
Sunday, May 31, 2009

To fight against the inner vices...

All sins and vices are established in our inner minds. We only see manifestations of such socially unacceptable thoughts in outward flow of life. Everything lies in our minds. Our actions are the resultant effect of our inner thinking. Hence we need to cleanse our minds first to be able to live a life devoid of any kind of worries and tension. Fear,tension and worry are the three greatest killers of humanly living. If we cleanse our minds of any kind of wrongful thoughts and actions, our real actions will get purified. A man of such pure actions does not have to worry about anything.

Life is basically a process of purification of mind and a process of realizing Absolute Truth.

Once the Relative Truths of life are realized, we can try to live for the Absolute Truth or God.

Material desires are the only barriers to the path of realization.

Ego-driven material successes of others make our minds distracted and deviated. This is the greatest challenge of life. We should know how to keep distanced from the materially rich people by hook or by crook. We should keep distance from the people whose minds are full of greed and ambition for the basic elements of material living i.e. Ego-Sex-Power and Money (ESPM).

We are supposed to be highly diplomatic about the above actions. It is always better to be physically and mentally distanced from the people whose lives are based upon ego-driven material successes...

Friday, May 29, 2009

Creation is the ultimate source of pleasure...

Being creative all the time should be the only aim of life. All pleasures and happiness become meaningful only when we are at our creative best. Creativity can hardly be developed through training, as it is basically a self-generative process...

When some new ideas come to our minds, we should verify them in the light of our past experience. Then we should implement those ideas with the help of various resources available to us. The process of implementation and creation is full of hurdles and obstacles. We need an extra grit and determination to implement our ideas. We need real guts to change the things that exist. To be gutsy and outspoken is not an easy task. We need to be honest to core. We need to work with pure devotion...
There is no shortcut to success, I believe.
If I achieve success by taking adopting any kind of falsehood, I will be punished by the time...

A mind without worry and fear emits natural intelligence

Be free, as we are born free.
Till we can free ourselves from worry and fear, we can never achieve the highest level of consciousness and intelligence...

Intelligence makes us calm and quite, as we know that we are actually doing nothing except performing our actions under God's will. Once we feel God we truly realize that God's Love and Compassion flows unconditionally to all us and that we can try to reciprocate His Love by being Loving and Compassionate to one and all.

Let us face life as it comes...
Instead of dancing at the tune of others, we should develop our own style of doing things.
Let us face the challenge of life by being cool and calm all the time. Let us accept the ground realities by attacking at the root of problems mentally, as being realistic in words may mean 'being harsh' to a person or to a system.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Life is action

'Life is action' means to me the ultimate reality of living a life. Everything else in life has only temporary nature. The impression of our actions remain even after we are no more. Basically we live in our actions.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Devotion(Bhakti) is the ultimate achievement in life...

It is a lifelong process to be a devotee. But once the process is initiated in that direction, one feels better. A devotee explains everything in the light of spiritual devotion. Miracles of God can be felt at every moment, if we can try to be sincere devotees of God. Devotion originates from complete surrendering to God.

If we are true devotees of God, we can be free from fear.
Fearlessness is the key to enjoyment of peace and tranquility.
Fear kills us. The moment we gather courage by 'LIVING IN THE PRESENT', we realise that 99% of our fears and worries are baseless, and imaginary.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Facing the real life is a great teacher...

If we can learn lessons from real life with an open mind, we shall discover that we are basically in touch with enormous amount of information. Reading never completes our knowledge. Application-oriented knowledge is more important, as knowledge without application aspects of the same bears little meaning.
Applied intelligence, and development of common sense, grit and determination to act for a noble purpose are the keys to the path of success and happiness...
Mere bookish knowledge without specific applications can never bring us true satisfaction.
Whatever we do and think about must have human applications. Leading a life only for self-interests and self-pleasure is dry and monotonous.
To come out of dry monotony of life, we should dedicate all our actions, thoughts and sayings for the benefit of other fellow beings. This unbounded selflessness only can nurture our happiness,satisfaction and peace at the personal level.
The deepest joy in life is to work with selflessness and detachment.
To feel happy all the time, we need to work with detachment.
To work with detachment and disinterestedness, we need blessings of God.
To be blessed, we need to pray to God on a regular basis.
A life without prayer is a life without direction...
A direction-less life is painful and full of misery.
Hence I try to lead a God-dependent life...
I am only trying...

My experience in teaching

1. It gives a lot of mental satisfaction
2. Interaction with young ones keeps me dynamic, flexible and open to new ideas
3. Today's students are generally very intelligent and talented; a teacher needs to act as a catalyst in bringing out the hidden talents
4. It is highly exciting to address new batches of students every year
5.I learn a lot from my students
6. It is not boring, if I continue to learn new things and if I try to improve myself all the time
7.It is good for those who possess good speaking power
8. Teaching still commands respect from the really good learners
9. Lastly, one tries to remain young at heart all the time.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Frustration kills us slowly

Frustration is the result of our failures in achieving our goals. It is better to set goals which are quite practical .
We should keep many options open before us.
We should learn lessons from our failures.
Accepting failure as an invitation towards future successes will make us more positive in attitudes.
We know: success is never-ending , and failure is never.

