
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Facing the real life is a great teacher...

If we can learn lessons from real life with an open mind, we shall discover that we are basically in touch with enormous amount of information. Reading never completes our knowledge. Application-oriented knowledge is more important, as knowledge without application aspects of the same bears little meaning.
Applied intelligence, and development of common sense, grit and determination to act for a noble purpose are the keys to the path of success and happiness...
Mere bookish knowledge without specific applications can never bring us true satisfaction.
Whatever we do and think about must have human applications. Leading a life only for self-interests and self-pleasure is dry and monotonous.
To come out of dry monotony of life, we should dedicate all our actions, thoughts and sayings for the benefit of other fellow beings. This unbounded selflessness only can nurture our happiness,satisfaction and peace at the personal level.
The deepest joy in life is to work with selflessness and detachment.
To feel happy all the time, we need to work with detachment.
To work with detachment and disinterestedness, we need blessings of God.
To be blessed, we need to pray to God on a regular basis.
A life without prayer is a life without direction...
A direction-less life is painful and full of misery.
Hence I try to lead a God-dependent life...
I am only trying...

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