
Saturday, June 20, 2009

To survive in an unhealthy working place, we need to be tough in all manners

In today's world, working place is full of variety of characters. Most of the characters can not be trusted, as they lack basic integrity. They can not be trusted, because they are basically selfish in nature.

The only thing I need to have is toughness of the body and mind, as withstanding such mental pressure is not an easy task.

Whenever the going gets tough, we should become tougher and tougher...

I was very sick of the spine-less officials around me. Now I am habituated. But the fight goes on, as I have to survive and I have to feel happy almost all the time. I feel bad only people betray me and when spine-less idiots are stamped as intelligent by the super-chamchas and super-agents(dalal) in our so-called modern and civilized society...

Many people feel the same thing, but they are helpless as I am.

But my personal fight against spinelessness will go on.

God bless...

Friday, June 19, 2009

Having a strong personality...

A WEAK PERSONALITY WILL BE TRANSFORMED INTO A STRONG ONE , if the following principles are followed religiously:

1. Physical fitness and a hardy physical constitution are essential components of a strong personality

2. Mental alertness, good and effective speaking ability, creativity and innovation, ability of trouble-shooting, power of imagination, abstract thinking, a clear vision of the future, a clear knowledge-base in one's own domain of activities, vast general knowledge and a strong human network can do the miracle of being a strong person...

3. Ability of influencing others through meaning actions and clear & straight-forward speaking...

4. Personal Moral Courage and Power of taking vital decisions and actions which at times may be revolutionary

5. The ability to fight injustice, corruption at any level, at any time and at any place

Keeping personal commitments shows our real character...

To be a completely happy man we need to take the following things seriously:

1.we must take responsibility of what we do,
2.we must keep our commitments to others,
3.we must speak only in a measured way,
4.we must try to improve ourselves continuously,
5.we must not stop learning from others and from recent developments,
6.God is everything,everything else is simply meaningless, I feel. Hence Constant Remembrance of God(CRG) should be the only aim of our material lives, as we live each moment under the Grace of God.
7. 'Life is God, God life' I try to say to myself. Without complete surrendering to God, we rarely understand the Grand Nature of Compassion of God.
8. Future is unknown, hence fear of the future unknowns destroys our present. If we live our present with total honesty,outspokenness, diplomacy , sense of humor, politics , devoted work and selflessness for the sake of happiness of others, we need not fear anything. We must refine ourselves through selfless actions till we achieve complete serenity, peace and tranquility of the mind.
After attaining tranquility of the mind, we shall be able to realize the nothingness of material possessions.
We shall live the life of a hermit and we shall work with total selflessness.
9.we should also keep in mind that our words are more dangerous than we think they are. We should speak only to solve big problems, to help people in distress, only to ventilate our diplomatic opinions and to express our concern and selfless love for others.

To enjoy all these above-said benefits, we should know how to be FEARLESS TO THE CORE.
The key to Fearless & Courageous Living(FCL) is FACING REALITY WITH A STRONG PERSONALITY.

1.holding on to complete personal honesty
2.clear knowledge-base about anything in which we are connected directly or indirectly
3.a refined and polished Communication Skills or Soft Skills

Outspokenness is the expression of the honests only

Outspokenness is generally viewed as a dangerous personal quality. It brings with it various troubles about personal relationships.

Most of our relations are based upon falsehood,hypocrisy,flattery,dishonesty and political alignments. Being outspoken also means hurting the ego of others.

I believe in outspokenness. But I think I should mix some twisted sweetness with my outspokenness, as the world has , in general, become a heaven for the scoundrels and the most corrupted.

To be straight-forward is my ideal. I must try hold to my ideal for my personal satisfaction.
I shall be straight-forward to safe-guard my family interests. If I am compelled, I shall be considering taking the path of politics and diplomacy. The path of politics and diplomacy is a zig-zag path in which personal stamina and determination is of paramount importance.

We should also know the art of self-defence.

We must have an excellent human and information network to be able to work efficiently.

We should not have an attitude of a 'yes-man' and chamcha.

God bless...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Keeping engaged in real work is the best medicine for depression...

