- Time is money too
- Use of time is most vital for personal progress...
- Think deeply...
- Organize your thinking....
- Empower your thinking process...
- Produce powerful thoughts...
- Then act with courage...
- Produce tangible results...
- Take feedback....
- Learn and relearn....
- Develop skills....
- Market your ideas,services, concepts,goods....
- Avoid company of mediocre...
- Set high standards for yourself...
Friday, April 28, 2017
Not to waste time...
Better not to be angry with people, but to deal things tactfully...
- Anger management is the biggest achievement of life...
- Diplomatic solution is the best option...
- It is better not to be outspoken in many cases....
- Many times, it becomes a naked offence to tell real and hard truths...
- It is impossible to change others....
- It is difficult to slightly change the view-points of others....
- It is better not be harsh, though situation demands it.....
- It is best to enjoy life as per one's age and leave everything to God....
- Smiling face is the greatest asset for anybody....
- It is better not to repeat our mistakes....
- It is best to respect others as equals....
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Fight against old age problems...
- When the sun of life is in the mid sky, it is difficult to realize the complete truth about life and living...
- Yes, young people hardly realize the harder truths of living a truly good life...
- Struggle for keeping fit is a daily affair in old age...
- Reference frame slowly changes and newer truths reveal....
- The spirit of love, sacrifice, compassion and selfless service become more and more predominant in a truly balanced life...
- One tends to live for others....
- One tends to feel alone...
- One realizes true nothingness of material enjoyments and possessions...
- One tends to become one with God and His Divine creations....
- Physical health parameters slowly deteriorate...
- God is all...
- We are just playthings at the Hands of the Supreme Lord...
- It is best to be in love with plants, trees and animals....
- It is best to devote time and energy to gardening...
- It is then best to listen to good music...
- It is best to lead a controlled and regulated life...
- It is best to enchant the Holy Names of God...
- It is best to devote time to yoga and breathing exercises....
- It is best to meditate...
- It is best to shun the path of uncontrolled consumerism...
- Consumerism is a social poison...
- Live one day at a time with detachment, disinterestedness and devotion...
- It is best to be in the company of saintly people and spend time in the talks of God...
A cool and calm mind....
- Most of the ills of modern life can be eradicated by building a cool and calm mind...
- Ignore non-essential and non-nonsensical things from now...
- Stop thinking for some time....
- Think deeply...
- Think creatively...
- Produce results and proceed further...
- Forget the past...
- Live in the present....
- Pray to God...
- Be happy...
- Don't find faults with others...
- Be cool and calm...
- Slow down yourself...
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Life's many dimensions
- Joys and sorrows are mixed in various proportions....
- Through sorrows and tough times, we learn the hard lessons of life and living...
- As a global citizen, I am never bounded by petty issues including caste, religion, colors and nationality. I have deep respect for humanity and human kind. Hence, I am a free man who thinks of and acts upon furtherance of human good and welfare directly or indirectly...
- Be free from bias, prejudice, fictitious notions, hatred, misconceived ideologies....
- You will be happy....
- Your mental poisons are responsible for hatred, frustrations, unhappy states, violence....
- Eliminate your mental and attitudinal aberrations/perversions one by one...
- Do not teach wrong things to others...
- You should only teach yourself...
- You need to blame yourself for your unhappiness....
- Do not impose your rotten ideologies on innocent people...
- Control your anger...
- Stop misleading innocent humans....
- Earn your living through honest hard work along with some manual work on each day....
- Cause least harm to the natural environment...
- Love Nature....
- Respect Nature and Natural Laws....
- Do not try to build your own laws in contrary to Nature's own....
- Respect each and every living entity on this universe...
- You can not be more intelligent than Nature...
- You are just a small intelligent particle...
- Think of a divine life for you...
- Think of God, God and God...
- Pray to Him...
- For God's sake, stop commercializing God and your personal religions...
- Stop commercializing and bureaucratizing religions......
- Just, be a good human being and stop preaching others....
- Think of humanity, human ideals, and great philosophies and uplift your thoughts-actions-words to a higher plane....
- Stop imposing unlimited 'ego' on others...
Divinity in practical life
- Meditation is the only answer to life's problems...
- Personal peace ensures personal excellence...
- Personal excellence ignites creativity and innovation...
- Creativity/Innovation is the highest state of any being...
- In creativity , we find real pleasure of living a life....
- We are basically known for our creations/innovations....
- Exert yourself and create newer ideas...
- Implement such ideas on the ground...
- Share your experiences with others so that others are motivated to take positive and strong actions on the ground...
- Get to know about the ground realities and apply common sense to practical actions...
- Produce outputs and results...
- Apply witty sense of humor and be happy at the end of the day....
- Life is a series of thoughts-actions-words....
Peace of mind...
- Meditation calms down our mental processes...
- Yes, one can meditate and hence feel mental serenity and tranquility in daily life...
- Do not run after many things in life....
- Live a life of minimum desires, demands, needs and wants...
- Happy is the man who lives with minimum desires and needs....
- Happiness lies in self-developmental activities and hence be serious about it...
- Are you developing yourself everyday ?
- Self-development leads to excellence...
- Excellence leads to satisfaction and peace of mind...
- Life is a series of non-stop actions, act now...
- Life is proper use of time and energy, use time judiciously...
- Focus your mind on the inner breathing process and see how it relieves of stresses and starins of life...
- Slow down pace of living and bring peace to your personal life...
- Do not run after money and possessions, as it will leave you stressed and unhappy...
- Do not run after name and fame, as they come automatically through your consistent and persistent hard work in a specialized field....
- Hard work is the key to long term peace in life....
- Learn continuously....
- Learning will keep yourself younger and more dynamic....
- Life is dynamism....
- Life is a gift of God and hence be a devotee of God to be happy....
- Live a spiritual life and experience the miracles of God....
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Living each day as a new day...
- There are newer possibilities for each day....
- Yes, one can one's stagnant attitudes and start afresh on many fronts....
- Thinking matters a lot in defining our actions on the ground...
