
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Thought of the day: personal happiness

To try to be happy personally ,first:

·        The greatest healer in life is the proper maintenance of Mouna-yoga, that is , maintaining complete physical and mental silence for a long duration of a day
·        To before taking any action, we should take break and do some deep thinking and take a firm decision about ‘to do or not to do’

·        To devote more and more time in self-developmental activities, as one progresses in age

Thought of the day: spiritual living and peace

The best way to survive and win over the material pains of living a life, I could find some way-out ,such as the following:
·         Continuously striving to control mind-monkey as mind-tortoise; it requires daily practice by meditation-like exercises
·         Single-minded devotion (SMD) to one’s own activities  is the best cure for all ills of life
·         Mental concentration only help us realize the truth and philosophy of life
·         A self-realized soul will always keep away from the race for name,fame,wealth, money, pleasure, power etc., as a continual process of attaining higher levels spiritual enlightenment
·         it is best for health and soul to maintain silence as a matter of daily practice, By stopping talking rubbish all the time or most of the time
·         SMD on any action in an isolated condition could revolutionize the whole process, thus resulting into excellence in any field of human activities
·         It is always best to avoid ‘sights-and-sound’ pollution, by deliberate action on one’s own part
·         Principles of management are highly effective in our daily life and these should be learnt and practiced at personal level
·         SMD- based actions will surely produce enormous personal satisfaction at the end of the day
·         Personal honesty is the only prerequisite for getting fine results

Thought of the day: Team spirit & team-building

Team building is an art that usually requires leadership qualities:
·         Good interpersonal skills including effective communication skills
·         Integrity
·         Commitment
·         Ability to motivate and energize human minds and talents
·         Periodical interactions and feedback from the team teams in a participatory environment
·         Ability to stimulate creativity, innovation and experimentation among the team members
·         Continuous training and development on the latest aspects concerning the job-content
·         Ensuring a higher level of Quality of Work-life(QWL)
·         Reward and recognition for the high performers

·         Open-mindedness and extraversion , as needed to keep up the integrity for proper coordination of all the planned and organized activities

Thought of the day: Balance in life & personal happiness

To live a happier life, we should try to follow some of the following principles:
·         Health & fitness should be given highest priority
·         One should develop one’s own spiritual philosophy and practice for attaining mental peace
·         One should discharge his/her one’s duties with utmost sincerity
·         Regular yoga and meditation will relieve one of the mental stress
·         Slowing down the pace of living life
·         Avoiding fast-food
·         Eating green vegetables, fruits and large quantity of water to keep our bodies toxin-free
·         Ensuring good sleep at proper time during the night-time
·         Giving enough time for self-developmental activities , hobbies and entertainment
·         Giving sufficient time to family members
·         Taking time to laugh to reduce stress, by using tasteful sense of humor
·         Taking time to read good books
·         Taking some time to play games and also to listen to songs and music

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Thought of the day

The best way to survive and win over the material pains of living a life, I could find some way-out ,such as the following:
·       Continuously striving to control mind-monkey as mind-tortoise; it requires daily practice by meditation-like exercises
  Single-minded devotion (SMD) to one’s own activities  is the best cure for all ills of life
    Mental concentration only help us realize the truth and philosophy of life
  A self-realized soul will always keep away from the race for name,fame,wealth, money, pleasure, power etc., as a continual process of attaining higher levels spiritual enlightenment
·       it is best for health and soul to maintain silence as a matter of daily practice, By stopping talking rubbish all the time or most of the time
SMD on any action in an isolated condition could revolutionize the whole process, thus resulting into excellence in any field of human activities
It is always best to avoid ‘sights-and-sound’ pollution, by deliberate action on one’s own part
Principles of management are highly effective in our daily life and these should be learnt and practiced at personal level
SMD- based actions will surely produce enormous personal satisfaction at the end of the day
·       Personal honesty is the only prerequisite for getting fine results

Thought of the day

To try to be happy personally ,first:

·       The greatest healer in life is the proper maintenance of Mouna-yoga, that is , maintaining complete physical and mental silence for a long duration of a day

·       To before taking any action, we should take break and do some deep thinking and take a firm decision about ‘to do or not to do’

·       To devote more and more time in self-developmental activities, as one progresses in age

Thought of the day

To be happy all the time, the following elements of attitudes should be embedded in our brain on a daily basis:
·       Disinterestedness
·       Detachment
·       Devotion
·       The daily thinking process religious ideals at the very personal level, in complete isolation from the outer world

