- We only have 24 hours a day. Each person has been allotted the same duration without any partiality, by GOD, for this life....
- Many times, we get exhausted by thinking about so many things, which are otherwise , mostly useless, worthless and unnecessary....
- Too much of thinking drain our life-battery and hence, we become tired...
- Kick out those rubbish from the mind...
- Take a break every one hour and unburden your mind totally, and surely you will feel light and happy....
- Take light food and drink more water to feel physically happy...
- To be mentally happy, we should go to short meditation at home as well as at work place...
- Relax-relax-relax is the mantra here....
- Burden of the whole world is not on you....
- You are almost a nobody here, as most of the things are automatic in nature....
- Give highest priority to Nature and Natural Environment in daily life. Spend some among the natural elements....
- Love Nature and its Grand Beauty...
- Keep away from hurry and bustle of life for sometime and hence enjoy peace within your own selves....
- One has to look within for true peace and happiness...
- A clean mind is the seat of all happiness and peace....
- Be in meditative state every now and then....& experience the miracle of peace within...
- Outside world is fundamentally full of nothingness, as material desires have no end and we can never satisfy our unlimited desires by getting stuck to matters...
- Treasure is hidden within...
- Clear the clouds in the mental sky and feel the miracle of real peace and happiness....
Friday, March 31, 2017
Cleansing the mental garbage on a hourly basis...
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Say to yourself,'yes, I can also do'....
- Repeat to yourself from your innermost conscience that you can do great things in life....
- Create a positive mental atmosphere in which creativity and innovate flourish....
- Every day, every moment, try to fill up your mind with positive and powerful thoughts that should be converted into powerful actions at the grass-roots...
- Take stock of the ground realities...
- Use common sense...
- Be practical...
- Think deeply and constructively to generate great ideas...
- Walk the talk...
- Convert each of great wishes into realities at the grass-root level....
- Your achievements will speak for themselves...
- Be a doer first, and a talker later...
- Strengthen your ideas and ideals by repeating them to yourselves regularly, constantly...
- You will feel the miracle of positive and powerful thinking....
- Develop technical skills and update them to fit the changing circumstances...
- Update yourself....
- Build personal courage and convert your ideas into meaningful actions...
- Inspire others to succeed and prosper....
- Lead people to creative actions...
- Your thoughts-actions-speech should be one to be a more perfect personality. This should made life-long struggle for each individual to be truly happy and peaceful...
- Do not run after money like fools do. Your personal money and wealth will be of little significance to others. Your real contribution to humanity matter. Create your own message to humanity through selfless actions....
- Give selfless service to humanity and forget everything else...
- GOD will take care of you silently....
- Connect with GOD and try to realize the purpose of your birth and actions on this planet....
- Be a true devotee of GOD and leave almost everything to Him. Faith on Him will create a new path for you in this journey of life and living....
- When you feel that 'I' and GOD have become One, your whole character will get transformed into a Divine state....
- Explore the Divinity in you, and live a life of total detachment and renunciation....You will be truly happy for the rest of your life...
- Forget about and ignore what others say and think about you. Just, ignore them totally. Your mental dirt and garbage will be cleared, paving the path for peace and happiness...
Being a good manager...
- being extrovert is most important...
- we must possess great ideas...
- we must have communicative skills...
- we must have knowledge of almost all fields of human activities, literature and art....
- ability to convince people...
- ability to get things done...
Try again and again to improve...
- I must try hard to shake off my laziness and lethargy...
- I must conserve and preserve my personal energy...
- Without energy, life is nothing but a burden....
- Hence, preserve and conserve energy for creating great things in life....
- Yes, we can do great things in life, if we constantly pursue our dreams....
- Dream big and achieve great things in life....
- Our thinking and imagination create the barrier for our progress, growth and prosperity...
- First of all, have strong faith in yourself...
- Nurture that faith each day...
- Faith is the force of life...Great philosopher Tolstoy said.
- Yes , your faith will drive your activities and activities will turn into fulfillment of dreams...
- Think big about yourself...
'Be the change' from now, today, here....
- We should try again and again to change ourselves for the better...
- First, define the areas of improvement and change...
- Think deeply and constructively to decide about the change required....
- Take firm decision and change in steps...
- Take one step at a time...
- Do one job at a time...
- Take a break in between various activities....
- Enjoy laughter at times...
- Have fun at times...
- Be a Nana Patekar (in movies) at times...
- Sleep well...
- Worrying leads you nowhere and hence follow 'work-work-work'....
- To be happy, say to yourself 'create-create-create'
- To be satisfied as a human being, say to yourself 'innovate-innovate-innovate'
- Create wealth through honest means and endeavors, to be happy and satisfied....
- Create opportunity for alternative incomes and put extra hard work for an increased income...
- Nothing is free, even water....
- Put hard labor for earning the required amount of money for yourself and your family members....
Take up one great idea and implement it now and here...
- 'Living in the present' is a great philosophy...
- Live today for one great idea and make that idea your life and breath...
- Make each day ' a small success story' and integrate those stories into one whole over a reasonably long time....
- Live your life in your own unique ways, without disturbing others in any manner...
- Unlearn, learn, relearn on a continuous basis...
- Train up yourself continuously for a better tomorrow...
- Keep hopes alive and lively....
- Energize your with great ideas and ideals...
- Give love unconditionally and selflessly...
- Be selfless, detached, disinterested and devoted...
- Be polite, humble and simple...
- Create a habit of telling truth only and you will find rare occasions/opportunity to speak...
- If we speak the truth, we shall be brief, concise and short in delivering your speech to others...
- Liars have to speak a lot to defend lies and untruths....
- Live today with great energy and enthusiasm, and forget everything else...
My lecture on competitive success on 29.03.2017
Basic issues spoken about are:
- mental preparedness...
- special attitude building...
- 'Yes, I can and I am doing my best' attitudes...
- 'nothing is impossible' attitude
- having deep faith in one's abilities...
- analyzing strengths and weaknesses...
- having desires to do excellent in life....
- taking decision to work harder than others...
- having determination to fight...
- expanding imagination and vision to set highest standards for one's performance...
Components of professional experience....
- We should plan things well for better outcomes....
- We should listen more to be enriched and enlightened...
- Courage matters in all kinds of public responsibilities and duties...
