- yes, it is possible to transform our body, mind and attitudes to do great things...
- age is not a constraint, if we keep ourselves fit, healthy and energetic...
- we should work regularly on fitness...
- we should also keep our mind free of variety of psychological complexes...
- we should always be free...
- we must live our own lives by our own rules and principles...
- we should always be our own boss...
- oiling other people will surely degrade self-dignity...
- go for courageous living and be happy at the end of the day...
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Age is not a bar for doing great things in life...
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Building a strong personality is most important in one's life
- weak personalities are greatly exploited by the rich and strong in the society...
- one must be very strong, stout and hard to get you going smoothly in life...
- you cannot really rely on today's people, but there is no option but to keep going with diplomatic considerations of life, society and existence...
- definitely , there will be tough times in life...
- definite , there will be betrayal from the so-called friends and colleagues...
- surely, we shall face tough challenges in the professional field...
- but only tough people only survive...
- only your toughness defines your future...
- hence, we need to be tough to survive and decide for ourselves the course of action for solving tough problems in life...
- through silence, one should take tough decisions and act on the issues which are most urgent and important in your present life...
- life must go on...
- your life should not be left to the whims and idiotic perceptions and actions of others...
- if challenged, one should be able to ignite fire within to burn to ashes the sources of all your problems...
- it is better to seek to know the root of the problem...
- destroy the problem from its roots for ever...
- live a life of respect and dignity...
- be diplomatic and hence uphold your dignity with courage and confidence...
- try to use brain and common sense to receive the best gift of life, society, and Nature....
- try to convert your negative situations into positive ones by applying brain, common sense and high level of tenacity...
- both physical tenacity and mental toughness will lead to real life miracles...
Life is full of many challenges of interpersonal relationships...
- human psychology is so complex , and hence it is quite difficult to deal with 'egos' of different people...
- at every step, we are being challenged by complex psychology of people around us...
- arrogance reign supreme in the lives of majority of the modern people...
- we should be very cautious about talking to people, as each of the spoken is very important...
- we should know what not to speak about...
- we should avoid poisonous people tactfully...
- we must remember tricky issues of diplomacy and politics in and around us...
- we must try hard to avoid conflicts with all kinds of scoundrels we are compelled to meet in life...
Monday, August 28, 2017
It is best to keep patience and maintain diplomatic silence...
- in matters of ego-conflicts, it is wise to keep silence...
- it is best not to comment and hurt the false vanity of others...
- but, when you really open your mouth, only fire should come out to destroy the false ego, vanity and arrogance of others...
- yes, your words can be in the form of great fire and force, when the situation absolutely demands it...
- people nowadays have become very ruthless and cruel, and they least bother about the interest and dignity of others...
- hence, it is sometimes essential to be hard with tough and cruel people ...
- in times of need , we must be able to uphold self-respect and self-dignity by sheer force of naked truths and supreme courage...
- again, it is always better to avoid all kinds of confrontation...
- but, many a time, we are pushed to the wall, and we require to act like a Bruce Lee...
- Initially, we should be mentally be a Bruce Lee and fight should be 'on' at the intellectual level only...
- then, at extreme point, we must only act, as per the conditions of diplomatic and political affairs of life and existence...
- continuously, we should try hard to be a mental Bruce Lee to get things done...
- our will power and planned actions surely lead to our destiny...
- many times, we are the architects of our present and future times, as we can not change our past...
- hence, we should live in the present, and take stock of the situation, and hence decide the course of action today for short, medium and long term futures...
- nothing is impossible...
- our lives should not be left out to be lived at the dictates of others...
- sometimes, we should ignite our inner talents and get things done to gain autonomy, independence and freedom about our own lives...
Yes, it is possible to completely transform the self...
- if there is a will, there is a way....the saying goes
- we must decide about what requires to be done on the self-development...
- write the points of improvement and implement the desired actions in a planned manner...
- set priorities...
- have practical targets for each day...
- achieve the targets f or each day...
- have a feedback for yourself so that you can fine-tune yourself to the changing circumstances...
