
Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Management tactics:a short review

  • Chanakya had been one of the greatest masters of Management in India

  • Chanakya taught  us diplomacy, politics and economics to the world

  • In-depth knowledge of human psychology is a must for becoming a good manager

  • He taught us to fight against ill-health, injustice, and personal weaknesses 

  • Chanakya is an embodiment of great courage, personal scholarship and managing administration

  • Without politics and diplomacy, we can not live in a so-called society

  • We should choose friends with deepest personal, political and diplomatic considerations only

  • We should fight against enemies  till the last

  • Self-knowledge and self-confidence are  the greatest assets in one's life

  • A good administrator is who has in great knowledge about good and bad things in life and who has the capability of leading people with priority-based assignments

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