capital
- A leader is also a trouble-shooter of multifaceted problems in the professional field
- Decide-Plan-act-take a feedback & then review and revise the methods and processes , whenever necessary
- You are your boss, so far as creativity and innovation are concerned
- Be an hard core innovator. You don't have to take permission from anybody
- Be your own boss. Develop your own business with sincere hard work and steadfast dedication
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
The path to peace and happiness lies in spiritual living only
- Spirituality is the essence of human existence
- Our devotion to the Lotus Feet of God will define our philosophy of living life
- If we work in the Name of God, our hearts will slowly get purified, and we shall develop certain level of detachment from material entanglements
- Hedonism can not answer the problems of living a life
- Through constant prayer, we shall develop detachment, devotion and disinterestedness in our inner minds
- These three qualities define existence of a true devotee
- We should say our prayers regularly and we shall develop sincere self-discipline in ourselves
- Discipline is the biggest quality that takes a person to greater heights in life and society
- Discipline-dedication-determination are the true qualities that make us achieve great things in life
- Success and prosperity combined are the produce of Discipline-Dedication-Determination
- Without self-discipline and pleasant personality, nothing great can happen in one's life
- Simplicity and humility are the virtues of great men and women
Giving one's best....
- We give our physical or mental labour, but the big question is : Are we giving our best ?
- Success and prosperity depend on 'giving our best efforts' only.
- Are consistent, regular and devoted to what we pursue ?
- Prosperity is proportional to our dedication towards the responsibility we shoulder upon.....
- Are we responsible?
- Are we really serious about the prospects and aspirations of our customers ?
- Are we customer-friendly ?
- Are we tuned up with the goals and aspirations of our customers ?
- Did we acquire expert knowledge about the specialized domain we work in ?
- Are we able to market our goods and services to the appropriate market segment ?
- Have we done enough market research in our field ?
- Have we been able to reach out to the targeted market segment ?
- Could we deliver our services professionally ?
- Do we participate in self-developmental activities regularly ?
- Do we update our knowledge regularly and keep track of the trends in our field?
Constantly should ask ourselves these basic questions to improve ourselves in the path of success, prosperity and happiness ?
Work is worship
- Constant hard work is a great cure for worries, tension, anxiety...
- Prayer is a healing touch for an ailing body and mind...
- We should keep our commitments to be happy
- To be happy, we should be simple and humble in all situations
- We should remain active to be happy
Sources of happiness
- After you accomplish some targeted job
- When you make others feel and comfortable through your words and actions
- When you have been able to give an excellent service in a timely and planned manner
- When you have met expectations of your boss or superior by providing some professional service
- When you could solve a good and tricky problem
- When you could read a good book and learnt something new
- When you could inspire some people to do something special
- When you could make others smile
- When you could motivate others to action
The courage of saying 'No' to things that make our life hell later on....
- Saying NO , when one wants to say, is not an easy task
- Saying No to certain people who might be harmful might be difficult, but we should not compromise on our personal interests
- Saying no to alcohol, smoking, sugar , salt or substance of intoxication or any other harmful substance will be our biggest asset in terms of protecting our health
- Say No to waste of time, money, energy
- Say No to illicit relationship with anyone
- Say No to Political discussions, debates and arguments
- Say No to friendship with dishonest people
- Say Yes to hard work for attaining personal effectiveness and excellence
- Say Yes to good diet
- Say Yes to sunlight
- Say Yes to fresh air
- Say Yes to gardening/plantation of trees
- Say Yes to sufficient drinking water for better health
- Say Yes to Yoga, meditation and breathing exercise twice everyday
- Say Yes to good interpersonal relationships
- Say Yes to cheerfulness
- Say Yes to a good sense of humor
- Say Yes to Positive and Powerful Thinking
Monday, May 23, 2016
Basic laws of Nature must be followed to succeed and prosper in life
- We should invest our hard labor to be successful
- Natural laws are independent of the human will and activities
- We should first identify our core competencies and proceed with our planned actions
- We should behave well
- We should manage time well
- We should be energetic and enthusiastic in all our actions
Every day is a new day
- Change your thoughts, think differently and revolutionize your day
- Change yourself slowly every day during morning and act in a changed manner and see the difference
- Be courageous and see the difference
- Be extrovert and make difference in the life of others
- Wear a big smile on your face & see the induction effect on others
- Praise others from the core of your heart and see the difference
- Be friendly
- Say the truth in a frank manner, except the bitter ones
- Be brief and value your time
- Work harder and see the effect
- Overcome the old habits and make a new beginning
- Take every care of your health & feel good about yourself
Coping with stress....