- life is generally very complex, but an intelligent person will try hard to keep things simple....
- extracting the gist of each matter is hence most vital...
- life is also a continuous process of learning , and each day should a learning experience...
- we should always remain focused on professional matters and personal excellence...
- we should choose people with extreme caution, as wrong people will damage our finest endeavors silently, and slowly...
- we should avoid revealing our personal secrets to others...
- we should always be logical...
- we should have enough listening power...
- listening power is most essential in any profession...
- you could be a highly skilled communicator, but it is your first and foremost duty to listen to others to get know of the motivation of the situations created...
- a good communicator need not be a talkative person...
- 'talkativeness' is a social crime...
- it is hence best to maintain silence over any important issue, as silence will activate our innermost consciousness and hence can do miracles in our present life...
For any teacher, patience is the essential quality...
- life of a teacher is full of enormous complexity...
- one must be an expert in student psychology and educational psychology
- one must have great patience...
- one should be sincere in his or her duties..
- one must be compassionate to the students,about teaching the subject and managing class room...
- class room management is the most vital aspect of teaching...
- another most important quality of any good teacher is the great command over the subject matter...
- a teacher must have very clear concept about the subjects of teaching...
- teaching will give great satisfaction and happiness to any good teacher...
Maintaining a Daily Action Plan(DAP) is of great help...
- many times, we are unmindful or forgetful of many important jobs to be done...
- the best way of effectively using our time and energy is to maintain a DAP-diary so that each point in the diary is taken up for real-life, practical actions...
- practical actions should happen on the ground...
- yes, without action , life itself becomes meaningless and dry...
- our daily life should be filled with planned actions, and certain creative actions may not require any plan...
- 'think, plan and execute' should the highest ideal in our daily life...
- 'living in the present' will certainly create a mental atmosphere of doing thing on the basis of priority and importance...
- while doing our planned activities, we must be able to activate our normal common sense and produce tangible outputs...
- systematically planned actions will surely produce results for our own good...
- cumulative actions of each day will bring us long term success and happiness...
- 'Rome was not built in a day'...the saying goes..
- we should silently and secretly do our work so that jealous elements could not disturb us in our honest endeavors..
- we should also be very cautious about networking with people in the society...
- bad company will certainly do us harm and degrade us...
- to get relieved of the stress, worry, tension and anxiety , we must practice yogic exercises at least for half an hour daily...
- I get great relief from yoga, meditation and spiritual prayers...
Friday, August 25, 2017
Playing chess may improve mental concentration...
- Chess is a great game...
- It's a great game for passing time creatively...
- Chess is a great challenge for anybody and everybody...
- The game keeps you engaged, if you are really serious about the game...
- It is not an easy task to play good chess, as it certainly requires a lot of training...
- Chess is not a game for restless people...
- Only the cool and calm people can play good chess...
- To break monotony and boredom of modern life, we can focus our mind on the game of chess and enjoy good time...
Thursday, August 24, 2017
We should try to improve ourselves on each day...
- introducing innovation in daily life is the biggest achievement of one's whole life...
- we must change ourselves continuously for the better...
- we should try to behave well with one and all...
- we should do our duties well...
- we should talk as less as possible to conserve our internal energies...
- talking consumes a lot of vital energy and hence we should try hard to be an effective communicator, instead of being 'talkative'...
- talkativeness is a social crime...
- myself, as a teacher, should have great patience and should treat my students with compassion and transparency...
- have some practical targets for a day...
- execute your plans with dedication...
- have peace and satisfaction at the end of the day's hard work...
- don't bother what others think and say about you, as you do not have any control on others' mind and perceptual process...
There are many things to be done on professional advancements
- there is no 'full stop' to works to be done..
- we should try hard to keep 'hopes' alive and live a strong life...
- enjoying each job with works relating to professional advancement is the biggest philosophy in my present life...
- I am trying to improve on many fronts...
- I am trying to improve my teaching skills...
- I am also taking time to improve my health parameters...
- I am trying hard to change my attitudes towards academic pursuits...
- I am trying hard to define the domains of my activities...