- Your thoughtful actions only matters in producing valuable outputs...
- Yes, we must produce some meaningful outputs....
- Think-decide-act cycles should continue till the last moment....
- We can only act with defined purpose and forget about everything else....
- Life is action, not contemplation....goes the saying
- Life is also not a bed of roses....
- Life is a struggle for ensuring a better life for each one of us...
- Life is a puzzle, we should try to solve it...
- Life is a beauty, enjoy it...
- Life is self-control, control yourself....
- Life is a self-realization process, realize yourself....
- Life is just a reflection of GOD, realize God
- Life is about helping others, help people to grow and develop....
- Life is action, act now...
- Life is love, love people unconditionally....
- Life is laughter, laugh freely....
- Life is a product of Mother Nature, live life naturally...
- Life is happiness, try to live happily....
- Happiness lies in simplicity and humility...
- Live life simply....
- Love people without expectations...
Living one day at a time...
- Plan a day properly for beating frustration of any kind....
- Do not repeat mistakes of the past...
- Keep hopes alive....
- Behave well with one and all...
- Apply self-control and self-discipline...
- Produce outputs...
- Sleep well....
- Choose diet properly...
- Do physical exercises regularly....
- Be cheerful...
- kick out worries for the future...
- Be happy with yourself...
For feeling comfortable ...
- Be very choosy about food intake...
- Avoid oily and spicy food....
- Try to take bath twice a day....
- Sleep for 7 hours a day....
- Be engaged in creative activities...
- Listen to some soft music...
- Meditate for at least half an hour a day....
- Think of GOD in meditation...
- Do yoga exercises for an hour a day....
- Drink about 3-4 liters of water a day...
- Try alternative therapies in illnesses...
- Eat fruits daily....
- Interact with dynamic and positive personalities...
- To avoid depression, try to learn something everyday...
- Life is learning and hence keep learning....
- Learning newer things will keep mentally inspired and motivated....
- Motivation is the key to doing great things in life...
- Lack of motivation is the only cause of our poor performance...
- Instead of waiting for external source, rely more on self-motivation...
- Hence, keep healthy and motivated...
Be a domain expert and earn money through honest professionalism...
- Our specialization defines the level of our earning potential....
- Professionalism is the urgent need of modern age....
- People have high expectation from the professionals....
- Professionals need to deliver high quality services....
- Hence, continuous quality improvement (CQI) should a part and parcel of any professional...
- Quality is the biggest concern in today's life...
- As a professional, we should establish a good reputation and branding for our services....
- By delivering highly specialized services, we should be able to earn good amount of money....
Monday, April 24, 2017
Mind training is extremely important...
- Our mental process defines all our actions on the ground...
- we should train up our mind to produce organized thoughts...
- we should be trained in creativity and innovation to better our lives...
- we should improve ourselves continuously...
- we keep ourselves young and fit , when we engage ourselves in developmental activities...
- 'development' is vital for each one of us...
- we should develop knowledge-skills-attitudes-abilities (KSAA) on a continuous basis...
- have we stopped learning ?
- life will be stagnant, if we have stopped learning newer things....
- Learning newer things will keep active , dynamic and flexible...
- each of our practical experience should teach us newer things and hence help us better our lives in some manner or the other...
Health is the first concern for a better living...
- My bitter experience with health issues tells me that I should absorb more discipline in my lifestyle...
- Most of our illnesses are rooted in faulty lifestyle...
- Self-discipline is the only answer for fighting against lifestyle disorders...
- I should correct myself on food, sleep and physical exercise....
- I should devote more time in meditation to improve mental functioning....
- Mental fitness is essential for ensuring a total health....
- Speaking dissipates a lot of our vital energy and hence we should talk as less as possible....
- We should try hard to be brief, concise and clear about any vital communication...
- We should conserve our personal energy so that we remain energetic in our hard times....
- We should train up our mind to be disciplined...
- Discipline is the key to an enlightened and happy living...
- Personal discipline is essential for a stress-free living....
- Stress is the biggest source of most of our illnesses...
- We should eliminate stress by training up our mind for doing organized thinking only...
- Organizing the thinking process should be the highest priority in life...
- An organized mind is a great source of creative energy....
- A concentrated mind is always the most powerful one...
- Mind-training hence should occupy the most important place in one's life...
- Mind is all...
- Control mind and its processes for meaningful actions on the ground...
- Set your priorities and act on them one by one....
- Apply the principle of 'DO IT NOW' in daily life and hence enjoy the miracle of being a highly productive person...
Friday, April 21, 2017
Be a trained person in some areas
- self-training is the best option for anybody..
- self-inspiration is a must
- self-motivation is the best ever option...
- self-talks relieve us of many ills....
- self-less actions will be a source of pleasure and happiness....
- self-confidence is the key to great endeavors....
- self-respect is of highest importance...
- self-decisions are to be respected and upheld...
- spiritual self is the highest self in this universe...
- self-love is the best love ever
Key words for an enlightened living...
- honesty
- practical honesty
- a smiling face
- radiating happiness to one and all
- sense of humor...in a controlled manner
- respect for others
- ego and anger management for more creative actions on the field...
- love without expectations
- detachment from unlimited material and sensual enjoyments...
- effective communication skills...
- spirituality embedded in daily life...
- attaining a divine state in this otherwise mundane life...
Slow down breathing process for personal peace...
- Peace is all...
- Mind is all...
- For peace, focus your mind on Breath and enjoy the miracle...
Conservation of personal energy....
- as we have to be engaged in variety of activities on each day, we need to possess a high level of energy...
- energy is all...
- without energy, nothing can ever be done...
- great things are achieved only with great level of energy and enthusiasm....
- our energy level defines the type of personality...
- personality is everything for any person...
- it takes a long time to develop one's strong personality....
- your personality indicates what you are...
- by remaining cool and calm, we conserve a lot of energy...
- most of energy is spent in rubbish talking....
- speaking consumes highest level of physical energy...
- a less energetic person is never respected anywhere in public affairs of life...
- we should consume least of energy...
