I believe that all actions and reactions and interactions happen at the supreme will of God. Many of us may not believe such a thing. God created the universes and in creation lies the supreme pleasure. God is ever-happy. The pleasure and the pain we suffer from are the resultant actions of ours in our past and present lives. God lies invisibly in our hearts in the most delicate form and he watches everything to judge how much deviated we are from the feelings of our hearts. Our conscience tells about what is good and what is bad. These ethical values are the gifts of God.Whenever we go against the ethical values, God punishes us in His unique ways.The punishment can be in any form. The punishment can be in the form making us dirty rich, by taking away our mental peace, making us sleepless,making us suffer from ailments, deviating us from the path of devotion or Bhakti etc. etc. Hence to fulfill our will to remain happy and peaceful, we must follow our inner conscience and our hearts instead of using our brain only. Heart should rule the brain. Human survival solely depends upon the will of the God. Being physically fit is not enough to ensure our happiness,peace and survival. All these realizations are based on intuitive wisdom based on Meditative Living. Meditation and yoga with Spiritual Devotion can help us in the process of enlightenment of our souls.
Through Constant Remembrance of God(CRG), we live a better life. God is infinitely compassionate to His devotees. Excess of money and constantly running after it will make our lives hell. But who realizes such truths ? Everyone is of the feeling that money will solve their problems,give them comfort and pleasure. But in the world of Lord Krishna, the only wealth we should have is devotion(Bhakti) with infinite humility and complete surrendering to the Will of Him and detached work fro the sake of living devotees of Him.
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