- I shall take up only specialized assignments only...
- I shall try to act as a specialist only...
- I shall improve my income by working professionally on week ends...
- I shall behave well with one and all...
- I shall control my anger at all times...
- I shall keep patience at all situations...
- I shall up grade my professional skills on a continuous basis...
- I shall listen more, and talk less...
- I shall try to be an effective communicator...
- I shall try to exert myself for getting things done...
- I need to work harder for producing better results for myself and my family...
- I shall avoid preaching things to others...
- I shall never give 'free consultancy' to anybody....
- I shall mostly spend time on my own developmental activities...
Self transformation is a long continuous process...
- one needs to be consistent and regular in self-transformation activities...
- yes, one has to go a long way...
- one should act like a marathon runner, as life is not a 100 metre race...
- think deeply, go deeper and make firm decisions about your short and medium term goals of the present life...
- live in the present...
- be hard core practical...
- build up common sense...
- apply common sense...
- move in steps...
- walk the talk...
- be the change...
- change attitudes about looking at things around you...
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Big Mistakes of my life...
- I tried to acquire knowledge in a large number of subjects...
- I could not focus much on a single special subject...
- I could not pursue one thing for a long time...
- I shifted to many directions and wasted a lot of energy...
- I neglected important issues and did things as per my whims only...
- I could not be harsh with myself on vital issues of career and profession...
- I did not become a careerist in my personal life...
- I had never been a motivated person and a professional...
- I wasted a lot of my hard-earned money...
- I could not save a good amount of money for last 10-15 years...
- I had not been decisive in my personal activities...
- I had been easily convinced by the fools around me...
- I had never been a money-minded person...
- I could not become a hard-core professional in my alternative professional activities...
- I had always been a poor negotiator...
- I used to trust people so easily...
- I could not become tough with tough people...
- I had been soft with people on money matters...
I am now trying seriously about correcting my above-mentioned mistakes and lead a newer life. What really matters is building up of an extraordinary will force and will power to become a stronger person for the rest of my life. I am slowly evolving as a better negotiator in my professional dealings...
Day has come to bring about radical changes and transformation in myself. I am trying to bring about a complete metamorphosis in my inner and outer self...Such secrets will not be shared with the familiar faces, as such interaction will certainly jeopardize my plans.
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
All that glitter are not gold...
- modern lives are mostly founded on 'show-offs' and false vanity of so called successful people...
- the greatest ornament of honesty, integrity and transparency is mostly absent in almost all affairs of life...
- people here tend to become quick rich by any means...
- people are addicted to personal their enjoyments at the disregard for the interest of others..
- there is wide spread sound, air, water and machine-based pollution ....
- life is becoming hell every passing day by the evil effects of pollution...
- sound pollution is disturbing personal peace...
- people nowadays have become very jealous, selfish and totally self-centered...
- hence, it is best to be choosy about networking with various people in the society...
- it is also good to be outspoken at times, as people tend to take you for granted...
- hence, we can try to be sweetly outspoken to poisonous people around us...
- nobody is truly your friend, except yourself...
- everybody is your friend, as you can not live alone...
- preach what you preach...
Monday, August 21, 2017
Empty vessels sound much...
- it is a crude fact that empty vessels sound much...
- in practical life, we find that cheats are mostly dominating in ventilating their selfish ideas...
- people who talk too much are basically liars...
- so called experts in the society exert their illegitimate powers on weaker people only...
- the stronger one is, the better is one ,in handling crisis of blatant discrimination and exploitation in various fields of human activities...
- in life, we are all fighters of the Mahabharat characters...
- to a fighter, upholding the self-dignity at any cost is of paramount importance...
- yes, we are all basically fighters of different types...
- we need to fight against all kinds of illnesses, financial insecurities, bad relationships, social and financial exploitation , discrimination and social injustice...
- to a fighter, what really should matter are truth, justice, ethics and spirituality...
- at the same time, we should do our duties well...
- we should keep commitments, if we made naturally or by compulsions...
- we should never be cheap to others...
- we should maintain professionalism...