- we should conserve our personal energy in both body and mind....
- mental energy is more important, as it takes the lead role in guiding our activities...
- if we focus our mind on our delicate breathing, we shall be able to slow down our mental process...
- slowing down of mental process is at the heart of storing potential energy...
- we should possess higher level of potential energy to be able to do creative activities....
- breathing controls our mental functioning and hence we should focus our mind on INTERNAL BREATHING to attain higher levels of Truth and Reality...
- concentration on internal breathing process will make us realize that the material and external life is just a rubbish illusion which is completely opposite of beautiful Truth and Reality of eternity..
Thursday, April 20, 2017
Keeping sense of humor alive...
- We can find humor in almost all fields of life, and practical sense of humor is required to withstand various stresses of modern life...
- Laugh naturally and relax yourself...
- Face the truths with courage...
- Tell the truths, tactfully...
- Assert yourself on matters of your domain specialty....
- Lead people with courage and confidence...
- Market your expertise and earn good amount of money....
- Be a worker first...
- Work hard with specific purpose...
- Take a break and relax....
- Try to generate creative and innovative ideas....
- Live innovation everyday from today...
- Work smarter, not harder...
- Produce results at the end of the day...
- Concentrate on specific subject and experience the miracle...
- Make winning a habit...
- Research on your domain...
- Experiment on your specialized area and develop true innovations...
Secrets of being happy...
- Keep things simple...
- Break down complex problems into small units...
- Apply " one job at a time"...
- Focus on one thing at a time...
- Limit your desires...
- Give your best to be happy...
- Listen more to be happy...
- Increase your patience to be happy...
- Ignore the non-essentials....
- Don't do harm to others...
- Be honest...
- Fight politics diplomatically...
- Be physically cool and calm...
Know yourself...
- You are just an intelligent creation of GOD...
- Be grateful to Him...
- Everything is automatic in Nature...
- God in yourself is the real doer of things...
- God is the only creator... and we all are just playthings...
- Be happy with God.....
- Enjoy God...
- Be simple to be happy...
- Know yourself as a child of GOD....
- Do not over-exert yourself...
- Enjoy life. Enjoy some fun....
- Live today...
- Talk to God silently and take His instructions...
- Energize the best in yourself...
- Serve people selflessly...
- Sacrifice all your actions in the Name of God....
- Live for others to be happier...
- Filter out the mental garbage and be relaxed, cool and calm...
Faith matters in life...
- Our present life is based upon our deep-rooted faiths and convictions...
- Without faith, we can not move ahead in life....
- Faith cures many ills of life and living...
- Have faith in yourself and move forward with confidence...
- Have faith in GOD and He will take care of you and your problems...
- Keep life simple to be happy...
- You are not supposed to all things in life...
- Choose your actions and do them well...
- Define success in your own terms and achieve success in your unique ways...
- Be satisfied with you have achieved and then introduce innovation in your personal life...
- Relax and innovate...
- Minimize stress....
- Be simply happy...
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Try to do your duties most sincerely and hence you can be happier...
- Happiness is generated when our duties are done well...
- Build rapport with your customers and clients. You will find that your life is less painful and less stressful...
- Reduce your stress by doing meditation regularly...
- Develop your own style of functioning , as style is the man...
- Develop your own style communicating effectively, clearly and loudly...
- Mind your language, as it matters most in any public affairs...
- Integrate your body-mind-soul for each of your actions...
- Ignore what others think....
- Perfect your daily...
- Your perfection will have great impact on others...and yourself too...
- Attaining perfection should be our highest goal in life...
- Just verify, if you are just very good and perfect in discharging your duties...
- Give a big smile and radiate positive energy to your close environment...
- Give love to others unconditionally....
- Do not expect much from life...to be happy
A good life for one and all...
- First of all, please clean out the mental poisons one by one...
- Give your best in whatever you do...
- Your sincerity will be reflected in the output you produce...
- Try to put attention to the finer details of the jobs performed...
- Meditate for certain duration for improving mental concentration, as your concentration will define your perfection...
- Enjoy some good music and feel happy at least temporarily...
- Love your duties and find true in your present actions...
- Drive out all kinds of fictitious worries and fears...
- Live a fearless life and see the miracles....
- Fear kills us mentally...
- Physical death is just once only....
- Don't die mentally everyday...
- Live each day like a king, especially mentally...
Value-specrtum for a good life...
- Personal values such as honesty, integrity, respect for others, selfless love for others etc.
- Psychological values such as positive thinking, optimism, living based upon ideals, ideologies etc.
- Aesthetic values such as creation and enjoyment of beauties....
- Ethical values such as ethical decision making, financial integrity, legality of actions, observance of rules of law etc.
- Material values such as importance to success, prosperity, and wealth creation and accumulation...
- Societal values such working for social peace, harmony and freedom....
- Perceptual values: perceiving Reality and Truth in in their original form....
Keep up the habit of learning to be happy...
- Learning of new things will always be a source of pleasure and newer lessons will enrich both body and mind....
- Forget about what others think, if you are doing your duties sincerely and enlightening yourself on newer frontiers of life's activities....
- Try to do your duties perfectly and forget everything else....
- We are basically known for our actions in the field....
- We must possess great ideas, ideals, ideologies and concepts to make our lives better....
- Great ideas should be transformed into great and powerful actions....
- Each day could be a better day, if we can organize our thoughts and actions on a creative platform....
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
It's better to avoid confrontation....
- it's a waste of time...
- relationships sour...
- conflicts arise...
- it's best to be a listener in most situations....
- listening enriches us...
- we should learn to learn...
- we should get enlightened slowly but steadily through our continuous efforts to excel...
- personal excellence matters in life...
Courage is everything...
- we achieve less in life, as we have less of courage and confidence...
- fear of unknown and failure is the real cause of our mediocre achievements in life...
- if we want to live a life without fear, we should be completely honest and ethical...
- we should have courage to interact with different types of people in the society....
- Life is once, and hence let us be courageous...
- courageous living needs a different outlook towards to life and society....