Depression is the outcome of constant inaction and wasteful thinking for along duration of time. It is most proper to be engaged in meaningful professional and personal actions almost all the time. The daily action plan (DAP) should be stuck to religiously so that we shall get no time to waste in any manner. Life is action. When we get detached from actions for a long time, and get entrapped in 'contemplation', a time of frustartion and depression will come to our lives. The waste of time will come back to us as a poison. LIVING IN THE PRESENT(LIP) is therefore the best option before us. If we use the present moment properly in a meaningful manner, our future moments will be taken care of automatically.
Through meaningful actions for the self,family and society, we can purify our thoughts, actions and words on a continuous basis.
Self-purification with selflessless in everything can make happy.
Hence the core principle of living for me is : LIFE IS ACTION AND LIVING IN THE PRESENT

God bless...

Friday, June 12, 2009

Self-reliance is the greatest cure for lethargy

Self-reliance compels us to do many jobs in a day... Lethargy will slowly vanish, we truly depend on ourselves. Dependence on others is great killer of valuable time. The more self-reliant we are, the more happiness in our lives, because we are deliberately minimizing human-interventions in our personal lives.

I also want to self-contented life which is almost detached from human interference. I want to live a life full of 'self'-based actions, believing that within my 'self' lies the Ultimate Reality of the Universe i.e. God.

I have initiated the following projects:


Thursday, June 11, 2009

A life without prejudice, bias and malice towards anyone...

We can achieve true peace in life, only when we are free from the above-said vices of life...Selflessness in everything can bring about a radical change in our behaviors. God-dependence can help us in the matter...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Speak with the energy of a lion , whenever needed...

For a long time, I was talking about maintaining silence and peace...Now I will speak something very special about the art of speaking.

Effective speaking needs:


and passion for doing better in whatever we speak for...

It needs a lot of practice and practical experience...
It sometimes requires special training...

The prerequisite for effective speaking is 'enthusiasm'...

Monday, June 8, 2009

Being in 'silent' mode cures many problems of life...

Silence with self-dignity and self-respect can do miracles for our personalities. The best way to fight provocation of any kind is to remain silent...

Politics is dirty, but we do not have much option...

I am speaking about politics in a professional field. Personal rivalry and jealousy are the causes behind all kinds of back-biting and dirty politics. We can not avoid such situations, as human beings are full of basic desires for ego-satisfaction, money, promotion and power.
In a profession, none can ever be my friend, as the desires for sadistic pleasures are still an integral component of life. Human consciousness has not yet reached a level in which humanity and compassion will be the yardstick of our civilization. Brutality is still reigning high in social life...

We can not avoid politics. There are cunning and shrew people all around. There are liars all around. None speaks the truth. No one fights for truth. But there are exceptions. The best way to fight politics is doing politics in 'silent' mode. We must also have guts and muscle power to face the challenges of dirty politics. People will never stop finding faults with me or you. We must face the situation with courage and honesty. If we are strong enough, we can survive. Otherwise we shall have to quit. People will laugh at us...Shall will not feel bad ?

Being good human being is not enough...

We should also be finest and shrewdest politicians only to survive...
We should do politics, without revealing that we are also deeply soaked in politics...
No one is perfectly idiot. And an idiot can do greatest harm to us, we must remember...

Behind all our actions, we must have a deep sense of gratitude to God, as His Compassion and Bliss made us whatever we are today. We must also accept the fact that God puts us under good and bad times almost periodically.

Poor health destroys creativity and innovation

I have experienced the fact long back. But my casual approach towards health made me suffer the worst kind of break-down of health in recent times. I am now recovered to a great extent. I have been punished by God for being irregular about yogic exercise for quite sometime. I must be harsh to myself about doing yoga regularly. I must not deviate from the path of yoga at any time in the future.

I must be cautious about taking food. I now want light food max. twice a day.

I should also reduce my workload(max13 hours day) to keep fit.

When I lose my creativity, due to illness, I feel as if I have died. From onwards I want to live the life of a lion. I must regain the vigour,vitality and energy of my earlier life...

I want to be 'outspoken' but 'sweet' at the same time. To be outspoken I need to be honest to the core... I think honesty and outspokenness would be my biggest personal assets for the rest of my life...