
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Trying to regain health and fitness....

  • Pranayam (breathing exercises) is helping me a lot in improving fitness
  • I should devote more time in doing yogic exercises so that vital organs and glands are activated in a balanced way
  • I should devote at least 30 minutes in meditating scientifically
  • Documentation is a big challenge for me...
  • I have suffered a lot in the form of ill health and I can no longer tolerate the same
  • I have taken certain big decisions regarding health development...
  • I am following the principle of LESS TO TALK AND MORE TO DO WORK
  • I am practicing the principle of ONE JOB AT A TIME
  • I am practicing STRAIGHT TALKS with one and all
  • I am trying to defeat TIMIDITY, INDECISIVENESS AND PROCRASTINATION of all kinds
  • I try to listen to people with patience to understand human psychology well
  • I am taking more time to respond to others, as talkativeness is great nuisance
  • I must stop giving FREE ADVICE to others
  • I am trying to obey my own advice internally
  • I am no longer afraid of any kind of CRITICISM
  • NOTHING IS ABSOLUTE in this material world...
  • I am trying to avoid mistakes and blunders...
  • I am working harder in my work place...
  • Ill health taught me the hard lessons of life and living
  • I want to talk a s less as possible
  • I have now become an effective communicator

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