- lack of clarity will inject more fear into our lives...
- fear is just one kind of temporary death...
- living means living without fear of any kind...
- man is mortal, and hence we must try to live a courageous life....
- store energy in both body and mind & lead a courageous life...
- do your duty well and forget everything else...
- cheer up...
- live today...
- eat today...
- laugh today...
- love today...
- enjoy your hobby today....
- take care of your inner health today...
- accept yourself, as your own hero....
Cheer up yourself here and now...
- life is not a bed of roses....
- life will have its own dynamics and problems....
- is there anybody who does not have personal problems ?
- we should isolate our personal problems from work life...
- let professional place be free from your personal emotions and feelings...
- have a smile on your face and move ahead in life....
- do not dwell on your past....
- renew yourself everyday...
- do not dwell on your unknown future...
- worrying about the future never helps....
- worrying spoils your mood, temperament....
- live in the present...
- most of the people dwell in their past and such talks of the past are mostly boring....
- give your best in the present and forget about the future...
- be self-reliant in the most of the aspects of your life....
- talk as less as possible...
- According to Einstein: life is work, play and keeping your mouth shut....
- This definition gives us a philosophical direction to our lives to be made happier and peaceful...
- Our actions are limited by our thoughts... and hence we should refine our thinking process & produce powerful ideas...
- Go for a deep thinking session (DTS) for 15 minutes and find innovations for your present life....
- energize yourself....
- discipline yourself...
- filter out the garbage from the mind and feel happy here & now...
- be fearless, as you are the child of GOD...
- we are with GOD all the time....
- Be connected to GOD and hence be fearless....
Monday, April 17, 2017
Give a smile and see its effect on others....
- I am in the teaching profession, but I believe that teachers have the genuine right to smile and laugh, instead of being extremely serious about so-called knowledge-delivery process....
- Funny teaching become more effective for students....
- Give a smile to the younger ones and see that you have greater acceptance among them....
- Today I received a marvelous message on whatsapp: " Smile is the Electricity and Life is battery. Whenever you smile, the Battery gets charged, and a beautiful day is activated"....
- Have a deep thinking session cum meditation(DTSM) for yourself in the forenoon session and active your day with some actions with creativity and innovation....
- DTSM is of tremendous benefit....
- Yes, we can make this day a great and powerful day by taking innovative actions based upon creative thinking session(CTS)....
- This day may be specially productive , if you want things to materialize on the ground...
- We are basically ground workers...as all our actions need be connected to the ground realities...
- Hence, be realistic, and set realistic targets...
- Be practical...
- Work and generate revenues....
- Be a marketing manager too...
- Create your own brand...
- Speak the truth and make a habit of it....
- High-impact communicative skill is essentially required of you, as a professional...
- Be courageous...
- Develop clarity in all spheres of your unique life....
- Select your specialty domain and develop expertise to act as a professional....
- Be an expert...
- Be recognized as an expert in the society....
- Develop negotiating skills and exert yourself as a an expert professional...
- Forget about what others think about you and your actions...
- Ignore people who are least connected to you mentally and spiritually....
Lifestyle changes required for peace...
- Yoga should be a must for each day...
- Meditation shall be of great help...
- Spend much time in natural environment....
- Eat non-spicy and non-oily food only...
- Drink about 3-4 liters of water...
- Walking will be of tremendous help...
- Use practical common sense...
- Do not over-stress yourself...
- Manage time well....
- Manage relationships with a smiling face...
- Face the truths..
- Take up the challenges...
- Take initiatives for improving the self....
- Be a fight...
- Let frustration of any kind not enter your life....
- Frustration kills...
- Frustration creates a negative impact on mind and health....
- Develop super-specialization and work accordingly....
- Do not try to do many things....
- Say 'No" to things that do not suit your personality and temperament.....
- Muster courage to say NO to things not concerned with your super specialty domain...
- Define your own lifestyle and build fitness and health...
- Feel good about what you are and what you have...
- Do not just run after money...
- Slow down life-pace....
- Talking less will generate less stress in life...
- Keep up your smile....
Try again and again...
- If we apply the principle of 'try again and again' in our mission of life, we shall produce good products and services for our society...
- Let us first define our mission statement such ' I shall become an outstanding teacher', 'I shall be an author' of great quality'....'I shall use my daily time productively', 'I shall keep my words to myself and my family', I shall deliver the goods in time...' I shall be really committed as a teacher', I shall develop my own business...I shall work in a foreign country for my future financial security,,,,likewise many others..
- Let us promise to ourselves that we shall become better and stronger persons through our daily activities...
- That I shall not give up hopes...
- That I shall accumulate enough courage and confidence in myself for securing a better professional job for myself...
- That I shall update myself on the professional front....
- That I shall sharpen my existing skills...
- That I shall build better and effective habits...
- That I shall take special care of my health and fitness...
- That I shall become more creative in daily life...
- That I shall do meditation for at least half an hour a day....
- That I shall uphold honesty and integrity in daily life...
- That I shall not waste my valuable time any more...
- That I shall destroy all barriers to my prosperity....
- That I shall build up effective interpersonal relationships...
- That I shall generate alternative incomes for me and my family....
- That I shall lead a simple and humble life...
- That I shall up grade my knowledge-skills-attitudes on a continuous and life-long basis...
- That I shall not imitate others...
- That I shall save money for the old age....
- That I shall minimize waste of time, money and energy....
- That I shall be a fighter who will take up newer challenges of life...
- That I shall talk less and do more....
- That I shall do my duties religiously...
- That I shall explore my potentials ...
- That I shall pursue my hobbies...
- That I shall become a better professional on each passing day...
Keeping sense of humor alive....
- people are so much stressed nowadays....
- people are running after money, wealth, and sex....
- resultant of all these is that a lot of mental and physical pressures are generated on such innocent people....
- stress has great detrimental effect on health...
- lifestyle disorders have a part and parcel of everyday life...
- ignorance is another big cause of suffering...
- so-called educated people are acting like fools in many matters of consumerism....
