
Monday, October 31, 2011

Question Bank for students of Values and Ethics in profession

Discuss about the approach of the system of utilitarianism of the ethics.

What is meant by corporate social responsibility? Is it related to corporate governance and corporate excellence? Discuss the role of ethics and values in the management of corporate affairs? If so clearly explain those roles in establishing a good society?

What is code of ethics? Discuss.

What is the role of Values and Ethics in Cyber Age?

What is meant by values & Ethics in profession?

Why has values & Ethics in profession been made mandatory in B. Tech, M.BA & MCA?

How are science technology and engineering related to the growth of economy?
Lives of thousands of people depend on Civil Engineers & architects who design & construct Air ports, Railway stations, Five Star Hotels and Multi-storeyed Buildings. If they are unscrupulous, what happens?

How does information technology and computers serve the human society? Why may happen if the technical experts are not abiding by codes of ethics?
An electrical or electronic engineer cause death or loss of millions of rupees of govt. Or corporate sector. Explain.

Human being should not bother about the caveat of ‟Limits to Growth”. Technology will take care of itself and shortage of raw materials in due course. Do you agree?
In a technology transfer, unless values and ethics are properly observed, the desired result may not be achieved. Do you agree?

Technology generates prosperity. Misuse of prosperity is due to ignorance about values and ethics by the society. Discuss.

Draw a diagram of Negergy –Synergy grid showing the frame work for introducing change in organisations.

Define:- (a) Tax Haven (b) Bribery (c) Black Marketing (d) Corruption (e) Hoarding (f) Corporate sins.

What is Kohlberg’s Moral Development Model?

What are the security threats in Information Technology? Discuss the origin and dangers of computer viruses.

What is Global energy balance
What is earth’s heat budget?

What do you mean by ‟Integrated Personality”? Explain the areas of human aesthetic experiences.

Discuss arguments in favour of and against bringing ethics is business.

Define values. Discuss about the value crisis in contemporary society.

What do you mean by Technology transfer, explain, in this connection, the different mechanism and problems of Technology Transfer?

What codes of professional ethics are universally followed in organizations and industries? Explain them briefly with particular reference to engineering Profession.

What is carbon-trading? In case of carbon-trading is globally introduce, which countries will be benefitted developed and developing.

Define horizontal technology transfer. If the acceptor country fails to run a factory with foreign technology, how far the donor country is responsible for it?

What is environmental ethics? Can these be maintained in case of sustainable development.

What is meant by character building? Give three parameters of what Vivekananda said about the same.

“Corruption in public life has encircled the entire society” – Do you agree, if so how can these be removed.

Human Society today is on a cross road – Discuss why value & ethics are being neglected by the modern generation.

How does law protect values? Give five values which can be protected by law.

A study of values and ethics will require some time to produce effect in the society – How can you expedite the implementation of effect of law.
Non observation of the principle of values and ethics has resulted in of huge wealth amongst a small group of people in the world-Explain how this can be can be stopped.

Describe the effect of value crisis in contemporary Indian Society.
Values crisis has not really occurred. It is the norms of values which has changed – Explain.

Whistle Blowing is legally permitted. Do the blowers really get protection in times of emergency?

Renewable energy sources are all dependent on the Sun. Explain with reasons.
Differentiate between sustainable development and actual development.

Technology transfer fails in many cases – Explain.

Discuss the details of the prediction of Club of Rome.

Discuss the role of technology assessment impact analysis.

What are the problems of technology transfer from a laboratory to factory? Compare horizontal and vertical transfer of technology.

Humanity has to choose between development and environmental degradation. Can development be achieved without degrading the environment – Explain with three examples

The conflict between business demands and professional ideas are gradually increasing – Explain how these can be minimized in case of people in (a) administration, (b) science, (c) technology, (d) engineering .

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