- Creative people are different from the rest....
- All kinds of managing start with best of self-management...
- Good behaviors with one and all...
- Never to stop learning...
- Maintaining honesty, integrity and dignity....
- Doing duties with perfection gives true satisfaction....
- Never to mix personal issues with professional matters in any manner...
- Conflicts are to be handled with tact and diplomacy....
- A great smile solves many problems of life...
- Simplicity, humility and straight-forwardness are the true assets at the work place...
- 'Loving the work' we perform makes life least stressful....
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Improving finance & making life better...
- Our standard of living is heavily depended upon our financial condition...
- We must take special care of our financial health on a daily basis...
- Controlling expense is the biggest step forward....
- Stop spending money, on things non-essential for ever...
- Plan your finance & do accordingly...
- It is a great challenge to earn money, but it is quite easy to empty our pocket in a moment...
- We should great love and respect for the money earned...
- Select the essentials of life and spend appropriate amount...
- Never overspend....
- Money given away can not be taken back...
- We can never feel comfortable with empty pocket...
- A cashless genius has no respect and importance in family or society...
- We must work harder and harder to earn an extra amount....
- Yes, focused hard work and commitment to professional actions will help us earn greater amount of money...
- Yes, we can generate bigger income for ourselves, if we try sincerely in a particular activity of professional activities...
Pillars of happiness
- Hard work with purpose will always pay dividends to us....
- Hard work will produce sweet results in life...
- Pursuing our hobbies religiously...
- Taking care of family members...
- Focus on practical, meaningful actions...
- Serving people with selfless dedication...
- Educating ourselves on a daily basis...
- Educate-educate-educate the self today for better tomorrow...
- Give time to creativity and creative thinking & apply creative thoughts in real life actions....
- Apply knowledge and make a habit of it...
- Application is more important than simply acquiring knowledge and information...
- Transform your life by applying knowledge in practice...
- Knowledge is powerful, when put into practice....
- Nurture knowledge today, and become a better person on each passing day...
- Mind is everyday and all sorrows & joys are the results of deep mental actions...
- Train up your mind systematically to be a happier person...
- Inject sense of humor into everyday life....
- Never take life too seriously...
- Engage yourself in creative activities to remain happy...
- Expect least from life...
- Minimize your demands, needs and wants....
- Live simplest life...
- Do your work well...
- Love people around you...and enrich their lives with great ideas, concepts and ideals...
- Live a life of great ideals and great causes, & feel the miracles of God and His creations in daily life...
- Begin today for a great life ahead...
- Prepare yourself for the future challenges...
- Accept yourself and the realities that surround you...
- Face the truth...
- Escaping from the truth will land you nowhere...
- Learn the hard lessons today...
- Have desires to shine in life, decide for great actions, have determination to fulfill your dreams...
- Think big, dream big, have faith in yourself and get things done today...
- Be a doer, not a tall talker....
- Doing will change things....
- Work harder today for a better tomorrow...
- Imagine big things, see a larger picture, mobilize resources and stop not, till the goal is reached....
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Empowering the self for better times ahead...
- Nobody gives you power...
- Nobody gives you your rights free...
- Nothing is free for you...
- Be as self-reliant as possible from day one...
- Hold your head high...
- Be your own boss...
- Decide things for yourself...
- Be independent...
- Be outspoken
- We should earn both rights and power by applying practical politics, diplomacy and spirituality...
- Applying brain and heart simultaneously is one of the biggest challenge of life...
- We should talk as less as possible, each of our words must have great practical significance...
- We should always keep our words, as our words are reflections of our inner personality...
- Words are most important in life...
- One word can change our world totally, if applied in practice in true spirit...
- Words can greatly inspire us, and hence we should listen powerful words that energizes our brain and heart...
- Finally, motivation is key to all kinds of excellent human actions...
- We should try hard to remain motivated to what are associated with professionally and personally...
Monday, March 27, 2017
Key to professionalism...
- Develop hard core technical skills...
- Must build high-impact communication skills...
- One must possess soft skills and interpersonal abilities....
- Courage and confidence really matter...
- Do your home work well...
- Be thoroughly prepared for real actions...
- Be a doer first...
- Learn by doing...
- Gain hands-on experience in your professional domain...
- Be practical....
- Use common sense...
- Never bluff people...
- Be transparent in administering your professional services...
- Activate and tune your brain power for the real time actions that matter...
- Create a brand for your personal excellence....
- Have faith in yourself and GOD...
- Serve GOD thorough your meaningful actions....
- Pray to GOD for the well being of all...
- Try to be a devotee of GOD and experience miracle sin your daily life....
- Experience GOD in every entity of Nature and existence...
- Overcome fear by connecting yourself to GOD...
- Give your best efforts and expect least to be happy at the end of the day...
- Live life simply and feel the miracles of GOD....
- Be choosy...
- Be outspoken...
- Face the truths and take up the challenges of life...
- Be reliable, dependable and trustworthy to one and all....
- Finally, be a sannyashi (renunciate) from the core of your heart to be able to enjoy true peace and happiness...
Life should be full of love, laughter, compassion and dignity...
- Yes, it is up to you to design your lifestyles...
- Live a dignified life....
- Do not imitate others in any manner. But you can follow certain good qualities in others to improve your way of doing things....
- Try for professional excellence for your own pleasure and satisfaction....
- Build up new knowledge and skills so that you do not lag behind others in professional excellence....
- Judge yourself and improve...
- Self-training is better than anything else....
- Focus on yourself deeply and constructively to bring revolution in your thoughts-actions-speech(TAS)....
- Energize yourself mentally....
- Develop a clear vision about your present goals...
- Achieve great things silently....
- Be a silent worker first...
- Your actions will speak for themselves...
- Be the change....
- Destroy mental garbage and develop clear concepts...
- Gain some new packets of knowledge every day and apply them with confidence and courage...
- Enlighten yourself every day...
- Learn newer things and empower yourself regularly...
Areas of improvement for me...
- Improving mental concentration by doing meditation....
- Not to do any things...
- To do things with more perfection...
- Management of personal finance...
- Sharpening managerial skills...
- Being more courageous...
Lessons from my colleagues
- Arnab is known for his great, low profile,polite behavior...