- we should behave well with one and all...
- we should try hard to ignite creativity in ourselves to create things explored so far...
- create, create and create, and become immortal through your small or big creations in this life...
- it is best to avoid arguments with so called pseudo-intellectuals...
- create an atmosphere of respect, trust and dignity around yourselves...
Friday, August 11, 2017
A smiling face is a great of source of joy...
- we all have our personal problems...
- even, I say to my students that I can write a big 'handbook of personal problems'...
- similar state is true for most of us...
- the winner is he/she who can give a smiling in troubled times...
- we can share our happiness with others, not sorrows. Sharing sorrows reveals our inner weakness to others and hence that could be dangerous at times..
- sorrows, problems, troubles and sickness teach us the lessons nearer to the Truths...
- a life of material happiness is a waste too, as it hardly teaches the secret lessons of living a life...
- we certainly enrich our minds and hearts by learning...
- hence, we should not stop learning...
- bookish knowledge has its own limitations and therefore we must pay our great attention to the more practical aspects of life and living...
- a learned man will always be 'down to earth' in his or her approach, behaviors and attitudes...
- truly speaking, arrogant people are mostly fools, as they are unable to win the hearts of people....
- 'great words win hearts' should be remembered by all of us...
- if one is at fault, one must say 'sorry' to people concerned...
- relationships build up through human considerations and humanistic actions...
- we should use music and songs daily as a great therapy for our mental healing....
- mental sickness finds cure in music, poems, dance, love, laughter and innocent fun....
- to be mentally fit and sound, we should use our brain regularly...
- we should learn to relax our body and mind regularly...
Talk lest, do best things and hence be happy....
- words are both friends and enemies at the same time. So, talk cautiously....
- spoken words cannot be taken back....
- after doing a lot of meaningful work, you will surely be a satisfied man....
- try to do the right thing at the right time...
- doing right thing with wrong person is a national waste. Please remember...
- be aware of the political developments in and around you so that you could reorganize your strategies in tune with the latest situations...
- feel the deepest feelings of human life and absorb finest human emotions so that all your actions do have a humanistic touch...
- accumulate courage and confidence to do bigger things in life...
- at the same time, be ready for bitter criticism from various quarters of the society....
- people ,in general, are daunted by fears of various types...
- overcoming fear is the biggest challenge of human life and existence...
- I personally tried to overcome fears, for last 30 years, but still I could not be successful...
- But, I am certain that only the strong and the fearless could solve majority of the ills of life, society and existence...
- I know that it is really a tough job to be real-life 'Singham'...
- But one can a source of power by remaining honest in all professional and personal matters....
- Ethics matter in life...
- Spirituality in life will certainly inject 'detachment' in one's life and hence will ensure a happier life...
- Hence, try to read spiritual scriptures to enlighten your present thoughts, actions and ideas....
- God blesses us all, but we hardly realize the fact, as we are mostly of weaker faith and trust in divine intention...
Being a good teacher takes a long time...
- teaching is basically an art, though scientific tools such as educational technology can help us elevate the standard...
- it really takes a long time to be an effective teacher...
- most difficult part of being an effective teacher is complexity involved in class room management...
- teaching can be compared to singing a good song...
- teaching should be made as lucid as possible...
- rapport building with the learners is the next challenging task on the part of a teacher...
- the key idea is to make the subject matter interesting to the learners...
- a teacher must totally impartial to one and all among the learners...
- a teacher should always try hard to inspire the students to work with sincerity and dedication...
- a teacher must have great patience, tolerance and managerial & leadership skills...
- a teacher should behave as a senior friend to all his students...
- teaching should be made as student-centric as possible...
- teacher must be selfless and dedicated in the ocean of knowledge...
- teaching is a great world of joy and happiness, if taken seriously...
- a teacher must have a decent sense of humor too...otherwise the teaching-learning process will remain boring and monotonous...
- A teacher basically enjoys the joys of giving...
- 'giving' brings more joy and satisfaction to the life of a teacher...
- it is possible to be a good teacher, if one radically changes his/her attitudes toward teaching, as an art only...
