- We have to suffer many things in life and each suffering becomes our teacher
- Each suffering should teach us something very special
- Each lesson should make us more self-controlled and self-restrained
- Self-control will make us better
- We must be harsh with ourselves regarding health and lifestyle
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Suffering is a great teacher in life
Health matters most in attaining happiness and peace
- Without good health, we can not enjoy variety of boons of life and living
- Breathing exercise could help us build good health and a strong physique
- For attaining peace in life, we should talk as less as possible
- Self-control and self-restraint will help us build better health
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Family-centered living
- Family centered living gives us immense satisfaction and mental pleasure....
- We should devote much time for our family members
- We should take special care of the health and fitness of the family members
- We should understand their special emotions
- We should give love unconditionally
- We should earn enough money through honest means to be able to sleep well at night
- To ensure peace in life, we must be very honest in all respects
Monday, October 24, 2016
Life's many colors
- We have to face many critical challenges in our lives
- Pleasure and happiness are temporary components of life and living
- It is always better not to run after pleasure, happiness and money, as they go further away from us , if we run after them
- It is best to remain silent and steady under critical situations
- It is better to go slow, when going gets tough
- It is better to 'let go'...
- Everything can not be in our control
- God takes care of many things
- One great option is be doers all the times
- It is better to go on doing our self-assigned activities without thinking of anything else
- It is best to be choosy about mixing with humans, as mostly there are traitors around us
- It is better to talk least and do more
- Our selfless service to humanity matters
- In silence , we can speak thousand words without actually speaking a word
- 'Work is worship' should be the core principle of living
- What others say hardly matters to our lives, if we try to build strong personality traits & a deep philosophy of life and living
- Honest people are feared everywhere in the world
- Be honest
- Realize God, Truth and Reality
- Evolve as a better person every passing day
- Take a pause, take a break & take philosophical actions in your own lives
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Struggling to become a better and stronger person
- It is really tough to leave old habits behind
- It is a continuous struggle to form new and better habits that will govern my daily life
- I must be more disciplined
- I need to work harder on many issues
- I need to be more focused on my primary activities TEACHING-LEARNING-DEVELOPMENT
- I should not keep things PENDING FOR A LONG TIME
- I must be able to decide clearly and act accordingly on research activities
- DECIDE-PLAN-ORGANIZE-EXECUTE shall be the bread & butter of my life
- Nothing is constant, but constantly changing
- I should inject more of DYNAMISM, FLEXIBILITY & RESULT-ORIENTATION into my present life
- Till we receive Divine Blessings, our every step remains uncertain and unpredictable....
- True happiness and peace flows silent from the Invisible ,Supreme Existence & Consciousness of the Almighty
- By God's Grace, our consistent , regular and sincere efforts will produce some results. But such results are all temporary & transitory
- Only permanence lies in being in God's Blessings
- We should seek GOD within our physical existence
- We are the true abode of God Himself, we should constantly remember....
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
True love is free from all kinds of expectations including sex
- When divine love pervades our personal, we feel every pulse of God's Creations in our body and mind....
- We become one with God and get slowly detached from personal entanglements of all kinds
- God's miracles are happening every moment & we can feel it if we tune ourselves with Him
- The greatest secrets lies in human virtues such as DISINTERESTEDNESS, DETACHMENT AND DEVOTION
- Only material knowledge can not solve problems of life and living
- Beyond Knowledge, and actions, lies the world of Devotion or Bhakti i.e.UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDERING TO GOD
- Daily prayer sessions are a must for developing DEVOTION
- DAILY PRAYER will slowly cleanse both body and mind
- If we can live a God-dependent life, life will be more and more peaceful
- Life is a beauty, we can enjoy it through DEVOTION
Learning & Development is the key to peace and prosperity...
- Continuous learning takes us forward in the journey of life and living
- Technical, non-technical and human knowledge are all important to everyone
- Human complexity can be tactfully handled by using management techniques and tools....
- We must develop attitudes to learn newer things in life to be able to keep ourselves young, healthy and wise
- We must strive to remain mentally sound and physically strong
- We should develop mental and physical tenacity to fight various ills of modern living...
- Continuous learning will help us develop our own philosophy of life, if our actions, thoughts and words become blended with one another...
- If we can work hard to learn and apply things, we shall enrich our inner minds to serve the society better...
