
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Life is an open book...

Trying to be A life-long student of LIFE & EXISTENCE....
What life has taught me in recent times:

  • to try to brief and to the point 
  • to take a long pause before we say or do anything
  • to improve the power of mental concentration as much as possible
  • not to do any harm to anyone
  • to accept the fact of  the widest variety of human nature and behaviours
  • 'the special theory of relativity'  in human thoughts and behaviours
  • power of retention of breath on health and fitness...part of Kriya-yoga
  • man is mortal, but the souls remains for eternity searching the the grand union with GOD
  • man is what he thinks himself to be
  • style is the man, not to be bothered about what others perceive
  • empty vessels sound much  is a big truth in social life
  • we can not achieve peace and happiness by investing money/muscle power/man-power in any affairs of life
  • learning is a continuous process for living a happier life
  • continuous learning and its practical application gives us a joyful life
  • books are best friends, if we enjoy reading them, and assimilate them for the greater good of the society
  • today's teachers should be following 'walk the talk' for setting examples before the students, as APANI ACHARI DHARMA PORKEY SHIKHAIY'
  • BYE

Monday, March 30, 2015

In my journey towards self-realization....

The more we progress spiritually, the more we tend to get detached from material entanglements, hence we enter into a newer world of
detachment, and devotion to GOD...
Such an event changes a person completely and a common man will hardly be able to understand the psychology of that person.

The world of detachment is so powerful and is so full of selfless pleasure and ecstasy that can hardly be realized by materialistic, ego-istic and greedy men and women...
That's why the world of spirituality is always kept a deep secret from common people. The hidden treasures and wealth in one' own spiritual practices should not be revealed to faith is the only prerequisite for feeling the wishes and blessings  of GOD.....

God is within us and seeking GOD in the outside world is foolish. The mind can be enlightened by a Guru who removes darkness of ignorance...thus leading us to the eternal path of God-realization....Such a Guru is not in the fortune of anybody and everybody. Only the luckiest few are blessed with the blessings of a Guru....Initiation of a Guru starts a chain-reaction in a person's life and such transformation is unthinkable for an ordinary person.....
Spirituality leads us to:



Friday, March 27, 2015

Thought of the day

I am trying hard to detoxify my body and mind, and such a thing is now providing me with newer thoughts and ideas and positive self-inspiration. I know many people have wrong notions about me, and I can not do much about changing their mind-set. Then I decided to change myself a bit on each day, but the situation remains more or less same. I have tried to be harsh on myself on many occasions, but failed to change me in ways the society demands. In last few years I have learnt lot about life, but I could not apply them in practice because of LACK OF COURAGE. THIS IS MY PRINCIPAL SHORTCOMING. It is very difficult to develop courage. I must say that I hardly can say 'NO' TO PEOPLE WITH I RARELY AGREE. This my greatest weakness. I need to work hard on these two points so that I could stand out to be a better person and a true teacher....I need blessing and good wishes from all my well-wishers who are rarely to be found in today's materialistic world...still I am hopeful...through these men and women My God will surely help me find a better way of living a life...I know I am not alone in spiritual life...


Thursday, March 26, 2015

Everyday a new day principles and practices

To be in a state of happiness and peace, we need to delete the bitterness of the past...and start living every moment with new hopes, energy, enthusiasm, cheerfulness and humility, simplicity, friendliness...We should embrace all by hiding their inner weaknesses and highlighting their positive qualities...
Broad-minded friendliness will transform almost everyone into a state of pleasantness by injecting more attitudinal changes in their hearts...

Best of Luck for a more enlightened life ahead....

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

A simple example for awareness of aspiring Engineers

I explained the principle of working of a pressure cooker in today's Energy management class.

  • How to save fossil fuels
  • how to design a more efficient burner
  • how to analyse costs
  • social benefits of conservation
  • environmental impact analysis
  • energy needs for domestic, industrial, commercial and transportation sectors
  • eco-friendly technologies
  • how to innovate at the micro-level  for energy savings
  • how to move towards natural living to reduce cost of living in education, health, nutrition, electricity, water etc.

Struggle for Continuous improvement in Self

Gist of the OB class interaction on 23rd March, 2015

1.       Knowledge-skills-attitudes combination of each individual at the work place
2.       Management theories: scientific management, human relations approach, systems theory, quantitative approach, contingency approach etc.
3.       How are the stresses developed and the means of eliminating stress from work life
4.       OB-Mod: various means and methods to bring about changes in human behaviours in organizations
5.       Attitudes, values and Job Satisfaction
6.       TheoryX, TheoryY and TheoryZ of managerial approaches at the work place
How one builds a strong foundation for continuous learning  in one’s own self and the benefits of attitudes of continuous learning

Lessons of the day for self-development:
1.    Learning from others directly or indirectly
2.    To admit mistakes naturally
3.    To behave well with customers and to be dignified in one’s own capacity at all times
4.    To talk as less as possible
5.    To be inspired by the great men and women from all walks of life
6.    To be a child at the lotus feet of the Almighty and not to be ‘adult’ and ‘logical’ all the time by listening to my inner voice
7.    Power of mental concentration can do the miracles for you and me

8.    To be gyan to myself, and if absolutely required for others, to present it in veiled form only and through own actions and examples

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

It is very difficult to hold on to Truth and Beauty

  • abrupt changes in social and cultural environment
  • overdose of democratic rights and privileges
  • politics for money and power, not for pursuing humanistic and social  ideals
  • corruption
  • information revolution and easy access to various media and contents
  • greed-based living
  • rat-race for achieving material prosperity, with regards to ethical issues
  • least of respect for each other

Monday, March 9, 2015

Slow but steady winning strategy...

The people who are hasty and angrily pursues things for instant gratification of senses and ego  primarily go to 'hell' only, and hell is the symbol of pains and agony, such people end up the battle of life by surrendering to hell-like situations only.

My sin of underestimating my inner qualities and abilities

It's a great sin to underestimate our own unique skills, abilities and inner qualities. One can not have all kinds of qualities as a person or personality. But some set of  unique qualities are there in everyone's own existence and expression of such qualities are found in education. Unfortunately, we are hardly aware of such big qualities and unnecessarily undermine such basic and strong qualities for a long time and hence fail to exert ourselves for our share of recognition and status in the society.

Fine human qualities when nurtured carefully become assets for the social benefits and welfare. The biggest factor that paralyses the expression of creative and innovative actions IS THE LACK OF INDIVIDUAL COURAGE AND CONFIDENCE.

It requires a lot of practice , patience, and tenacity to be courageous in our actions.  I spent about 50 years of my life without being much courageous, and for such big, I am the only one to be blamed. But somewhere, sometime, one has to begin and I specifically focus much of energy on such issues like COURAGE, CONFIDENCE, CLARITY, CONSCIENCE, DEDICATION, PATIENCE, SINCERITY, SELECTIVITY, SPECIALITY....

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Problems of contemporary society and IT revolution....

  • management of time
  • spending enough time with family members 
  • avoiding mobile phones at times
  • networking with well-selected persons only
  • to avoid taking personal loan from any source or person
  • managing  good sleep at night
  • devotion towards assigned duties and responsibilities
  • behaving well
  • maintaining low profile
  • not to arrogant
  • regular yoga, meditation etc.
  • managing anger by being more creative
  • being cheerful, pleasant, smiling and positive
  • remaining cool in hard times