- Subhra possesses great soft skills and interpersonal skills...
- Prof. JK Das for his straight-forward and clear communications...
- Prof. Ghosh is known for his communication skills...
- Sayan for his cool and calm behaviors...
- Ipsita for her great, smiling face and pleasant behaviors...
- Prof.A Dey for his scholarly teaching abilities...
- Arindam, for his tough stands and perfection in teaching jobs...
- Madhumita for her pleasant professionalism...
- Gaurab, for his consistent hard work...
- Hironmoy, for his great sincerity in his duties....
- Prof.BB Sarkar, for his great practical intelligence and political understanding of work place...
- Mr.GRC, for his outstanding dynamism, leadership, intelligence, courage and world-class ambitions....
- Mr.SRC , for his widest bandwidth, networking and artistic actions...
- Prof.S.Paul, for great practical knowledge on computing and networking....
- Mr.RS Malik, for his great personality and courageous leadership....
- Mr.Tikku, for his raw intelligence and practical knowledge on mechanical engineering....
- Prof.KKC, for his excellent expertise in practical electrical engineering...
- Prof. Kuila, for his great mental tenacity, business development through extreme hard work...
- Mr.PK Das, for his great sense of humor and intelligence...
- Mr.PK Pal, for his outstanding brain power and leadership qualities...
Best way of coping with stress...
- Live life with love and laughter, and feel the difference...
- Yes, try to be in the company of funny people who can find good humor in almost every aspect of living...
- Finding humor makes us relieved of many ills of life...
- Talk as less as possible to avoid various types of negative side-effects in interpersonal relations...
- Make yoga a part and parcel of life so that your thoughts and actions become more and more organized and systematic...
- Meditation definitely helps us eliminate mental garbage and makes life more peaceful...
- Keeping life simple will surely help us attain happiness and peace...
- Enjoy sunlight, fresh air, clean water and other natural elements in right proportion and hence lead a healthier life....
- Health is the greatest wealth of life and living...
- Ill health is a curse...
- To fight ill health, we should consciously try to be deeply involved in fitness activities...
- Reading of good books can boost up morale and motivation...
- Morale, motivation and positive thinking will take life forward with ease and peace...
- Think deeply and constructively to find newer ideas for a better living...
Make life interesting and enjoyable...
- Attitudes matter most in evolving an art of living a good life...
- Shift your attitudes a bit, and see the change...
- My affinity towards enjoyment of natural beauty has taken a boost recently and I find that Nature is everything in life's enjoyments...
- We can not deny Nature and its grand role in making us life a good life...
- Interestingly, Nature has everything for us... and we only need to re-discover ourselves in the lap of nature....
- Real peace of life can be found in the soft lap of mother Nature only. Human beings can never give us permanent peace and happiness & hence it is wise to live in close harmony with Mother Nature...
- We are the unique and most beautiful creations of Nature and we are supposed to go back to Nature at the end of our lives....
- Life is beautiful to those who have beautiful minds and finest attitudes towards love, compassion and friendships...
- We shall never be betrayed by natural beauties, though human beauties can betray us at any moment of life....
- Imagination can create great beauties for us, and hence it is wise to use our power of imagination and fantasy....
- Material achievements have great limitations and we should not run after material prosperity at the cost of enjoyments of natural beauties, humanistic emotions and feelings and objects of literature and art....
- We should lead our own unique lives without being bothered about others say and think...
- We have little control on what others think and say....
- We live in a relativistic world...
Friday, March 24, 2017
Creative ideas...
We should go in for a self brain-storming sessions to generate good ideas for implementation in our practical world....
- we should open up our minds to the surrounding world and learn as much as possible...
- we can even learn great things from the qualities of the younger ones who are mostly full of energy, enthusiasm and creativity...
- we should try to learn from the successful people around us...
- I learnt a lot of things from my friend Mr.DB Roy, who is also a good chess player. He is known to me as a person with highest level of tenacity, determination and will power. He has great patience and self-control and he has kept himself fit & strong through regular physical exercises and yoga. He is also an expert in office politics. He works very hard and he knows how to fight battle of nerves in his work place. He is quite well known for his self-focused actions. He is known for his hard core professionalism and tough stands in life. He is working for an American Corporation. He is a thorough careerist and possesses a hard mind and a strong nervous system.....
- Likewise, we should learn from our acquaintances and familiar faces, as much as possible, and then absorb good qualities in our own lives....
- Great lessons are learnt from hard times of our lives...
- Tough times are our biggest teachers...
- To have peace in life , we must try hard to avoid the company of police-politicians-prostitutes-pleaders(4Ps)....
- For family peace, we should devote more time to the family members....
- For social peace, we should mix with good, honest and courageous people....
- We must be very choosy about social networking, as mostly, the society is full of great scoundrels who might turn enemies at the slightest pretext...
- At the deep personal level, we should meditate well to find peace and harmony with Nature...
- It is always better to keep our mouth shut, as spoken words become the root of enmity and conflicts....
- Variety is the spice of life and through varied interactions in the society, we can create newer concepts and ideas and better our lives in some way or the other...
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Love for one and all, as far as possible...
- When we get spiritual in thoughts-actions-speech, we tend to see GOD in everything, everywhere and all the time, and hence unconditional love flows out of our hearts...
- Love and compassion cure all ills of life and living....
- Yes, love people without any expectation, and see the miracles...
- Respect people from your heart and see the miracles...
- Be the change from now...
- Love others unconditionally and see the miracles...
- Love creates a great environment and people get creative in such situations...
- Creativity and innovation should be made a part and parcel of life....
- You can not win the hearts of people with enough love, sincerity and freedom...
- If you can give love even to a scoundrel, you can see a great impact on his brain and heart...
- Winning is just an attitude...
- Win people by your sincere efforts and heart-felt love...
- Winning people is leadership...
- Leadership can revolutionize your world...
Gardening is a great and satisfying hobby...
- If we fall in love with plants and trees, we shall be always happy in life...
- Gardening will help us attaining personal happiness...
- I started loving flower garden at our roof-top...
- We should try to keep away from hurry and bustle of modern and take shelter in nature to realize self and GOD in complete silence...
- Silence is a great teacher in life...
- Through silence and loneliness, we re-discover ourselves with spiritual vibrations....