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Interpersonal skills occupy a prominent place in leadership development process at the professional work-place. It is also the pivotal point for a happy family life. Personal happiness lies only in the internal frame of mind and the spirit of happiness is radiated to the surroundings and creates an ambiance of happiness and peace. Hence the core idea is to learn to be happy at the first place and then the environment will automatically tune to our inner happiness.
To make others happy, one must learn to be happy. The you make happy through applications of your interpersonal skills and relations of mutual trust will finally be your hard-core followers. Through guidance and counseling, we finally win the hearts of the other people and silently follows your principles, ideals, ideas and style.
The basic foundation of building interpersonal skills is:
  • ·        Having a lot of patience and listening skills
  • ·        Natural pleasantness in our unique style of behavior
  • ·        Helping people in need without any consideration of self-interest & expectations
  • ·        Keeping confidentiality & commitment intact
  • ·        Keeping honesty & trust in practice
  • ·        Dedication to our assigned responsibilities
  • ·        Acting with highest level of integrity and transparency in all matters
  • ·        Never to find faults with others, but to perfect our own actions
  • ·        Continuous striving for building an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Effective Communication Skills

1.     Objectives of the presentation should be made very clear at the very introductory phase(why to speak and on what , about what, real  contents, purpose, significance, applications) ; presentation might have some of the following purposes:
·       Informational
·       Promotional
·       Inspirational
·       Motivational
·       Generating awareness
·       Conflict resolution
·       Counseling for improvement
·       Delivering expert knowledge
·       Special , situational
·       Marketing some products/ideas/concepts
·       Popularizing some ideas/concepts/products/services
·       Training sessions for skill-development on special domain
·       Thanks-giving
·       Inaugural speech ETC.

2.     Know your subject well, deliver with energy and enthusiasm, unique but natural style
3.     Build rapport with the audience, know your audience well
4.     Body language, etiquettes, manners, eye-contacts, loudness, sincerity of purpose, clarity, modulation, articulation, soft and sweet style, focus on the central ideas, managing time, summarization, and salutation, thanks-giving, pleasant and cheerful mood with energy and enthusiasm
5.     Diagrams, illustrations, videos related to the topic  should be presented nicely to generate interest  on the subject
Slides should consists of the following(about20- 30 slides for an hour,DEPENDING ON THE NATURE OF PRESENTATION) :

·       Opening slide/introduction of the topic/title/speaker
·       Contents
·       Introduction to the topics
·       Objectives
·       Main body(slide1 to slide n)(Let it be highly technical in content for audience with Technology background)
·       summarization
·       conclusions
·       question & answer sessions
·       references/bibliography

·       thanks-giving

Thought of the day...managing time for self-development

A philosophy of life is developed through years of struggle and bitter experience. After more than 25 years of professional experience and leading a family life ,
I have come to learn some basics of the art of living:

  • to speak as less as possible
  • to ignore as far as possible
  • to take physical exercise as regularly as possible
  • to discharge my professional duties as sincerely as possible
  • to manage time well for a day
  • to sacrifice as maximum as possible for others
  • to be very choosy about mixing with people
  • to manage anger for creating & innovating in my favourite domains
  • to enjoy life without doing harm to others
  • to manage finances to avoid troubles in social life
  • to be indifferent to most of the affairs of the outside world
  • not to find faults with others
  • not to be harsh as far as possible
  • to be honest and straight-forwards
  • to be outspoken at times
  • to be able to say NO, when I wish to say so
  • to keep my needs minimum
  • to keep life simple and humble
  • to enjoy reading books and listening to music , movies and songs
  • to help people in need, without expectations,but by being selective
  • to avoid materialistic view of life
  • to remain immersed in spiritual thoughts and actions
  • to have learnt to hate consumerism and comparative analysis about human success and prosperity

Thought of the day...managing stress

Unconditional surrender to the Holy Names of God will relieve us many of the pains and agonies of life....

We should first identify the stress-ors in our lives
Let me identify my stress-producing factors:

  • worries about family matters
  • worries about financial security of life
  • worry about health and fitness
  • anxiety on the matters of interpersonal relationships & networking with people socially 

To be relieved of such worries, I am trying to take the following steps:

  • taking regular physical exercise
  • controlling expenses
  • saving money through recurring deposits

Thought of the day...managing the self

Managing the self is the biggest challenge of own's life. We should therefore this matter very seriously to get rid of many troubles/conflicts on a day.
Mission and vision of one's life should be made as clear as possible.

  • Then,
  • we should take up one job at a time
  • we should have only planned actions for a day, as far as possible
  • we should listen more and talk less
  • we should manage our time well by segmenting the day's time
  • we should take time for self-study,taking food,drinking water, relaxing and sleeping,self-entertainment, working for professional responsibilities & commitment, pursuing hobbies, listening to music or songs,taking care of the family members, managing finances, saving money, building health and happiness