
Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Society can be reformed by idealistic & practical leadership only

  • Leadership is the biggest thing in any society or country
  • Leaders are basically born
  • The mindset and behaviors of a leader are quite different from that of others
  • A leader is a scholar with a great vision for the future...
  • A leader is a great problem-solver...
  • A leader is a great trouble-shooter...
  • A leader can answer the most complex problems for any situation...
  • Leadership development is the biggest turning-point in one's career...
  • One has to do a lot of hard work to emerge as a leader...
  • A leader has immense emotional maturity, great communication skills, in-depth knowledge and practical sense, and power of making realistic decisions....
  • For achieving excellence, one has to work harder than others...
  • For achieving personal excellence, one has to take special care of health and fitness parameters...
  • For being happy, one must hold on to basic human values and emotions such as respect, affection,love, compassion, kindness, humanitarian considerations, moral virtues, and spirit of sacrifice and tolerance....
  • For attaining peace in personal life, one should devote considerable time for pursuing hobbies, inclinations, self-studies, continual learning and meaningful service to others...
  • Along with human values and principles, we should empower ourselves with financial success and security...
  • MONEY is an important component in leading a decent life....
  • All kinds of human or machine based services are dependent on MONEY...

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