- Yoga and meditation occupy the first place for fighting stress of any kind
- We should network with people who are extremely positive and highly inspiring personalities
- A bad companion may spoil our positive thinking . We should avoid mediocre people who can not inspire our thoughts and actions
- Self-training and self-motivations should be our true assets in life
- We should manage our time well
- We should be regular in taking physical exercise for remaining strong, stout and fit
- A weak person hardly can deliver high quality services in any field
- Strength is life, weakness is death...Swami Vivekananda
- We should try to be strong and we should try to develop our strengths slowly ,but steadily
- We should store potential energy in our body and mind by practice of yoga , breathing exercise , free-hand exercise and meditation
Sunday, May 22, 2016
How to be confident and fearless
- Without self-confidence, we are nothing
- Every thing is not in our hands. Whatever we do should be done without fear.
- Fear damages our confidence. Without confidence, we can never perform well.
- Decision-making is an art. We should therefore master that art and act decisively on anything in our domain of activities
- We should be specialist in something and continuously, we should pursue our dreams in the specialized domain so that our inner talents get due recognition from the general public
- We should promote our brands as specialist and earn money through honest hard work
- Self-image should be continuously improved, and self-esteem should be upheld by doing hard work on our dreams
- We should dream big. Plan big and act big in our specialized domain
- We should build our reputation in our own unique ways
- We must build a good brands of our specialised and quality services to be winners in the field
- Without branding of a service or business, business development is impossible.
- We should learn to think creatively and implement our ideas in action to be reliable and trust-worthy brands in a competitive market-place
- We should not waste time, money, energy and valuable resources so that we could sustain our prosperity and development in any act of service or business
- We should be straight-forward in our thinking and doing
- We should apply our will-force to achieve greater heights in life and society
- We should try hard to acquire KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ATTITUDES to move ahead and progress in life
Friday, May 20, 2016
Passing through tough times
- It needs a lot of courage to face hard times
- my hard times today is my own creation
- I am solely responsible for my bad times
- I should be hard on myself on many matters
- I should rebuild my lost health
- I must build better habits
- I must exert harder self-control regarding regaining lost health
- I must control expenses on all fronts, especially bad expenses of all types
- I must save money for the future through Recurring Deposit (Essential Requirement)
- I must plan for the retirement benefits and financial security
- I should not waste a single rupee from today
- I must quit smoking by stronger will-force and visualization of the multiple side-effects
- Harmful effects of smoking remains for next five years after quitting
- I should never stop taking breathing exercises and yoga
- I must improve my knowledge, skills and attitudes(KSA-factors of professional life) by taking up consistent hard work
- I should try harder to remain engaged in more and more creative activities
- I should take some time out for intensive self-studies on relevant subjects with utmost attention
- I learnt that I need to improve myself on many dimensions of life
- I should pursue my hobby of teaching, writing , training, motivating and playing games
Walking the talk is a great philosophy
- There should be identity of words with our actions
- We should try hard to keep our words and plans intact
- We should practise what we say
- Our actions should speak for themselves
- We should be dutiful and responsible
- We should speak briefly, and our actions should be strong and decisive
- We should practise applying our common sense in all situations
- We should save money and resources for the harder times
- We should manage time, money and energy judiciously
- We should develop our own art of living by absorbing the lessons from our past
We should review our lessons from the past regularly and apply them in practice....