- teaching is hence a professional art that is in great demand in any society...
- a dedicated teacher mostly remains happy, satisfied and hard working with his teaching assignments...
Thursday, August 10, 2017
Some special feelings, emotions and incidents that taught me hard facts of life...
- I tend to believe people so easily and for this reason, many people ditched me many times...
- I have lot of money, as people so easily can cheat me....
- Once I shouted to one of my colleagues for some genuine reasons and then found that she started lobbying with powerful people to suppress me and insult me in many ways. I had to say 'sorry' for such petty matters. From that onward, I started avoiding some 'female' colleagues who seem to me to be most selfish and unreliable..... I am never against female professionals. But, in some way or the other, it is dangerous to be connected personally with many of them...
- I trusted one of my so-called friend and said bad things about somebody who is a scoundrel. Then, my friend's betrayal led to threatening me by that scoundrel.
- In this 21st century, I find that some people have hard core caste bias and they behave with low caste with hatred-filled arrogance and dominance...I am really surprised that even the so-called highly educated (Certificate holders) people are so biased and poisonous....
- It is fact that dirty rich people enjoy greater respect in the society....
- Many people have become money-suckers only...
- Chamcha-giri of the powerful people is the biggest credit of all greedy and hungry people in this society...
Seeking perfection is the only aim of my present life...
- We need to do only one job at a time to perfect our ways of doing things...
- We must decide first about our specialty domains...
- Then, plan and act to perfect ways of doing things...
- Practice will make us perfect...
- We must not waste our talents in many areas of human activities...
- When the talents get scattered in various directions, we can never achieve success and perfection in life...
- Hence, choice of our super specialty domain is most vital....
- It is best not to reveal our own minds to general people, as it creates a lot of misunderstanding and relationships finally sour...
- We must be able to 'manage' things with a cool and calm mind...
- Fools are always 'in a hurry' for anything and everything...It is a universal truth...
- Fools run after money, but money runs after intelligent ones in a balanced manner....
- Money comes automatically to the best workers, best brains and hard working individuals...
- Love people unconditionally to be loved....
- Laugh with freedom and cheerfulness for fighting the ills of practical life and its multifaceted complexity.....
- Be aware of the human beings; and their humanity, cruelty, sadism and perversions so that you and your near and dear ones are safe and secure..
- Read good books...
- Make books your best friends...
- Think of great things...
- Be connected to ground realities...
- Never be arrogant, as arrogance is a slow killer and a self-poisoning element...
Keeping aloof from poisonous people...
- It is best to be alone, isolated and lonely, as we need to experience silence to realize our own selves...
- Think of God only to feel peace in your inner mind...
- Enjoy God in everyday life...
- Be the change...
- Set examples...
- Walk the talk...
- Forget everything else...
- Forget everyone else...
- Focus on Jobs at hand...
- Perfect yourself everyday
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Alternative incomes are nowadays essential for one and all...
- As we are steeped into high competition, it is natural that we are all greatly stressed...
- Job security is now an alien concept...
- Other than the regular job, we hence try to find out ways and means to generate alternative incomes for future financial security...
- By pursuing our hobbies, we can generate good incomes, if we sincerely try hard...
- The underlying point is to attain perfection in some domain that society has a demand for...
- Creating a brand for oneself in some domain is hence most urgent and vital for each one of us...
- This brand will take us forward to earn good amount of money for ourselves and our families...
- It is best not to overspend...
- It is better to save money for the future...
- It is vital to live in the present and live our life well...
- It is really good to invest in our education and self-development....
- Self-development will help us stand on our feet confidently...
- Self-development will help us build a better 'brand' for ourselves...
- Behind all such efforts, we need extreme level of self-discipline, punctuality and devotion...
- We should not lose heart, whenever tough times bother us...
- Fighting the tough times is the essential quality of a winner...
- Make winning a habit ...
- Make each day a special day and improve in some aspects about yourself and your personality...
- Be positive and strong now
- You will become a winner
Trying to attain practical peace...
- to avoid bad elements of the society...
- to avoid bad company...
