
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The only rays of hope...

The nothingness of this worldly lives can only be realized by the seekers of the Truth,not by the pleasure-seeking individuals who spend most of their time in earning money and power to exploit others for their own selfish pleasures. The destruction of the grand creation of God is dictated by those persons of this planet... Whatever is created, is destroyed by God for maintaining eternal balance of Nature... Mostly , people are self-destructive in nature, as their folishness only guide them to greed, jealousy and other complex motives... Fools only are superficial in their search for self-identity and self-realization... The only way to deal with fools is to completely ignore them and compel them to act according to ethical values and rules of a civilized society....As discretionary power of the fools will destroy the whole system created over a long period of time... The things which are God-gifted and hence can never be purchased by money and muscle-power: MENTAL PEACE, MENTAL CULTURE, SELF-DIGNITY, HAPPINESS, HEALTH, GOOD AND RELIABLE FRIENDS(ONE OR TWO...), INTEGRITY, RESPECT AND ADMIRATION IN THE SOCIETY... A COMPASSIONATE HEART, AND MANY MORE.... EVIL-HEARTS ARE DESTROYED BY GOD'S WISH AND HUMAN EFFORTS ARE ACTUALLY NOT NEEDED, AS GOD KNOWS THOSE WHO CROSS THE LIMITS OF EVIL ACTIONS OF HIS CREATURES... DEPENDENCE ON GOD IS THE CURE FOR EVERYTHING.... SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ARE NOT NEEDED FOR SUCH A RADICAL CHANGE OF ATTITUDES TOWARDS LIVING A LIFE.... BYE

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