Lessons from the past:
- I need to improve in politics, diplomacy and professionalism
- I should keep up a sense of pride and belongingness about my educational achievements to be more confident and courageous, as I am generally under-confident and under-courageous
- I should try to continuously update my knowledge
- I should be more practical in approach
- I should be mentally prepared to go outside my state for professional career growth
- I should try to sharpen my skills through continuous practice
- I should build crystal-clear concepts and apply them in practice
- I should appreciate qualities and virtues in others to improve myself
- I should be more persistent and consistent about my self-improvement activities
- I should never overspend , as I did in the past
- Cost-control should be my topmost priority in my present life
- Self-improvement is most vital
- I should update my knowledge,skills and information
- I must be well-read and well-informed in my professional areas
- I should be better motivational speaker as well as a doer of things
- I should be able to work independently and with responsibility & accountability
- I should improve my presence of mind as well as content-delivery methods
- I need to improve my interpersonal skills and relationships and connectivity with the most relevant part of the outside world
- I require more vigorous fitness building exercise on a regular basis
Systematic hard work will lead to greater achievements
- We should firstly be mentally prepared to work harder on specific domains of activities
- We should have clear concepts about what to do
- We must plan meticulously and stick to our guns to be successful in our endeavours
- Good plan will lead to better actions
- Better action will lead to better outcomes
- Better outcome will lead to happiness and satisfaction
- Behind all our actions should lie a strong self-motivation and self-inspiration
- Without inspiration and motivation, we can not achieve anything big in life
- We should refrain from any kind of self-destructive activities that might lead to deterioration of health, and inner motivation to grow and develop
- We can achieve the unthinkable, if we acquire real motivation, tenacity, determination and will-power
- Through will-power, we can achieve what we want
- Persistence with single-mined devotion will lead to desired success and propserity
- If we want success in business, we should be punctual-sincere-dedicated(PSD) in ensuring quality goods and services to the target customers
- If we deliver quality services in competitive price, we shall slowly make good business in any field
- To ensure quality, we should build quality policies and stick to them with sincerity and dedication
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Focus on self-improvement dimensions
- Presentation skill needs improvement
- Interpersonal skills development requires attention
- Health parameters should be taken care of
- Duration of yoga-exercises should be lengthened
- Self-study on subjects of interest should be undertaken on a daily basis
- Alternative Income Generation should be boosted up
- Job searches should be made regularly
- Home work and preparation for new job/assignments must be done with more seriousness & devotion
- Communication skills should be coupled with courage and confidence
Monday, May 16, 2016
Well behaved persons win the hearts of the people all around
- We should therefore behave well, politely with sobriety
- A well-behaved person is accepted everywhere with cheerfulness & pleasant mood
- We should work with sincerity and dedication for making a good name for ourselves
- Self-branding is very important in today's professional world
- Branding is the ultimate thing for growing and developing business
- We must establish our uniqueness to make good business
- Be yourself, be unique to be sought after in any business
- Work harder than others to be ahead in any business
- Do your own marketing
There are ups and downs in life...
- There will be hard times, and we should be steady & cool to face the same
- People who are jealous of you will probably taunt you
- There are people who are really supportive and friendly
- There will be times when you cry alone in silence
- True love is rarely to be found in the material world
- Everything in the world is relative perception
- Only a lucky few receives recognitions and awards by God's Grace. All talented people are not rewarded
- What others feel is not our true selves. It is our innermost perception and faith in ourselves that really matter in life
- There will be rich and mighty who try to exert power and influence on you. It is always better to tactfully avoid them all to be happy and satisfied in your own ways.
- Nothing on the material plane is absolute. Absolute peace can be attained through spiritual living only
- When 'nothingness' of the material achievements is realised, a person tends to be indifferent to any competitive and comparative race for material possessions
- Happiest is the man who lives with minimum demands and needs
- Reduction in consumerism will lead to happier society
Managing the self...
- Time-management is most vital for any professional
- If we are sincere in our duties, we derive a lot of mental satisfaction which can hardly be shared with others
- There is no end to enjoying pleasures in life, hence it is a wise decision to get rid of mundane pleasure and enjoy true mental pleasure out of making positive differences in the lives of people we love
- It is better to be free from all kinds material entanglements
- It is better to renounce the worldly pleasures after attaining a particular age
- We should know how to sacrifice for others
- We should learn how to do our jobs better
- We should continuously update ourselves on the latest happenings and also on the professional front
- We should express truths selectively
- We can tell tell harmless lies, whenever the situation demands
- We can not tell a lie to our inner-selves
- We should maintain transparency in all public matters
- To continue to educate ourselves in the academic systems is to keep us young and green
- We should not stop educating ourselves
- We should inculcate simplicity and humility in our personal lives to remain happy and satisfied
- We should strictly follow our Daily Action Plan(DAP) so as to save time, money and energy
- We should try to finish our daily targets till the time to go to bed
Friday, May 13, 2016
Life is working with devotion
- We should not be fickle-minded, as far as important decisions are concerned
- We should give our best efforts to anything we do
- We should be honest and fearless
- Fearlessness is the key characteristic of a spiritual being
- Fearlessness coupled with self-confidence can do the miracle for ourselves
- We should be doers, not talkers, as the society needs more of the doers category
Strength is life,weakness is death, Says Swami Vivekananda
- Being weak means being defeated by others
- Being defeated means disgrace and humiliation
- We should be able to be living with respect and grace
- Life does mean earning livelihood with respect and fun
- Facing the challenges as it comes is life's compulsory requirement
- Nobody is perfect. So we should not be afraid of others, if we do our duties as honestly as possible
- We should have respect for others, till they do not play with Truths of reality and existence
- We should have faith in God and say our prayers regularly
- Nobody should have the audacity to make me feel bad, without my permission
- I believe: We can think and grow in life, if we implement our thoughts in real life actions
- We can succeed in life through making effective speaking & planned actions
- We can get things done through efforts of others, if we are good managers
- We are the products of our bad habits. We can think and change to adopt better habits and become effective people in organizations as well as the society at large
Meaning of Managing
- Planning
- Organizing
- Staffing
- Directing
- Leading
- Motivating
- Communicating
- Coordinating
- Controlling
What is Life? A general view
- Life is a puzzle, let's solve it
- Life is a dream
- Life is being perfect by practice , in some area
- Life is journey of learning experience
- Life is enjoying love, respect, admiration, and fun
- Life is being able to live in the present and enjoying every moment of it
- Life is adaptation to changing circumstances
- Life means being able to sacrifice for others
- Life is laughing at our own selves, and entertaining others
- Life is a challenge. Let's face it
- Life is growing old slowly but steadily
- Life is a continuous change in ourselves and others
- Life is faith in the Almighty, and saying our prayers
- Life is working towards perfection
- Life is a learning experience
- Life is being prepared to die once
- Life is display of courage and confidence
- Life is temporary
- Life is trying to live a better life
- Life is a feeling of satisfaction for helping others to be happier....
