I am speaking about politics in a professional field. Personal rivalry and jealousy are the causes behind all kinds of back-biting and dirty politics. We can not avoid such situations, as human beings are full of basic desires for ego-satisfaction, money, promotion and power.
In a profession, none can ever be my friend, as the desires for sadistic pleasures are still an integral component of life. Human consciousness has not yet reached a level in which humanity and compassion will be the yardstick of our civilization. Brutality is still reigning high in social life...
We can not avoid politics. There are cunning and shrew people all around. There are liars all around. None speaks the truth. No one fights for truth. But there are exceptions. The best way to fight politics is doing politics in 'silent' mode. We must also have guts and muscle power to face the challenges of dirty politics. People will never stop finding faults with me or you. We must face the situation with courage and honesty. If we are strong enough, we can survive. Otherwise we shall have to quit. People will laugh at us...Shall will not feel bad ?
Being good human being is not enough...
We should also be finest and shrewdest politicians only to survive...
We should do politics, without revealing that we are also deeply soaked in politics...
No one is perfectly idiot. And an idiot can do greatest harm to us, we must remember...
Behind all our actions, we must have a deep sense of gratitude to God, as His Compassion and Bliss made us whatever we are today. We must also accept the fact that God puts us under good and bad times almost periodically.
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