- If we can serve the society selflessly, we shall enjoy enormous mental satisfaction
- The real satisfaction comes from good jobs accomplished meticulously
- For all daily activities, we should remind ourselves of the principle of ATTENTION TO FINER DETAILS OF THINGS AND AFFAIRS OF LIFE
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Overcoming mental stress & living happily
- In between our work session, we should try quick meditative states for 2-5 minutes duration for total relaxation of both body and mind
- Keep your eyes closed for something and think of GOD & His Grand creations
- You will discover deep peace lying within
- This personal peace is most important for anyone
- In peace, mind becomes slower & hence reserve power of brain improves
- In peace and solitude, God's blessings takes possession of us and we become one with Him
- If we can fall in love with GOD, the ultimate and final goal is achieved in one's life....
- Life hence is money/work/meditation/yoga/health/music/art/God-realization , all combined in One Whole
- We can not do many things in life, but we can do certain things very well
- If we are really good at certain things, we shall be sought after as a professional in the field
- We should therefore go on increasing our potential energy so that we can utilize the same for meaningful purposes
- If we pass through the cycles of meditation/rest & work, we shall be much more productive on each passing day
- We should never work continuously
- We should always be polite and strong at the same time
- People around us will respect our strengths only
- Through Yoga and meditation, we shall be relieved of all stresses
- Meditate on sweet memories too
- Be simple and humble to be less stressed
Monday, October 17, 2016
I now realize that hard work with tenacity really pays
- Result of hard work is always sweet
- We should have tenacity to get things done
- For good things done, we shall enjoy real satisfaction
- Creativity is the ultimate achievement in anybody's life
- Creativity originates from expert knowledge
Life of peace and happiness....
- We should live with least of demands and needs to be happy...
- We should respect others to be happy
- We should never find faults with others,but with ourselves only
- We should give love unconditionally, without any expectations
- We should be contented and satisfied with whatever we have now
- Over-ambitiousness may kill personal happiness, finer human feelings & emotions and peace
- Real happiness is found in the abundant natural beauty & natural living only
- We should stay very close to nature
- Treasures of our heart must be protected from the cruel society outside
- People who run after money, wealth, power, sex and properties are fundamentally fools,as God slowly takes them to hell-like environment in the minds
- Humanitarian considerations must occupy the highest place in any human affair
- Illicit money and sex are sufficient to destroy a person physically, mentally and spiritually...
- The best way to realize truth is regular meditation, yoga and breathing exercises
- 'Regular meditation, yoga and breathing exercises' are the paths to perpetual happiness, peace and Truth
Possibility Thinking is in itself a great idea in personal life...
- 'Nothing is impossible' is the core idea that stimulates my present life
- When the situation becomes tough for us, we should try to get tougher and tougher...
- Our toughness will define the course of our lives which are constantly bombarded by stiff competition in our fields of activities
- Problems are mostly solvable, if we think that IT IS POSSIBLE TO BE SOLVED...
- 'Possibility' of a solution of complex problem must be accepted from the inner mind...
- There might be n-numbers of solution, if we can apply our brains systematically
- We do not apply our brain for most the times of a day, as we remain engaged in routine jobs
- We should practice applying our brains
- We should also participate in various physical activities so that we remain active and strong so that we can withstand various stresses of the daily life
- Stress management is an inevitable part of modern life
- Yes, stress can be managed by adopting yoga, pranayam(breathing exercises) and meditation as part and parcel of our lives
- Why do we think so much? We should leave many things to GOD only
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Slowly evolving as a much strong person with love and service for others
- Life is a drama made in heaven by GOD
- We are only acting in various roles
- Better the acting, greater are the achievements
- We are the playthings and toys at the Holy hands of GOD
- Still, we have to achieve many things not only for ourselves, but also for near and dear ones
- We should go on setting examples by our meaningful actions
- Our actions must have in-depth meaning in themselves
- We should seek knowledge and skills that should earn us money for us to survive in this cruel world
- The world around us support the strong people , and very rarely the weaker ones
- Therefore, we should continuously seek strengths, vigor, vitality and enthusiasm in all our actions so that we may slowly prosper in our lives
- What others say hardly matters to us, we only need to move ahead with progressive thoughts and creative actions on our part
- Life is action, not contemplation
- Slowly we should grow stronger
- Slowly we should modify our behaviors to keep up with latest developments in the world
- Success & prosperity will follow our knowledge, skills, attitudes and communication-skills
- Lastly, we must be confident and courageous to do anything well
The biggest discoveries of my life, living and existence
- Homeopathy is a great friend of mankind, forget the controversies of the the educated fools
- Auto urine therapy contains in-built medical mracles, and hence try to attain knowledge
- Knowledge is the winner in life and living
- Devotion only takes us to divine states