- hence, there is an urgent need for 'slowing down'....
- just, slow down your pace of living and hence enjoy some peace in life....
- laugh a lot, whenever you are free...
- take a break and enjoy blessing of God...
- do not be a machine or a robot....
- do not become a money-earning machine....
- be human...
- love yourself and then others..
- build good health...
- seek alternative remedies or healing for your chronic illnesses...
- manage time well...
- keep your commitments...
- sleep well...
- deliver the quality goods and services , as expected from you...
- focus on what you do...and forget everything else...
- be confident and courageous...
- take note of the ground reaklities...
- use common sense...
- be happy...
- respect others...
- move ahead in life...
Sunday, April 16, 2017
Focus,focus and focus...
- Focus on one thing will reveal truths and reality...
- Truth about life and death is revealed to a few people only....
- Meditation will help you realize true nature of the Ultimate Reality...
- Yes,you can enjoy miracles of God....
- You can enjoy God in daily life...
- God is real....
- God is compassionate....
- Focus your mind on God....
- Enjoy total peace....
- Be happy with you have....
- Be contented...
- Money can not buy you peace and happiness....
- Money is required for a simple living...
- But,money can never produce high thinking....
Saturday, April 15, 2017
Building charisma...
- Build speciality...
- Create your own brand...
- Focus on customers....
- Ensure customer satisfaction...
- Retain customers...
- Deliver values....
- Change continuously....
- Maintain hard core honesty....
- Connect with key people....
- Succeed and be happy with your inner self....
We should try to build an attractive personality....
- First impression really matters in life...
- Energetic people attract people....
- Enthusiasm is a great feature of any attractive personality...
- Without energy & enthusiasm, we remain most unattractive persons in any society...
- Weak people has little respect in most of human society...
- One needs to be strong and assertive in any competitive society...
- Hence,we should try hard to be top form both physically and mentally...
- Body and mind go together...
- Yes,it's possible to be attractive...
A sound mind has positive effects on health parameters...
- Organize your thinking....
- Systematise your mental processes...
- You will produce great and powerful thoughts....
- Power thoughts will generate powerful actions on the ground....
- All wrongs lie in mind...
- Be pleasant ....
- Sleep well...
- Relax well...
- Use common sense..
- Use brain....
- Be happy....
- Enjoy life...
- Do not do any harm to others...
- Be kind and compassionate....
- Do yoga daily...
- Meditate regularly...
- Feel God in you...
- Pray...
- Fill your mind with positive energy...
- Explore your potentials...
- Experiment...
- Be honest... And hence be happy....
Keeping cool should a religion at the personal level....
- Use your brain properly, use common sense,and hence be happy with what you have....
- Please do not imitate others...
- Do not compare yourself with anybody else...
- Accept yourself....
- Love yourself...
- Change yourself....
- Improve yourself...
- Seek peace and happiness within your deepest heart....
- Material happiness is so temporary....
- Seek God in every entity in yourself and your surrounding....
- Smile...
- Laugh....
- Eat....
- Have fun...
- Do yogic exercises...
- Meditate...
- Feel God...
- Do things in the name of God...
- Forget the past....
- Be selfless...
- Be at peace with innermost self...
Friday, April 14, 2017
Think big and achieve big...
- We are basically limited by our thoughts
- Our will force defines the pattern of our achievement....
- We should redefine our daily goals and execute them one by one...
- Wasting our time will reduce our overall personal effectiveness...
- Hence,let's utilize time and energy in a much better way...
- Time is everything in life....
- Mind is all,as a human being...
- Change thoughts and hence your defined action..
- Action is everything....
- Be action oriented....
- Be the doer....
- Talking less will be in your advantage ,most of the times...
- Talk energetically, as essentially required of you...
- Have total clarity in your mind....
- Dump the garbage out of your mind....
- Be the change...
- Walk the talk....
- Forget the past...
- Renew yourself everyday...
- Be just happy....
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Some of my role models in different fields....
- Prof.CNR Rao, for his exceptional scholarship and a great teacher
- APJ Abdul Kalam -ji, as a great scientist, visionary and innovator of this century
- Nana Patekar for his powerful acting in movies...
- Ajay Devgan for his powerful acting in movies....
- Einstein for his great genius....
- Netaji Bose for his charismatic leadership....
- Swami Vivekananda for his great philosophy, spirituality and true renunciation...
- Former Prime Minister for his great vision and leadership for the Indian Nation....
- Tagore for his genius in literary and artistic pursuits....
- Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa, as prophet of God....
- Baba Saheb Ambedkar as a great scholar of the nineteenth century....
the list is simply endless....
Yes, you can be happy at any place, any time...
- happiness, being an inner state of mind, is independent of place and time....
- we forget to be happy....
- our minds are basically 'jumping monkeys' with all kinds of erratic and irrational 'restlessness'...
- a 'restless mind' is at the root of all unhappiness and sorrows...
- once we learn to focus our body-mind-soul on one job at a time, we are quite near to the abode of happiness and peace....
- lack of concentration or focus is basically a mental disease...
- real concentration brings 'clarity' in life....
- clarity brings peace...
- through peace, we tend to feel happy...
- the only path to peace and happiness is spiritual living or spiritual breathing in the Holy Names of the Almighty...
- Holy Names takes us away from the actions and reactions of the material world...
- we slowly learn to come out of the vicious circles of lust-anger-greed(LAG)-poison of living a life...
- just be sweet...
- just be funny...
- have some dose of laughter...
- gain knowledge...
- acquire skills...
- learn to give....
- learn to get detached from mundane life...
- develop devotion to the Lotus Feet of GOD and enjoy spirituality in daily life...
- feel God's Miracles in daily life....
- dissolve mental poisons into vacuum and get rid of all kinds of desires...
- a person without desires slowly develops a divine personality...
- learn to say 'no' to mental and physical poisons...
- love one and all...
- expect little...
- go beyond the maya or illusion of name-fame-wealth-money-pleasure-immortality....
- live life today
- worry least for the future...
- think least about the great past...
- learn to learn...