- to talk less and do more...
- to develop capacity of withstand criticism from various corners...
- to manage time well...
- telling a lot many things is equal to telling a lot of lies...
- we can not arrive at Truths through falsehood, lies , bluffing and cheating...
- universal truths may seem bitter at times and hence it is best to avoid expressing to unqualified people...
- to try to do our duties with sincerity and devotion...
- Many things are to be left to God's wishes, as everything is not in my hands...
- we should be aware of the crooked elements like the character of Utpal Dutta in the movie 'Amanush', in and around us...
- When we shall be communicating with God through a conscious mind, we shall be receiving various divine messages to guide us to enlightenment...
- We should seek the company of the 'enlightened' individuals whose desires have vanished completely, and living the life of a sannyashi...
- We must listen more to learn more...
- We must act today till it is too late...
- We should try hard to build better and stronger habits to do well in life...
- We should learn things from others' mistakes and blunders...
Sunday, August 6, 2017
When there is a body, there are some diseases too...
- To keep up general pleasantness, we should try hard to keep ourselves fit...
- Fitness is a great challenge for me, as I have crossed the age of 50 years...
- To be mentally cool, calm and peaceful, I should be associated with practice of art...
- The play 'Yug-purush' on the life and times of Mahatma Gandhi , last week, at EZCC Saltlake , inspired me a lot...
- Human life is temporary and hence it is best to live life with least of desires and with total detachment from material aspects of living...
- It is best to avoid argumentation with the so-called intellectuals...
- It is best to be choosy about mixing with people...
- People are the sources of problems, and at the same time, people are our great resources too...
- It is best not to think about what others are thinking about. Hence, we should try to be perfect and forget about what others are thinking and saying...
- Take each day as an opportunity to do better things...
- Improve things as far as possible...
- Seek opportunities to earn good amount of money for yourself and your family members...
- Money matters in practical life...
- Maintain honest and integrity to have peace in life...
- Do not compare yourself with others..
- Be unique in your style...
- Ignite creativity in yourself to make life better...
- Eat less and drink more water...
- Keep yourself busy in meaningful activities to be happy at the end of the day...
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
Continuous Quality Improvement(CQI) is the key to sustenance of success...
- Yes, there is always some scope for improving ourselves...
- There is real pleasure in self-development activities...
- We can enjoy life, if we try to progress and remain engrossed in self quality improvement activities...
- One must try to acquire good attitudes to progress
- One must acquire right kind of knowledge and skills to survive in this harsh world...
- One should how to be rigid on certain personal principles, as well as to flexible for the constantly changing dynamic world...
- One must try hard to be pleasant to others...
- One must apply decent sense of humor to survive the stresses of this fast-moving world...
- At the end of the work must be done with due adherence to quality and human touch...
- Finally, try to have good times with family members and your cherished hobbies...
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
Coping with daily stress at work-place or otherwise
- In this world, we are somehow or the other stressed, as things have become very complex due to India being an over-populated country...
- population explosion is the main reason behind all our social, economic and political ills...
- everybody has four aspects of living: economic, social, political and cultural...
- job-security/job-worries is one the most tormenting for almost all people in the private sector...
- the next and most critical burden lies in economic positions and financial burden on each one of us...
- managing finance has become a most critical factor of daily living...
- expenses are shooting up, but income remaining more or less constant...
- competition is too stiff...
- hence, we should be alert about our physical and mental health...
- the biggest challenge is to keep the tempo high in all of professional concerns...
- we should hence equip ourselves with newer skills, attitudes and knowledge so that we are not left behind in competitions...
- we should be professionally competent and we should be able to market our ideas, skills and hard core knowledge in the wide , open and dynamic market place...
- We should be strong, hard, understanding, and professionally correct...
- we should set higher goals for ourselves and work hard on them...
- we should do ONE JOB AT A TIME...
- we should try hard to be excellent in our professional domain...
- we should uphold honesty and integrity in all situations...
- honesty pays in the long run...
- we must plan things well...
- we must execute our plans with mathematical accuracy and forget about everything else...
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