- Never lose faith in yourself
- Tough times come and goes away, your tough spirit wins
- Pranayam is the greatest wealth at the individual leve;
- Meditation reveal the Truth
- Greatest wealth is the combination of love , affection, faith ,trust, compassion, kindness and feeling of God's Belssings
- Happiness lies in giving
- Death must be accepted as absolute truth of this life, infinite lives are waiting for each of us
- To be happy we must live with GOD and His wishes through His Natural , Divine Laws
Saturday, October 15, 2016
Living with happiness and peace is the greatest challenge of living a life
- · Human differences are inevitable part of life and living and hence we should not be much serious about it
- · Ego slowly destroys a person
- · It is always better to be clean person at heart
- · It is better to be engaged in some creative activities
- · Creative actions will relieve us of the mental burdens
- · Let us now clean our minds of the dirts and garbage
- · Let us remain happy from our innermost minds
- · Let us filter out the garbage that comes out of others
- · Let us make COMPASSION AND KINDNESS a part of daily life
- · Let us not compete with each other about attaining happiness and peace at the personal level
- · Art of living should be surrounded by love, compassion, affection, kindness and purity of heart
Friday, October 14, 2016
Discipline and self-control are the ultimate qualities of a manager & leader at any work place
- Without discipline , excellence can never be achieved
- If we focus on our actions with persoanl excellence, the results will be tremendously beneficial to the system in which act
- Honesty should be inculcated in all our actions so that we earn a good reputation for ourselves
- Reputation is the ultimate thing in any area of business
- We should build a good brand for ourselves
- We should build good health and fitness so that we could work hard for some meaningful purposes
- The greatest personal difficulty lies in lack of focus and mental concentration
- We should try to use our times for productive purposes
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Personal excellence
- Personality traits are most important
- Cheerfulness is urgent
- Manners are vital
- Humanity is ultimate
My professional experience taught me many things
- In GAIL, I have seen some very good Engineers, Managers and Leaders....
- Mr.RS Malik had been an extraordinary leader-manager in his tenure as Deputy General Manager, Hazira Plant
- My training in Denmark taught me teaching skills, planning and designing skills
- I really enjoyed the 40-days training in Denmark
- My visit to Dhaka for certain marketing was a superb success. I displayed deepest personal honesty during my visits there
- My experience in Kathmandu ,Nepal taught me good lessons on unpredictability of human behaviors. But at the personal level, I enjoyed food, drinks and natural beauty of Nepal
- My greatest fault lies in not pursuing human networking and relationships with the outside world...I get bored quite easily with people who are dishonest and who goes on telling nasty lies about themselves
- I enjoyed my life thoroughly and it is now time for leaving aside materialistic desires
- I now should concentrate on living for my family and my students & colleagues
- I should regain my health and fitness by any means
- Regularity in exercise is a must for me...
- I should be more courageous, confident, cool and calm....to be happy at the end of the day
An ordinary man can do extraordinary things
- Tenacity and determination are the essential components of the extraordinary personality
- Ordinary people become extraordinary, when they carry out their duties with utmost sincerity, dedication, courage and confidence
- Time and energy management are the key factors in achieving great things in life
- We should store huge potential energy in our body and mind...
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
To excel we need to be consistent, regular and determined about our mission
- We need to identify our own talents and try to enhance our related skills on a continuous basis
- We should possess enough patience to learn from various sources & go on improving ourselves
- We should throw out laziness and lethargy to perform better at the work place
- We must go on enhancing our core skills to be able to survive in the profession
- SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST is the guiding rule for the professional world
- For effective performance, we should follow the principle of DO IT NOW
- To be effective, we should follow ONE JOB AT A TIME
- To be successful, we need extra COURAGE AND CONFIDENCE
- To prosper in life, we should earn more and spend less of money
- To be successful in business, we should be able to build a network of genuine friends, clients and customers
- WORD OF MOUTH advertisement is the best form of publicity for any business development
- Sincerity and dedication are the true mantras for development of any business brand
- BRANDING is the ultimate achievement for any business activity
- Customer satisfaction boosts up business BRAND
- Every individual is a brand in the society
- For prosperity, we need to build a good reputation of our Brands
- For success in the profession, we must be expert in certain technical domains, and we must be able to understand politics, diplomacy and management thoroughly
- To be successful and prosperous, we must learn the tools and techniques of HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE
- We should use our brain, creativity and power of innovation to be able to excel in profession and society
- Fundamental aspects of living are: Knowledge, skills, attitudes, money and relationships
- Fundamental aspects of an excellent professional life: Punctuality,Sincerity, Dedication(PSD), Honesty, Courage and confidence, Knowledge & skills, Interpersonal skills
Spiritual Living is the answer to all problems...
