
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Struggle for Continuous improvement in Self

Gist of the OB class interaction on 23rd March, 2015

1.       Knowledge-skills-attitudes combination of each individual at the work place
2.       Management theories: scientific management, human relations approach, systems theory, quantitative approach, contingency approach etc.
3.       How are the stresses developed and the means of eliminating stress from work life
4.       OB-Mod: various means and methods to bring about changes in human behaviours in organizations
5.       Attitudes, values and Job Satisfaction
6.       TheoryX, TheoryY and TheoryZ of managerial approaches at the work place
How one builds a strong foundation for continuous learning  in one’s own self and the benefits of attitudes of continuous learning

Lessons of the day for self-development:
1.    Learning from others directly or indirectly
2.    To admit mistakes naturally
3.    To behave well with customers and to be dignified in one’s own capacity at all times
4.    To talk as less as possible
5.    To be inspired by the great men and women from all walks of life
6.    To be a child at the lotus feet of the Almighty and not to be ‘adult’ and ‘logical’ all the time by listening to my inner voice
7.    Power of mental concentration can do the miracles for you and me

8.    To be gyan to myself, and if absolutely required for others, to present it in veiled form only and through own actions and examples

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