- be enlightened-enriched-energized every day & forget everything else...
Learning to live life
- Unregulated lifestyle creates various physiological and spiritual disorders...
- people tend to be unnecessary competitive and comparative with regard to others...resulting into unhealthy running after money and pleasures...
- relationships sour, as people are suffering from the social disease of 'lack of time' for all others....
- 'selfishness' and unlimited desires are dominating lives widely....
- people hardly get time to enjoy beauties of life and nature...
- mostly, we have been habituated to sedentary lifestyles and hooked to computers, mobile phones or similar devices....
- if one can limit one's personal desires, life will be simpler....
- if one can stop comparison with others, life will be full of peace....
- if one can remain honest, life will be peaceful....
- if we can remain cool and patient, many problems will vanish in their transient states...
- if one can cleanse the mental garbage daily, professional efficiency will improve...
- if one can concentrate properly, one will gain more perfection in various activities....
- if one can stop talking unnecessary things, many kinds of interpersonal conflicts could be tactfully avoided....
- if one can eat light meals and drink sufficient water, health will get a boost....
- if one can devote at least one hour for physical exercises, one will be blessed with better health and fitness....
- if one can remain engaged in creative activities, one should be happy in the long run....
- if one is open to learning newer things, one will surely progress in life...
- if one works hard, one will prosper in life...
- if one can devote additional 'hard work', one will surely earn an extra amount of money...
- if one makes a habit of saving money and energy, one shall be happier in old age....
- if one can meditate for sometime on each day, one will slowly get enlightened....
Monday, April 10, 2017
To get relieved of stress, tension,worries,anxieties...
- To go for a short vacation , and relax in place far away from work place...
- Morning yoga for an hour will of million dollar benefit for anybody....
- Bajrasana , a yogic exercise, acts as a substitute for consuming antacids and hence can save us a lot of money....
- Meditation can be of great help for attaining peace in life....
- Peace will make our minds more creative, dynamic, flexible and alert...
- Life can be made enjoyable , if we can shift our attitudes a little bit on essential issues...
- Change in attitudes can make us more flexible, dynamic and creative...
- To keep away from high blood pressure and diabetes, we must change our lifestyle by taking regular physical exercises, drinking enough water, walking in the morning, going to bed in time and having enough sleep(around 7 hours a day), by doing breathing exercises, by putting least burden on the digestive system....
Thursday, April 6, 2017
Ups and downs of moods, thoughts, energy, enthusiasm...
- moods, thoughts, energy, enthusiasm...fluctuate on each day depending our physiological and psychological conditions...
- hence, we should consciously try to keep such fluctuations to the minimum level...
- wide variations in moods, enthusiasm, energy and vitality is never desirable for anybody, as the same will lead poor performance at both personal and professional level...
- the biggest obstacle to high performance is our physical energy and fitness...
- hence, we should take special care of our health and fitness...
- for psychological inspiration and motivational living, we must have role models in our lives....
- our role models will never let us down....
- we should strive to revitalize our body and mind by reading biographies of great men and women of history....
- we should keep ourselves engaged and engrossed in our duties so that negative thoughts do not find entry into our lives...
- Each day should have a mission, vision and objectives so that our activities become more result-oriented....
- producing results is the ultimate aim for a day....
- at the same time, we should keep ourselves duly entertained through audios-videos-songs -music-movies without thinking much about anything in the world around us...
- Love yourself...
- Pay attention to yourself....
- build and nurture health....
- create great ideas now and take time to transform them into actions....
- our actions are our true representatives.....
- live each moment as a striving for achieving personal perfection and excellence....
- Yes, you will be happy with your own selves...
- you will build a better self-image....
- believe in your knowledge-skills-attitudes-abilities & do your duties well & forget about what you get in return....
- selfless actions are the real sources of practical happiness and peace...
- love people unconditionally...
- remove inferiority complexes and emerge as a strong personality....
- laugh a lot...
- present yourself as a positive, caring and strong personality with superb leadership skills and abilities...
- be convinced of self-worth, remove all self-doubt, perceive your roles and responsibilities to be happy on each single day...
- enjoy life....
- remove lust-anger-greed to be happier...
Periodical training is very important for everybody....
- Training motivates us...
- Re-training is essential for keeping up enthusiasm in any professional setting....
- Re-train yourself and re-energize yourself....
- Through training, we refine our thoughts-actions-words....
- Training improves our attitudes and behaviors...
- A trained mind is more effective as a personality....
- We should train ourselves like IPS officer who are trained to be physically fit, and mentally sound....
Searching for meaning of life...
- Life is a puzzle, solve it...
- Life is a truth, seek for the truths....
- Life is hard work, and keeping our minds engaged in routine and creative actions...
- Life is a mix of joys and sorrows....
- Overcome sorrows by perfecting your ways of doing things....
- Life is transitory....
- Life is a duty...
- Life is a journey....
- Life is success, prosperity, happiness and satisfaction...
- Life is sacrifice for others...
- Life is earning a livelihood...
- Life is maintaining a profession for honest living....
- Fundamental Truth of living is : Man is mortal....
- Life is attainment of perfection....
- Life is attainment of excellence....
- Life is a battle, win it in your own ways....
- Life is GOD manifested, Realize GOD....
- Life is about speaking Truth, Speak the Truth....
- Life is a beauty, enjoy it...
- Life is poem, recite it...
- Life is a song, sing it...
- Life is selfless service to others, serve people without self-interest....
- Life is a fun, enjoy it without doing any harm to anyone...
- Life is time utilized with great ideas, ideals and ideologies and philosophies...
Today is a great day, not a bad day...
- Make today a great day by doing doing things in a different manner....
- Think in a different manner....
- Think like a winner....
- Love one and all...
- Behave well with one and all...
- Don't take life so seriously, as everything in life is temporary....
- Life's pleasures are so transitory in nature...
- Seek Truth and find true happiness...
- Ignite childlike simplicity in yourself and live life like an innocent child of the Supreme Lord...
- Be a child and give a smile...
- You are just nothing but an intelligent particle of this universe...