- Through spiritual living, we gain mental peace by sacrificing all the results of our actions to GOD
- Only God can give us peace, if we constantly pray to Him
- Prayer is a great healer
- Through prayer we connect with GOD and communicate with Him deeply
- Faith keeps us moving ahead in life
- We should constantly educate ourselves on the latest issues
- Education is a life-long process
- Ill-educated people are the sources of all problems in the society
- We need practical education on morality, humanity, love, compassion, tolerance, devotion,management,non-violence and simple lifestyle...
Monday, October 3, 2016
Love for all is the solution for all problems of life
- Being human is the highest ideal of life
- Giving love to others will ensure personal peace and happiness
- Joy and sorrows are part and parcel of life
- If we can throw out selfishness from our personal life, we shall certainly achieve peace and happiness
- The secret of happiness is not revealed to everyone
- The art of living should be based upon the art of giving & the state of good health and fitness
- Through meditation and mental silence, we shall gain true knowledge and feeling of happiness...
- True happiness lies in maintaining good health and strong mental forces
- We should manage time well to be satisfied at the end of the day
- We should manage money well for avoiding troubles from the external world
- We should try hard to control our senses to achieve improved behaviors in ourselves
Changing for the better...
- We should continuously try to change ourselves for the better
- We can surely change, if we have the right kind of attitude
- Attitudes matter in the process of self-improvement/self-development
- Self-improvement should occupy the most important place in our lives
- We should continuously improve our personality traits so that our image get boosted up before the professionals at our work place
- We should clean up our minds first
- We should throw out our mental garbage to be able to be very effective in the professional field
- We must ensure quality in terms of punctuality, sincerity, dedication, and interpersonal relations so that we can develop a strong brand for our services
- We should try our best to uphold humanity, ethics and professionalism in all spheres of activities
- We should learn from our own mistakes
- We should improve our learning abilities so that there is vast scope for improving ourselves
- Life is learning
- Life is also listening and enriching ourselves on a continuous basis
- Life is about speaking less and doing more
- Life is about being assertive, when required
- Life is about being confident and courageous, when the situation demands
- Life is about being honest and upright
- Life is about dealing with tough people
- Life is about giving love unconditionally
- Life is about earning money through honest means
- Life is being involved in activities , as service to GOD
- Life is devotion towards the Lotus Feet of GOD
- Life is realizing the self in totality & exploring the inner potentials
- Life is experiencing the many variety of spices of life
Sunday, October 2, 2016
Professionalism lies in taking planned actions
- Better the planning, the better the outputs and the outcomes
- We should apply our brains to plan things thoroughly
- A meticulous plan will help us carry out actions in a much better way
- We should make a habit of using our brain and strong common sense
- We should master Human Psychology to handle human affairs in an organized and systematic manner
- We should be able to deliver quality services in times of need
- In between various activities, we should take a break for certain duration to think deeply about the future course of actions
- Whenever tough times come in our lives, we should go slow and 'let go' many things which are grossly unimportant
- We should display discipline in all our behaviors so that others get positively influenced
- Through discipline, we evolve as more competent and efficient to the system in which we work
- We should listen carefully to others till the communication & motive are clear and loud
- We enrich ourselves through listening to others who matter to the system
- Let others finish talking and then we should do the minimum talking in the most effective way possible
- For a better quality of work-life, we should be expert in our field of activity
- Without professional expertise, mission and vision, we prove ourselves to be worthless to the system
- We must try to evolve as stronger individuals
- Nobody gives you power and we should earn POWER to exert ourselves in the professional circumstances
Where there is will, there is a way...
- Will-power is the ultimate thing in the life of human being
- Greater the will power application, greater is the level of achievements for anyone
- Once we lose will force, we become plaything at the hands of others
- We should go on increasing our will power so as to be able to carry out our creative and innovative activities...
- At the end of the day, we must be able to get things done by being deeply involved in our specialized activities creatively
- We should eliminate our bad habits slowly but steadily
- Bad habits are the roots of all our ills and miseries
- We should constantly try to overcome our weakness and emerge as stronger personalities
- We should think deeply about the quality of our performance on a daily basis
- Quality should occupy the most important place in our active life
- We should try hard to remain active in some kind of creative activities so that our minds are not burdened by non-essential or rubbish thoughts
- We should try to be our own bosses in daily activities
- We should go on developing our knowledge and skills so that we could secure proper place in professional world
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