
Monday, March 9, 2009

The power of concentration of mind...

To feel the power of concentration we must try it in our own lives. Focusing the mind on a particular job improves the efficiency. It certainly is a meditative experience. Meditating and doing a job is a new experience for many. If we focus our mind on a mssion of life, and make it our life and blood,success is bound to come. Material success is not the only criterion for being happy. Excess of money and wealth can bring with it a lot of other problems. The feeling of happiness is a unique way of responding to the outcomes of our selfless work and actions. Selflessness is the greatest religion in human life. Once we are selfless, God takes care of us. When we are in the intensive care of the Supreme Lord, we are bound to be happy. God is compassionate and kind to his creations. This compassion can not felt by everyone, untill he or she surrenders himself or herself to Him. Unconditional Surrendering to God(USG) is the path of Devotion or Bhakti. We get more and more enlightened through the path of Bhakti and Karma. Karma or action can not stop. If we introduce selflessness to our Karma or Actions, we dedicate the fruits of all our actions to God only. Karma-Bhakti,the integrated yoga, can bring us true pleasure and happiness, because we are of relieved of selfishness and in the process we get purified in consciousness. More the consciousness, more is the feeling of happiness and peace. To understand life properly, sometimes I meditate on my own death and acceptance of death relieves me of much of materialistic thinking. The ultimate Reality to me is that we are immerged in the infinite ocean of the Supreme Consciousness or God and everything that we feel and think is just a smallest fraction of that Infinite Consciousness. We think ourselves to be the doers of all actions. But all that lies the Golden Hand of The Supreme Lord. We are part of his creations and He wants us to His beloved children who will devote all their actions and thoughts for Him. Hence we should lead a God-dependent humble life by concentrating ourselves on selfless and honest actions. There lies true happiness. There lies peace. Joy lies in giving, not in taking and consuming. We are born to selfless, as none of our possessions are truly ours. We have to leave behind all wealth and money at our last breath. The concentration of money in a few hands will lead to social anarchy and spiritual progress of the people will be jeopardised...

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