- Enchant Holy Names of GOD and pray for salvation from temporary mundane existence...
- Be happy with you have...
- Don't compare yourself with anybody else...
- You are a unique creation of GOD....
- Sleep well at night...
- Burden of the universe is not on you....
- Be simple, humble....
- Enjoy life...
- Enjoy your own self...
- Be happy with yourself...
- Love yourself...
- Respect yourself...
- Live with least expectations...
- Be cool, clam, care-free, indifferent, detached to feel happiness within the self...
Achieving professional excellence....
- As a teacher, I am in constant phase of improving the self....
- Improving effectiveness should be attached high priority in life....
- Home work and hard work are both essential for delivering quality services to the society...
- We should enrich ourselves with newer knowledge and skills in our fields of specialization...
- We should try hard to create newer knowledge in our fields of activities so that our ideas do not get outdated and obsolete....
- We should be immersed in purposeful hard work that would lead to personal perfection in the long run...
- We should try hard to build our personal charisma by hard work , perseverance and tenacity...
- We should explore newer possibilities and potentials in ourselves so that we create avenues for achievement of personal excellence and perfection....
- Every day is a new day and we can make it better...
- Make each day enjoyable in your own unique ways....
- Be happy with yourself...
- Accept yourself as you are today...
- Believe in yourself...
- Be positive with others....
- Behave well with one and all....
- Have a million dollar smile on yourself and make others feel positive with your presence...
- Start your day with newer ideals and attitudes so that you feel good with all your well-defined activities....
- Think in a different manner and feel happy..
- Shift your attitudes and feel happy...
- Be at peace with your inner self....
- 'Be yourself'...
- 'Be your own boss'....
- Be self-reliant...
- 'Communicate effectively'...
- Drive out negative emotions and thoughts from your mind....
- Move from 'good' to 'great', slowly but steadily...
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Bitter pills...
- bitter pills are really useful in overcoming illnesses...
- we must pass through certain bitter experiences to develop mental toughness and hardiness so that we could be winners...
- we have swallow bitter pills , when sick...
- life's problems are quite similar to action of the bitter pills on body and mind....
- we must solve our problems by applying science, politics, diplomacy, tact and intelligence...
- we should identify our problems clearly. The clarity is a must...
- we should try to think differently and inventively to solve the pending problems, one by one...
- we should sometimes make use of our brain, as many times, we fail to use brain....
- for important matters, we should listen to our hearts....
- try to develop intuitive wisdom about life and existence....
- for all wise persons, life's problems seem to be petty ones...
- We should hence be healthy, wealthy and wise for enjoying life's blessings to the fullest extent....
- We fail to realize that we are so blessed & privileged....
- our pain, sorrows and agony will make us better persons...
- everything in life is God-gifted...
- remember His Blessings in all situations of life...
Being choosy about all kinds of human networking...
- Human psychology is infinitely complex, and hence we should be extra vigilant about interacting with people....
- We should listen to people to understand their psychological orientation...
- If we mix with people with abnormal psychology or mediocre individuals, we shall waste a lot of our valuable time and energy....
- We might be trapped in criminal or unethical circles....
- We may get trapped in mediocrity and we may waste a lot of our talents....
- We should try to follow the works of great men and women to do well in life....
- We should inspire our own minds with great ideas, ideas and ideologies so that we could devote much time and energy in creative activities...
- Creative activities can give a morale boost to our inner selves...
- Creativity is a great source of pleasure and happiness, and satisfaction...
- We live our lives through series of creations and creative activities....
- A stagnant mind is almost a dead mind...
- Mind is everything in life...
- We should come out of various types mental complexes by 'being our own unique personalities'....
- We should be bold and courageous in our daily living , as living with fear and doubt is not worth living a life....
- We should take time aside to listen to good music and songs to be relieved of the stress and strain of modern life...
- We should seek help of alternative medicines to fight diseases and illnesses....
- We should not trust modern doctors, except in situational compulsions...
- We should do some manual jobs everyday to improve our mental health...
- We should not be influenced by mass propaganda and advertisements, as most of these are over-exaggerated...
- We should try hard with least of demands/wants/needs/desires to be happy...
- We should expect least from others, to be happy...
- We should mind our own business and should not bother about others are thinking and doing...
- 'Think-Plan decide-act' should be carried out religiously...
- Finally, at the end of the day, we should be able to get things done....
- Have faith in yourself and your professional abilities, as lack of confidence is a great sin at the personal level...
- Depend on yourself...
- Be self-reliant...
- Then, be happy...
- Laugh a lot...
- Use proper sense of real-life humor....
Stop wasting your hard-earned money...
- Finance is the central point of any social living....
- It is quite easy to spend money in today's world of consumerism, hard core false advertisements and infinite ways of misleading marketing....
- Once money is out of pocket, the same can not be taken back....
- Hence, frugality is most urgent for honest people....
- Do not imitate others about spending money...
- Save money from today so that we don't have to repent later...
- With the advancement of age, we shall have less capacity of earning money and we shall have to face a lot of harassment at the hands of others....
- Without money, you can not get any technical service from others...
- You will be neglected, if you don't have enough money....
- Money answers almost all ills of life and society...
- A cashless genius has little importance in the society....
- 25% of the salary/earnings should be safely saved for the old age...
- A person without money has little or no respect in the family or the society....
- Medical expenses have become so costly nowadays, we must remember...
- Through a more disciplined living, we can reduce our cost of living....
- 'Cost control' should be highest priority for all middle-class people....
- We should try hard to generate alternate income from additional hard work at home or other places....
- We should minimize all kinds of medical expenses, by adopting yoga, homeopathic and bio-chemic remedies/other alternative therapies...
- Bio-chemic medicines are highly effective and less expensive....
- We should take only light food and drink sufficient quantity of water for keeping good health...
- Lastly, we should remain immersed in hard work with defined purposes to be happy, cool and calm
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Try to live a God-dependent life
- Having strong faith is a cure for many ills of life...
- We are not the actual doers. There is hand of God in whatever we do...