- Spiritual vibrations will take us forward in the spiritual path or journey of life...
- Feeling of GOD within us will shift our inner mind from all kinds of lust-anger-greed(LAG) cycles of material life...
We should try to appreciate beauty of Nature everyday
- Life is a beauty, enjoy it today...
- Nature has created abundant beauties everywhere, and we need special attitudes and aptitudes to enjoy them on each single day...
- By being too much materialistic, we fail to enjoy life's beauty...
- Yes, we need money to stay well in the society, but money can not define our true happiness and peace in life...
- Money can buy things; it can not buy happiness and peace for us...
- Happiness lies in self-less 'giving' to the world around us...
- Life is also a constant endeavor to learn newer truths and realities. Through active endeavors of spiritual nature, we finally arrive at some universal Truths and Realities...
- By God's divine grace, we slowly know our inner selves and hence find answers to eternal inquiries about life and existence...
- If we can feel GOD in each of our actions, we become blessed souls which is constantly bound to renunciation of the so-called practical world...
- Renunciation is the ultimate achievement of any mundane life...
- My highest goal is now renunciation
- Yes, I am trying to feel it everyday to be free from all worries and entanglements of life and living...
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
We are the creators of our mental happiness
- We can feel happy, if we understand happiness...
- Happiness is just a concept of feeling comfortable with our thoughts-actions-speeches(TAS)
- If there is complete harmony among the TAS elements, we feel happiness in our minds...
- If there is conflict and disharmony between any two elements, we feel uneasiness and unhappiness...
- We should train our minds to be happy. Yes, Happiness is just an attitude towards living our lives...
- Happiness does not lie in materialistic possessions, wealth, money etc.
- Feeling happy and radiating happiness to others is a natural phenomenon for some people and others tend to be unhappy, because of lack of a philosophy of life and living...
- Yes, we should build our art of living by learning from various sources and by applying our practical experiences of the past...
- Hence, forget the past after extracting vital lessons from it....
- Our present moment should not be wasted in the thinking about the past...
- Also, we should not reside in the future...
- We only need to take care of the present moments to expect a better future....
- We should achieve our daily targets by working harder and focusing on our perfection...
- If we target perfection, we shall definitely be rewarded with personal excellence
- And there is great satisfaction in being excellent in certain things, especially in one's professional arena...
- Hence, life is basically a continuous striving for personal excellence
We suffer from lack of faith in our own selves
- Clarity is the most important component of a good living...
- We must know clearly what we should do...
- We must be able to deliver the goods with quality...
- For ensuring quality, we must have clarity about what and how of the things to be delivered...
- Crystal clear concepts will lead to strong actions and strong actions will produce meaningful results at the grass-root level...
- People suffer because of being confused and puzzled about what requires to be said and done...
- A teacher can not teach well, if he or she does not have clear concepts...
- Confused people can not achieve great things in life...
- A puzzled person can not use common sense and intelligence in real life situations and he finally fails in his endeavors...
- High achievers are basically innovative and creative workers....
- Hence, we should not forget to use our brains and common senses at every moment of our lives...
- To boost up our daily performance, we must have a good Daily Action Plan in our self-improvement diary...
- We should inject clarity to various aspects of our work life as well as family life...
- We should never be ' in a hurry' to avoid mistakes and blunders...
Monday, March 20, 2017
Creativity and innovation in daily life...
- Yes, we can change ourselves thoroughly, if we seriously want...
- Yes, we can be creative by thinking creatively. We should simply modify our present thinking for improving ways of doing things...
- Create-create-create should be mission for each day...
- Innovate-innovate-innovate should the slogan for each person on each day...
- There are innovative ways of doing the present jobs...
- Innovation creates newer ways of doing things...
- Innovation saves time and energy...
- Innovation improves efficiency and effectiveness by reducing wastage, by controlling costs and by spreading newer messages of hopes, aspirations and progress for all people concerned...
- Instead of being bogged down with worries, tension, worries, we should discover newer ways of doing things so that all works are carried out with pleasant mood and spontaneous enthusiasm...
- One of my old friends, Mr. P Roy is working very hard to earn huge amount of money for last few years and he shared with me that he had been doing hard work only to fight against any kind of mental depression, frustration and worries that might arise in his life. His hard work keeps him physically and mentally fit and at the same time, it brings prosperity to his family for future financial security...
- His firm decision to work harder is his personal innovation to fight against any kind negative emotion that results from keeping our brain and organs idle...
- We should not sit idle, while we need to take important actions...
- Idle brain is the devil's workshop, saying goes like this...
- To be happy, we should take up certain menial works everyday...
- Physical work is very important for physical well-being as mental peace...
- 'What kind of creativity and innovation do I implement today ?', one should ask oneself
- Instead of imitating others, we must take our innovative ways of doing things...
Hard work is just way of attaining happiness and satisfaction
- We must explore our potentials through consistent hard work...
- When we produce results with quality, we get enormous satisfaction in our mind...
- If we work harder than others, the results will surely be visible in the long run...
- We should not compare ourselves with others, as comparing creates disharmony and discontentment...
- We should be our own unique selves...
- We must try hard to be our own bosses...
- Our lives should be surrounded by hard work, hobbies, family happiness and social contributions...
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Evolving as a better and stronger person everyday...
- It is a great challenge to change ourselves for the better...
- We have great resistance to 'change'. We get habituated to usual things.
- We hardly innovate and think 'out of box' things that could revolutionize our lifestyle, creativity, innovation, success, prosperity, peace and happiness of the present life...
- Yes, we should everyday and rediscover ourselves as better and stronger persons with respect...
- Just like, in my case, I improved a lot both physically and mentally and spiritually through implementation of breathing exercise...
- The standard formula for breathing exercise is inhalation, retention and exhalation should be in the ratio of 1:4:2. There could be slight variations as per the individual needs and guidance of an expert....
- Our mental burden is greatly reduced by doing breathing exercises...
- We normally worry a lot without doing enough work on what worries us...Worry dissipates a lot of vital energy and make us exhausted. Hence, stop worrying. Be a karma-yogi from today and enjoy the blessing of the Almighty...
- Pranayam changes us mentally and our perception of the outer world changes such that we attain a state of mental quietness and stability....