- Life consists of infinite dimensions out of which we should pick up our own dimensions to exist and sustain for the betterment of self and others...
- Life is about forgetting and forgiving, if it is needed
- Life is a duty
- Life is seeking GOD in His Grand Creations
Self-management Techniques: a self-reminder
- We can work without fear, if we are honest
- If we are sincere, there is nothing to be worry about
- There should be no compromise with duties and responsibilities, whatever be situations
- We should be extremely serious what are important for the public good
- We should mange time well, among many variety of jobs
- We should manage relationships well, as relationships matter in case of execution of important and serious jobs
- 'Getting jobs done' is the ultimate practice for any managerial assignments
- Any organized activity should be led by competent managers
- We should be dynamic, flexible , but disciplined & strict at the same time
- Managing is the toughest among all kinds of assignments, as managing means dealing with, motivating and getting things done through most complex human endeavours
- Human beings are most complex in terms of thinking, behaving,acting and talking. So we should take special care of their aspirations, motivation,thinking, speaking, behaving, politicking, faithful actions and betraying at times
- We can not satisfy everybody. We can not dance at the tune of everybody. We should design our own flexible and dynamic tunes to accomplish anything. But we can try to satisfy maximum number of people with our limited abilities and resources.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Challenges facing life today
- Lack of job security and poor public systems governance
- Lowered value of quality and truth all around
- Cruelty all around among so-called human beings
- Crisis of human values and ethics
- 'Might is right', and scholarship nothing
- Exploitation of the poor by the rich and the mighty
- "Money can buy anything' practices all around
- Accumulation of money in the hands of wrong people
- Punishment of the honest and the upright in all spheres of life
- Injustice and muscle power reign supreme
- It is essential to be stronger, both physically and mentally
- Challenge today: To find newer/alternative sources of income within existing systems only
- Challenge: To be sincere , serious, professional, and to build a strong brand for the individual calibre
Improving personal effectiveness
- Flawless working style is required
- Self-control and patience are the biggest virtues of any professional
- We must keep an alternative source of income and family maintenance plan ready
- We should be prepared to face challenges
Self-improvement is a continuous process..
Challenges facing an individual:
- Maintaining top level fitness is very very important
- Selection of diet and timing is of utmost importance for all
- Taking time out for gaining professional excellence
- Practice of things learnt in the past to be made a part and parcel of the daily life
- Doing one job at a time in an excellence way is essential for everyone
- Communicating well is essential
- To brush the linguistic ability is important
- Positive attitude is important for health and also for social integration
Planning & execution with will-power and tenacity...
- Planning should be done well
- A good plan is about 40% of the job done
- Sticking to the plan should be top most priority for anybody
- Think-plan-organize and execute should be our guiding principle for any achievement-driven venture
- We should also manage time well
- We should manage our resources well
- We should manage money well
- We should manage people well with energy, enthusiasm, smile and cheerfulness
- We should try to regain our basic self-confidence and work harder with honesty and integrity
- Without self-introspection,and self-criticism, we can not progress in life.
- We should ask ourselves:
- Am I fit today ?
- Do I feel good about myself
- Do I have the will-power to say YES OR NO strongly ?
- Does anything bother me negatively ?
- Have I deleted bitter experiences of the past ?
- Have I behaved well with others ?
- Have I tried to do my duties well?
- Have I managed time well ?
- Have I taken physical exercise for a set duration of time?
- Am I in a pleasant mood ?
- Did I use my sense of humour properly ?
- Am I really productive today ?
- Am I managing my time well ?
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