Suggested Readings for Semester Exams,EI-3rd year, 2009
Read everything as per the prescribed syllabus. Practice a good number of numerical problems on all chapters.
You may follow the following book/s for in-depth understanding of the subject:
1. D. Roychoudhury
2. P.Ramesh Babu
3. Saeed Hasan
4. BS Manke
For selective intensive studies before the exams:
1. deriving transfer fn of armature& field controlled dc servo motors/given Electrical networks/ mechanical systems having mass, damper,springs
2. problems on SFG
3. problems of RH criterion (finding the interval of K for stability)
4. block diagram reduction based problem
5. practice at least 10 sums on Time response and error analysis
6. problems on Bode plot and finding PM and GM
7. Nyquist criterion and plot …a few representative problems as in Hasan’s and Manke’s book
8. problems on Root Locus is very important(worked problems from BS Manke’s book)
9. Analysis and design of compensators should be done carefully
10. PI,PD,PID controllers and their hardware implementation ckt using Op-amps are important
11. read short notes: force-voltage analogy, PID control, compensator, measures of relative stability, difference betn open and closed loop systems,
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