- Mental peace can imrove our efficiency and effectiveness as a person and as a professional at the work place.....
- Mind is the man...
- Thinking is the man...
- You are what you think you are...
- Hence, try hard to build a better self-image everyday and attain self-confidence about what ideas and actions you would implementing today at the grass root level...
- We should try hard to be grass-root level worker in daily life so that we improve spiritually and attain a good feeling and satisfaction within our own selves....
- Happiness lies in the inner state of mind and hence we should continuously cleanse the inner mind of the great mental garbage of the so-called fast-paced living styles of the modern times...
- We should first cleanse the electronic and communication technology garbage so that we could look inward to establish peace, happiness and harmony in our inner world....
- So-called modern lifestyle is full of garbage and perversion. Hence, it is advised that we should remain lonely for certain duration of the day's time , free from all kinds of modern communication tools and devices to seek peace within...
Foundation of a good society
- Freedom and liberty
- Ethics in all spheres of life and activity...
- Justice
- Freedom of expression
- Fearless people
- Good governance
- Transparency in administration and justice for the common people...
- Protection of natural environment and love for nature...
- Less mechanistic lifestyle...
- Love for literature and art of various forms...
- Promotion of yoga, pranayam and meditation as ways of living
- Harmony and peace among all its people
- Love , respect and compassion for one and all
Friday, March 17, 2017
Pillars of a courageous living
- Be cool and relaxed in all situations
- Listen more and talk as less as possible...
- Be courageous to ask pertinent questions...
- Think-decide-act cycle should be followed religiously...
- Innovate-innovate-innovate on each day...
- Make innovations a part and parcel of daily life...
- Love people to be loved by them...
- Respect people....
- Learn from others...
- Control yourself by applying will power of the inner self...
- Be sweet and bold...
- Forget the past and live in the present...
- Keep hopes alive...
- Think big and act now...
- Yes, winning can be made a habit and an attitude towards life...
Ability to ask questions...
- 'Ability to ask fundamental question' is a great personal quality of an individual...
- We hardly ask good questions to ourselves and find answers to them logically...
- "Who am I " is the most fundamental question. This should be asked regularly during meditation....
- Am I fit and stout and hardy enough to withstand the hurdles of a modern life ?
- Am I communicating well with others ?
- Am I learning continuously?
- Do I keep things pending for a long time?
- Do I manage things well?
- Do I have a pleasant personality ?
- Do I enjoy sense of humor?
- Do I do physical exercises regularly?
- Do I manage my finance well ?
- Do I enjoy rest and relaxation ?
- Do I meditate ?
Meditation is a great healer....
- It is a great idea to be trained in meditation, meditation is the cure for many ills of life...
- Meditation relaxes our internal organs and hence revitalizes the body and mind in many ways...
- Our mental burden gets reduced through regular practice of meditation....
- Meditation on GOD takes us to newer heights of enlightenment and hence it is essential for spiritual living of anybody....
- We are basically souls with desires. And desires are at the root of all our sufferings.
- We suffer because of our unfulfilled desires....
- A person with least desires is always a divine personality for others and he possesses the ability of influencing others strongly...
- Happiest is the person who has least desires, needs and demands from life....
- We should expect least of things from others to live an independent and happier life...
- We must come out of any kind of 'ego' problems and inferiority complexes of any kind...
- Be cool and relaxed in all situations...
- Unburden your mind...
- Meditate on GOD...
- Do your duties well and forget about the whole world....
- Try to improve health parameters...
- Try to build tenacity of purpose and get things done....
- Be the change...
- Change your thinking patterns to do better in the present life...
- Achieve daily targets by managing time and energy....
- Be energetic
- Be enthusiastic
- Inspire others to positive actions
- Do no harm to others...
- Be happy by being honest and integrated....
Thursday, March 16, 2017
I need to educate myself on a continuous basis
- I need to learn newer things everyday to move forward in life...
- I need to improve mental fitness by solving puzzles, brain-teasers and by playing chess regularly
- Chess-playing has been my most favorite pastimes in long past of my life....
- To pass time creatively and to improve brain power and concentration, Chess is a great game...
- Life is also a chess, where each move affects us either positively or negatively...
- I need to improve my will power to eliminate bad habits and material addictions of various...
- Through long struggle of life, I got certain vital lessons and these lessons should now be applied in practice...
- Lack of progress and prosperity in life are the resultant effect of personal laziness, lethargy and procrastination only...
- I am to blame myself solely for all my failures...
- Putting blame on others for my failures is a personal crime, as I did things on the basis of my intrinsic whims and wishes...
- I have lived and enjoyed my life and hence it is the prime time for giving back to family members and the society at large in planned manner...
- 'Giving back' is a matter of great pleasure and satisfaction...
- Material enjoyments are so temporary and hence frustrating...
- Spiritual living and daily prayers are doing excellently to me personally...
- I am now trying to live life with detachment, disinterestedness and devotion toward the Lotus Feet of GOD....
- Mix your life with soothing spirituality and re-discover yourself daily with newer identity and realizations of Truth, Reality and GOD...
Topics of concern for my students of Ethics
- Effects of rapid technological growth on society, culture, economy, ecology
- Value-crisis in the contemporary Indian Society
- The club of Rome and 'the limits to growth'
- Environmental ethics
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
- Energy crisis & uses of renewable energy sources
- Fighting Environmental pollution and degradation...
Philosophy of 'here and now'...
- LIVING IN THE PRESENT principle will make more practical-oriented
- Being practical is very important for each one of us....
- We are what we are. We must admit. We live in harsh realities of a mortal world and its practical transactions and phenomenon...
- We react with our physical circumstances on a continuous basis and we are bound to react to changing circumstances...
- Our actions and reactions heavily depend on our unique perceptions and our level of enlightenment...
- Knowledge enlightens us slowly but steadily
- True knowledge originates from deeply spiritual living only, as material knowledge and living have inherent limitations of transitory nature...
- Nothing can give us permanent happiness, except LOVE for GOD and His Creations...
- Living with Nature is hence very vital in being truly happy and peaceful...
- Live naturally...
- Get rid of technological complexity and entanglements of various types....
- Live a simple life
- Be humble
- Be straight-forward...
- Enjoy beauties...
- Live under natural environment, as far as possible...
- Love one and all...
