
Monday, November 9, 2015

Thought of the day: selfless services can clease our body and mind

I feel pain when I see common people are passing through hard days of poverty and illness. Hence I wish to give selfless and free service to bring some positive changes in the lives of the suffering humanity. As it is not possible to do the same in a big way, I shall start giving my personal service through Ramakrishna Mission-type NGOs.
Real service in a completely selfless manner would possibly reduce my pain to some extent. There are dishonest, greedy and cruel people all around and a few people only realize the art of living. It is better to ignore  activities of the dishonest, greedy and cruel people, and contribute something in my own personal way.

Without selfless service, we shall never be able to cleanse our body and minds. Then only we shall be able to start our spiritual journey that would end at complete self-realization in the sands of time.

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