God bless...

Monday, May 18, 2009

Managing time is very crucial for personal stability...

I have tried to evolve a new routine of work for myself, to make the best possible use of daily time. I believe in 'living one day at a time'. One day means to me:

1. Getting up at 6.00am
2.Office at 8.00am
3.Exit from office at 4.00pm
4.Following Daily Action Plan (DAP) of the previous night religiously at office
5. I take enough time to laugh with people I like
6. I try to keep cool all the time
7. I don't take life seriously, except depending on God
8.I live in the present
9. I believe in Constant Remembrance of God(CRG)
10. I sleep 1hour in the evening and then I devote 3hrs a day in personal business activities
11. I try to devote 45 minutes in yoga and meditation
12.I go to bed at 11pm(sharp)
13. The best thing in my life is sleeping and relaxing...
14.I meet my research guide once or twice a month
15. I try to drink 5 litres of water per day to keep fit...
16.My only regret is that I could not leave smoking
17."Sense of humor" is my greatest possession. I feel relaxed after uncontrolled laughing...
18.I try to solve practical ,professional problems with Applied Managerial Innovation & Creativity(AMIC)
19. I am trying to lead a medicine-free life through yoga and meditation...
20. I have a dream to lead a completely selfless life...I can only try...
21. I try to encourge young minds for more creative activities with human values in their lives


I believe in 'excess of anything is bad'. Therefore I am trying to find a fine balance between the extremities of anything in life. Any kind of extreme thinking is bad for anybody and for any society. Human desires ,being limitless, can only be controlled by balanced and humble living. Instead of running after more pleasure and luxury in life, we should concentrate on more creative and innovative activities.
Creativity can give us the highest form of pleasure and happiness. Only material richness can never bring us true satisfaction, as being rich is normally associated with extreme 'ego'. "Ego" is the greatest killer of simple happiness.

God bless...

Change is an inevitable property of Nature

Everything in the universe is under change and transformation. Human thinking and behaviors are also undergoing change with the proceed of time.
Ideas change with time.
Attitudes also change , but slowly...
It is always better to be dynamic in both thoughts and actions.
We should be able to learn things which are needed for a modern living.
Materialistic ambitions are basically limitless and hence are the causes of all miseries of life. To get out of the unbounded desires and ambitions, one needs to be as selfless as possible in thoughts, actions and speeches. This realization comes only after a lot of sufferings. The path of material renunciation can lead us to a peaceful living. But the peace of mind will be established only when we master the art of renunciating, and the art of selfless living. Running after Name-Fame-Pleasure-Wealth-Money-Desire for Immortality can never give us peace. Rather, we shall be deviated from the path of peace,tranquility and happiness.
But to be away from these elements is never so easy. It needs continuous practice...

Monday, May 11, 2009

Taking responsibility is never easy

For taking any responsibility at personal,professional and social level , one must have a clean mind. Cleansing the mind is a tough task, as it is a continuous process. For having a clean mind, we must try to eliminate vices like dirty politics, finding faults with others, and violating the basics values of life like honesty, integrity and compassion for all beings.

Holding to the ideals of life is possibly the most challenging aspect of life. Peace of mind flows from those ideals.

To be is to be with God and His Blessings.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Financial concentration

I believe in earning money through honest means. My personal business ventures need to be expanded. I have already taken some steps in this direction. My target is to double my income in a few months. For all these to happen in reality, I have to devote about 14 hours a day to organized activities. To work 14 hours a day, I have to keep fit through yoga,meditation and drinking of at least 5 litres of water per day.
I have tried to learn lessons from the past ventures. I have rectified many of my business-related drawbacks. I have decided to devote 3hours of focused work for my business activities.

Serving an organization is quite different from implementation of business ideas. I am nurturing these ideas for last 14 years. I have not been successful,because of my physical lethargy. Now, I am trying my mind to do the job in the best possible manner.

God bless...

Friday, May 1, 2009

Creating examples before others instead of theorising the obvious

'Action' is the keyword of a life. We can say so many things about what 'should be' and 'what should not be'. But most of us fail to stick to what we say. Our lives are our actions. Through our daily actions, we can directly or indirectly express ourselves in variety of ways. These expressions are our 'words' to others. Mere uttering of the 'words' will have a temporary effects on others. These words get tremendously powerful when we are actually doing as we say.

We may under pressure for our work. But the pressure gets reduced, we work with pleasure. We should try to do one job at a time more systematically so that we finish our job in time. Being in a hurry at the last moment means nonsense to me.
To bring sense to what we do, we must work with greater responsibility, seriousness,and punctuality.
Hence the principle is : "I am not in a hurry".