- Laugh a lot...
- Have fun...
- Meditate on GOD...
- Cleanse the mind of rotten material garbage...
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Philosophical foundation of good living
- Honesty should be upheld and integrity must be maintained....
- We should think of the common good and public welfare to be happy and peaceful
- Value-based education is essential for the modern society....
- We should do our duties well...
- We should live life with our ideas, ideals and ideologies...
- We should not do any harm to others....
- We must be able to appreciate beauties of nature and existence and we should take time to do that...
- We should think deeply and constructively to solve the present problems of life and living...
- We must try to know ourselves, realize ourselves, and develop our own philosophy of life
- The art of living should take care of the following elements of a good life:
- working for better health and fitness
- managing time well
- managing human connectivity and relationships for happiness, peace, liberty and expression of human aspirations
- managing personal finance well and not falling into debt trap....
- maintaining discipline in personal life...
- giving back to society in terms of social welfare and benefits....
- taking care of family members and issues....
- meditating on GOD, whenever we are free and relaxed...
- Selfless service to society to the best of our abilities for happiness and satisfaction....
Importance of our will force
- Takes us forward in life...
- Yes, we can progress, and grow , if we believe in ourselves
- Faith in self matters a lot...
- Lastly, we must be very disciplined in whatever we do...
- We must remain honest throughout our lifetime...
Basic structure of professionalism
- Specialized knowledge and skills
- Timely service...
- Dependability
- Trustworthiness
- Responsibility
- Accountability
- Honest Economic considerations for any service/material transaction
- Courteousness
- Respect for self and others....
- Autonomy in decision-making...
- Confidentiality
Foundation of peace, liberty and happiness
- Honesty
- Straight-forwardness
- Integrity
- Maintenance of personal information and secrets to one's own self...
- Understanding politics and diplomacy in society and at work place...
- Keeping away from bad elements in the society...
- Keeping away from any type of addiction...
- Keeping good health by taking regular physical exercise...
- Upholding self-respect
- Earning money through honest means and hard work....
- Strict discipline at the personal level...
- Developing specialized skills and competence in any professional area...
- Putting one's best efforts in whatever is to be done...
- Being bold and courageous in decision-making...
- Developing creative thinking for higher successes in life...
- Filtering out garbage from the mind...
- Doing daily meditation for personal peace....
- Yoga for physical wellness and mental peace...
- Breathing exercises for curing physical illnesses...
- Having balanced diet....
- Drinking enough water....
- Having a good night's sleep...
- Never bluffing others...
- Not seeking any short cut to success and prosperity....
- Be immersed in hard work...
- Enjoying the grand beauties of nature on a daily basis...
- Respect for self and others....
- Being my own boss...
- No free consultancy services for anyone...
Giving my best efforts on whatever I do...
- I think I have yet to give my best efforts in teaching learning process...
- Laziness is at the root of all my weaknesses as a professional...
- I must overcome laziness and do things in time...
- I must set priority of jobs at hand....
- Priority based work will relieve burdens of many types...
- I should implement the principle of ONE JOB AT A TIME...
- I must implement the principle of DO IT NOW...
- For each of my job, I need to plan things better...
- I must make myself more practice-oriented...
- Practical common sense should be used in each of my activities...
- I must instill more creativity in what I have to do, as a teacher....
- I should instill more professionalism at my work place...
- I should manage time well...
- I must use my inherent sense of humor to remain happy....
- I should try hard to use my inner talents in whatever I do....
- Basic foundation of a happy life consists of love, laughter, passion for professional actions, hard work, hobbies, and good health
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
"Survival of the fittest' is really a hard reality of life...
- We can survive hurdles and struggles of life, if we are fit both physically and mentally...
- Let us not escape from hard realities of life and living...
- Let us face tough times and learn hard lessons of Truth, Reality and GOD
- The weaker ones have little hopes in terms of success, prosperity
- But happiness has no boundary and the same can be enjoyed by anybody, if he or she has right kind of attitude & mental concentration....
- Success is altogether a different matter in life. It depends on consistent hard work and good luck.
- Are are consistent and persistent in our endeavors? This is a big question for everybody.
- Many times, we get deviated from the right path and hence can not reach our coveted goals...
- Hence, it would be wise for us to stick to our set goals...
- Are we actually giving our best ? This is an eternal question for each one of us.
- Are we dedicated to what we are supposed to do ?
- Do we blame others for our failures in achieving great things in life ?
- Have we imposed enough discipline in our personal lives ?
- Are we sincerely working on our fitness?
- Are we feeling inner strength in both body and mind ?
- Each day, we should try to have SWOT analysis so as to be able to improve ourselves ?
'Never stop learning' is a great philosophy of living...
- We should seek knowledge and enlightenment in what we are bound to do in daily lives...
- Each moment should be spent on great thinking and creative ideas....
- We may live a simple life, but we must have great ideas...
- We should open up our mental windows and absorb knowledge and wisdom from various corners...
- We can beat monotony and boredom by applying creative thinking in various fields of activities....
- Through reading of good books, we can direct our thinking to more creative activities....
- We should explore our inner potential to the greatest extent possible...
- For becoming 'what we wish to be', we need to work harder with tenacity and purpose....
- We shall be rejected by many people, but we must apply the principle of 'try again and again'....
- Yes, there is no place for frustration in life...
- Each day should be started with renewed enthusiasm and newer hopes...
- We can only work harder and forget everything else to be happy, at the end of each day...
- Too much of thinking will lead to 'madness'...and hence, to avoid excessive thinking....
- Be logical and practical....
- Be the change...
- Walk the talk...
- Be happy, anyway....
My bitter experience with medical profession....
- Most of the private sector physicians and surgeons have become scoundrels, in terms of exploitation of the helpless patients...
- They are mostly over-professionals...
- Money-sucking is the sole aim in the lives of doctors...
- Pharmacy companies are basically spoiling our doctors...
- Medical profession is nowadays running on frauds on the common people....
- Private hospitals extort money through over-billing, over-charging in various manners...
- It is very difficult to have faith on the private doctors to whom a patient is just a case of earning huge amount of money through illegal and unethical means...
- Hence, it is best for everyone to learn basic medical systems on their own...