- We are just playthings at the Grand Hands of God...
- Sacrifice all your actions/services/things to Him, and enjoy beauty of living spiritually...
- We can explain everything, if we believe in God...
- We should work hard with a sense of detachment and disinterestedness....
- We should live life with least of desires, demands, needs and wants...
- We should feel happy with what we have right now....
- We are not meant to many things in life...
- We are only destined to a few things and attain perfection in that domain of activities...
- If we look at the world, we shall find that we are so fortunate and privileged...
- There will be ups and downs in life. We must accept such variations of situations of life...
- We should try hard to remain engaged in 'hard work' with strong purpose so that all of our worries, tensions and anxieties vanish at least temporarily...
- We should also take aside some time for meditation in between the spells of hard work...
- We should be totally focused on what we do...
- We should spend some time in creative and innovative thinking so that we produce powerful thoughts that will of some benefit to the society...
- We should serve God through our hard work, dedication and devotion....
- We should explore in our own selves and in the outside world....
- We should look inward....
- Ask yourself daily: Who am I?
- Once you are nearer to Truth-Reality-God, God will silently help you to come out of the shell of illusion or maya....
- God is everything and hence connect yourself to GOD through meditation, yoga and breathing exercises....
- Through trials and tribulations of life, we shall surely attain PERFECTION by God's Grace...
- If we are perfect in certain things , we shall be sought after by people in the society and hence we shall be able to ensure a better standard of living for ourselves...
- Instead of being jealous and greedy, we should mind our own business and attain perfection in what we do...
- We should come out of the vicious circles of Lust, Anger and Greed(LAG), to be truly happy...
- Let us also stop dancing at the tune of others to remain happy and peaceful....
- We should try to maintain inner silence...
- We should talk as less as possible...
- We should be cool and calm...
- We should not bluff others...
- We should earn money through honest means...
- We should listen to our inner conscience...
Self-identity: most important for everyone
- Physically, what am I?
- Mentally, in what state am I ?
- Spiritually, on what plane do I stay ?
- As a worker, how am I?
- How are my attitudes towards work , thinking , relationships?
- Am I a consistently good worker ?
- Am I happy?
- What are my present problems?
- How can I improve myself?
- What training do I need to energize myself for hard work and dedication ?
- Am I a sincere worker?
- Do I have simplicity and humility required for happiness?
- Do I think positive about my future prospects?
- Am I bold and courageous enough for solving problems of life?
- Am I weak type of negotiator?
- Do I communicate well?
- Am I open to learning newer things?
- Am I up grading my knowledge and skills regularly?
- Am I sharpening my leadership skills?
- Am I Punctual-Sincere-Dedicated(PSD)?
- Am I thoroughly prepared for a change of job?
- Am I cool and calm?
- Am I fit and healthy by taking yoga and breathing exercises?
Asking these questions will create spiritual awareness and hence motivate us to work harder for achieving greater success and happiness.....
Utilize each day more creatively....
- Learn from others, to the maximum extent possible....
- We have certain things to be learnt from everybody we meet...
- We can also learn from younger people...
- Have an open mind and improve yourself continuously...
- Change yourself continuously for the better...
- Perfect your ways of doing things...
- Be flawless...
- Have self-confidence and faith in your knowledge-skills-attitudes...
- Be perfect in communicating your thoughts and ideas, whenever required of you....
- Try hard to maintain better health and fitness....
- Energize yourself for meaningful actions....
- Enjoy God's blessings by unconditionally surrendering to Him...
- Take one good thought and make it your life and breath...
- Transform your thought into practical actions to produce tangible results....
- Produce results and be happy....
- Better your ways of doing things....
- Set examples before others through your purposeful hard work....
- Your achievements will speak for themselves....
- Criticizing others will not help you much ....
- Try to see things in others and follow certain good qualities in others...
- Kick out all kinds of negative thinking and frustration from life...
- Frustration, negative thinking and worries are always harmful to your body and mind....
- You may fall ill by worrying too much....
- Clear mental burden regularly....
- Leave certain things to GOD and sleep well at night....
- Stop dancing at the tune of others....
- Yes, you can be your own boss, if you can think independently and do things perfectly...
- You are just a doer....
- Expect least from life in general....
- Keeping your needs/wants/demands minimum will help you become a happier person...
- Do your duties, enjoy fun, play games and laugh a lot...
- You are the only one responsible for your happiness and peace...
Spiritual living will solve many of our problems...
- Connect yourself to GOD, and enjoy daily miracles in mundane life...
- Spiritual living is based upon reading of scriptures and applying self-control, self-restraint and self-discipline techniques to cleanse the mental processes...
- Bring purity and holiness to your daily lives....
- Spend your time in thinking about GOD and His Grand creations...
- Shake off material desires slowly but steadily to remain happier....
- Try to be in meditative state in a lonely place....
- Realize GOD in complete silence....
- Try to communicate with the Almighty, as His child...
- Be completely simple and humble for true happiness...
- Never imitate others, and stick to your own spiritual thinking and doing...
- Try to feel GOD through meditation, yoga and breathing exercises....
- Try to spend much time in the lap of Mother Nature to realize Truth-Reality-God...
- Overcome Lust-Anger-Greed(LAG) to ensure peace and happiness in your personal life...
- Be your own boss in all matters...
- Do not depend on others, as far as possible...
- Speak as less as possible...
- Do not try to prove anything to other people. Try to do your duties as perfectly as possible...
- You need to admit that you require improvements in certain areas...Identify your drawbacks and eliminate them one by one....
- Take up one job at a time and finish it....
- Every day is a new day and hence live it full...
- Enjoy some good sense of humor for being happy...
- Try to build better habits...
- Apply creativity and innovation in daily life...
- Try to learn newer things....
- Do not repeat the mistakes of the past...
- Live in the present....
- Laugh a lot...
- Don't take life so seriously....
- Be result-oriented and hence produce results at the end of the day....
- Be dynamic and flexible in most matters of life...
- Have self-control and will power to correct your lifestyle...
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