- It is very good to learn about nature-cure systems, auto-urine therapy, homeopathy, biochemic etc so that we can keep away from so-called specialist doctors...
- We should take special care of our health factors so that we do not fall ill chronically...
- Illness is associated with huge cost, fraud by doctors, cheating by pharmacy companies....
- Hence, we all should be master of nature-cure systems and other alternative remedies so that our hard-earned money is not snatched away by so-called specialist doctors and private hospitals...
We are in a constant process of change...
- Time is the only independent variable in our mundane life....
- With time, changes take place automatically in our attitudes, outlook, thinking, desires, and art of living a life...
- As we are in a constant process of variety of changes, we must admit the same and hence take such actions that would improve our behaviors, attitudes and health parameters positively...
- Negative changes should be fought against so that we maintain a good level of health and happiness, as far as possible...
- The biggest factor in living a life is health...
- Without good health, we can not feel the blessings of GOD in our daily lives...
- Hence, we should try to devote about two hours of a day for health-improvement activities....
- Rest of the 24 hours i.e. 22 hours should divided tactfully in terms of work place duties, family duties, social interactions and rest & relaxation, in right proportions...
- Hobbies, health, hard work, and a balanced family life are the true foundations of a good life on the earth.....
- Mostly, we should talk straight to avoid various complications...
- We should try hard to do our duties well...
- We should preserve our uniqueness
- We should try to be our own bosses, by working hard independently...
- We should earn a good reputation for ourselves and our professional activities...
- We should try to be bold and courageous in most situations by being honest and truthful...
- We should maintain integrity for our own happiness and satisfaction and peace...
- Spirituality living will give us a special kind of fearlessness....
- Lastly, we should try hard to be at peace with our own selves...
Monday, March 13, 2017
Hard work and hopes hardly fail us...
- We learn a lot of things from our hard work...
- We may commit mistakes and blunders , while pursuing our hard work
- We get great lessons from our mistakes and blunders, and in the process, we get enlightened and enriched in many ways...
- Last week, I have attended one Faculty Development Program, from which I could learn a lot of things...
- I came to learn that pursuing research in any field should be an attitude and passion and a way of living life...
- Research also requires intrinsic motivation to pursue the same with devotion and dedication...
- I have some finest speakers who are truly masters in their field...
- It takes a lot of hard work, passion, attitude, motivation and dedication to be a good speaker...
- Everybody can not become good or great speakers...
- It requires a lot of self-training and hard work to emerge as a great speakers or great teachers....
- Teachers are basically born...
- Great scholarship does not ensure making of a good teacher...
- A teacher has to identify himself or herself with the students of variety of IQs and EQs...
- A teacher is basically a dedicated soul in the ocean of knowledge, skills and attitudes...
- Teaching needs a lot of patience, hard work and dedication to charm the students with right kind of theoretical and practical knowledge...
- If passion for knowledge becomes our profession, we shall surely emerge as big entity in a particular field...
- Hence, we should keep our hopes alive to make a difference to the lives of others in the society...
- Life is hopes kept alive and nurtured...
- Live a life full
- Laugh a lot...
- Acquire knowledge and apply them in practice...
- Knowledge without practice is hence rubbish...
Building core skills for success and prosperity
- One must build certain strong personal skills and knowledge to survive in this competitive world
- The world is full of competitions from various corners...
- The competition is so stiff too...
- To survive, we need hard core skills, courage and realistic actions in the field...
- We should broaden our minds and attitudes that would make us suitable for tough jobs
- We should be tough and strong-both physically and mentally, to move ahead and bring success and prosperity to our personal lives...
- There is hardly any place for the weaker ones in any society...
- The weaker ones are compelled to lead sub-human and sub-standard lives in most of the societies of the world...
- Hence, our goal should be to acquire knowledge-skills-attitudes(KSA) such that we excel in any competitive circumstances...
- For attaining higher successes in life, we need two most important human qualities: COURAGE AND CONFIDENCE
- Being frustrated means inviting failures and negative thinking to personal life and making family life a hell...
- We need will power to keep the fight on for achieving excellence and perfection in what we do...
Friday, March 10, 2017
Continuous learning makes life enriched and enlightened
- If we love learning newer things,we keep ourselves younger...
- If we search for knowledge, we derive immense pleasure in the process...
- Love for knowledge makes life better in many ways
- Knowledge should drive our body,mind,soul
- Action based on knowledge has enormous socioeconomic benefits, as we set good examples for others to follow
- Hence immerse you in knowledge driven application, actions to be a satisfied man at the end of the day
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Struggle for a better life...
- We should be mentally prepared for fighting for a better life.
- Nothing is free in this world. We need to earn things by our hard work, sincerity, devotion and steadfastness...
- There should be no room for frustration and negative thinking. We only need the attitudes to improve ourselves in relevant field...
- We should not dance at the tune of others. We only should follow our hearts and inner conscience.
- In between phases of hard work, we must take rest and relax for certain duration so that our inner life-battery get re-energized for further hard work....
- Negative thinking produces harmful chemical in the body and can make us ill. Hence we should be in the company of positive, vibrant and dynamic people with progressive attitudes to life and philosophy...
- We should try to keep faith in ourselves and in our abilities to do well in life...
- Life is not a 100 meter race, it is a marathon. Hence to remain cool, calm and confident in trying times...
- Tough times demand toughness in our own selves....
- We should be tough....
- We should be sweet at the same time...
- A good and genuine smile solves many problems of life....
Discipline leads to peace, harmony and happiness...
- Undisciplined lifestyle leads to chaos, tension, and bad experiences...
- Hence, we should be as disciplined as possible to be happy...
- Happiness is felt deeply through mental peace and emotional stability...
- For mental peace, we should certainly do meditation for certain duration of the day...
- We need to be cool, calm, composed, confident and courageous to be successful and prosperous in life..
- And, success is truly a relative concept, as it has infinite variety and flavors and taste in life...
- One can not be successful in each and every domain of activity.
- But surely, one should be excellent in certain fields of activity for being to able to earn one's livelihood
- I remember one book titled similar to SUCCESS IS NEVER-ENDING, FAILURE IS NEVER FINAL....
- We are all moving slowly on the unending ladder of success and prosperity....
- Through consistent hard work and disciplined activities, we go on achieving successes of many kinds and move ahead for newer successes...
- Life is also a great learning experience and hence we should learn to learn newer things and enrich ourselves with newer experiences of Truth, Reality and God....
- We should also take time to enjoy beauties of nature , in various forms, to feel happiness and peace...
- We should fill our lives with devotional spirituality, to remain connected to GOD and His Grand Blessings
- We are what we are, by GOD's Grace only...
- We should try to serve GOD through our services to people and society...
Monday, March 6, 2017
Will power management is extremely vital for everyone...
- Our performance on any job highly depends upon our mental tenacity, determination and mental capacity for delivering the goods with quality, high impact and effectiveness...
- We need enormous will power to excel in any professional venture....
- We must set higher standards for performance so that we perform better on each passing day...
- We should try hard to excel...
- We should try hard to follow good qualities in others in the same profession...
- We should do our home work well...
- We should manage our available time well...
- We should be positive, energetic and enthusiastic in what we are required to do...
- Professional excellence is the culmination of consistent and persistent hard work with positive attitudes and selfless service...
- We should get rid of ego and psychological complexes for evolving as an excellent professional and a good human being...
"Nothing is free"----principles and practices
- Nothing is free in this except GOD's Blessings...
- We need to earn everything....
- We need to work hard to sustain our living...
- We need to perfect our ways of doing things...
- We need to communicate well...
- We must maintain good health...
- We should not stop learning to grow and develop...
- We should think big to achieve big things in life...
- Thinking matters a lot..
- Courage matters a lot...
- Confidence matters a lot...
- Finally, we should live a life with smiling face...
Home work and hard work are foundations of top performance...
- Many times, we become lazy and do not work hard. This laziness is the root of all our ills.
- We should plan, decide and act on important things of our present life...
- The harder we work, the more relaxed we become about our future actions and performance...
- One of my friend Mr.P Ray says that he engaged in hard work only to keep him mentally fit and physically strong, and he has been quite successful in life till now...
- We should also value time and money to be really successful and prosperous in life...
- Also, discipline is a key factor
- At the physical level, we should be only punctual-sincere-dedicated(PSD)...
To do better in life, we need some basic qualities...
- Courage is the first and foremost thing in life...
- With courage and self-confidence, we can not move forward in life...
- Lack of self-confidence lies in our ignorance...
- Lack of knowledge results into lack of clarity in any matter...
- Lack of clarity results into all kinds of confusion and chaos in life...
- A person attains serenity of the mind through continuous knowledge-building and uplift of our basic self-confidence and self-respect....
- Excellence in performance depends upon our hard work , passion and enthusiasm on the particular job...
- Without passion, we can never achieve excellence in what we do...
- What we achieve through our consistent and persistent hard work, results in happiness and satisfaction...
- Hence, we should systematize our thinking and do organized hard to produce good results in day-to-day life...
- Finally, we can only work hard with certain noble purposes and we must deliver the goods with both detachment and selflessness to be happy and satisfied, at the end of each day..
- It is then best to live one day at a time so that we are not so stuck up with the past and the future....
- LIVING IN THE PRESENT will give us tremendous benefits in terms of productivity, efficiency and effectiveness of our personality...
Saturday, March 4, 2017
Joy of living a life...
- Choose things carefully
- Seek a balanced and regulated lifestyle...
- Mediate at least half an hour to realize yourself in many dimensions of life and existence...
- Attach highest importance to character-building through various social means and connectivity...
- All work , no play makes Jack a dull: old saying goes....
- Put your best efforts to learn almost something of everything and everything of something to earn a decent living...
- Be honest, as honesty if the best policy ever...
- Bring transparency to personal living..
- Eliminate garbage of the mental process, to be deeply connected to GOD...
- Say your prayers..
- Enjoy beauties of the Grand creations of GOD, on a daily basis....
- Lead and inspire people to higher levels of Truth, Reality and GOD to derive soothing satisfaction in your personal life...
Friday, March 3, 2017
Everyday is a new day....
- Each day has its own uniqueness and hence should be handled with systematic mental preparation...
- Many times, I lose focus on how well I should deliver the goods in professional situations...
- Hence, I must take enough mental preparation before I actually perform...
- Mental preparation is more important than physical organization, as mental preparedness will drive all our physical actions at the field...
- Mind is the man, as the actual man is just the reflection of his mental activities...
- Thinking is the man...
- All actions has beginning in the mind....
- More organized the thinking process, more effective is action on the ground...
- To be personally effective, we need to do a lot of home work and hard work...
- Life is a series of mistakes from which learn and get enriched....
- We must be hardy enough to withstand various kinds of criticism from around us....
Thursday, March 2, 2017
Keep it short, simple, stupid...(KISSS) technique
- KISSS is a wonderful techniques at the very personal level....
- All types of professionalism must start with KISSS...
- We save a lot of time and energy by adopting KISSS....
Hard work really pays...
- To do well in life, we need to invest our hard and patience to what we like and love sincerely...
- We must love our professional work to be happy at the end of the day....
- To achieve personal excellence , we need persistent and consistent efforts to build our knowledge-skills-abilities-attitudes(KSAA) in the specialized domain of our profession....
- We must learn from our past experience...
- We must learn from others...
- We must apply our common sense, as common sense is the most uncommon quality in the whole world...
- 'Never stop learning' should be core principle for all of us....
- In the recent past, I started learning of how to teach humanities papers and how to keep my audience spell-bound....
- Teaching of humanities and arts papers are quite challenging and difficult for anybody...
The highest state of being and doing..
- Unconditional love for GOD and His Grand Creations...
- Detachment and selflessness....
- Enchanting of the Holy Names of GOD
- Working hard with detachment...
- Keeping commitments...
- Saying NO to dirty affairs of life and existence...
- To live with GOD
- To live with personal ideals, ideologies
- Doing no harm to none...
- Being happy at the end of the day...
- Getting things done at the end of the day..
- To love one and all...
- To be choosy about human networking...
- To live a courageous life...
- To beat mediocrity and achieve excellence...
- To be slow but steady with all ideas and ideologies...
- To be honest
- To talk only the essentials...
- To eliminate dirt, garbage and rubbish from mental processes...
- To keep mind free from anxiety, worries
- To integrate, summarize and act accordingly to be cool, clam and happy
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