Money matters a lot in having a decent living. From morning to evening, we hear talks about money. Hunger for money keeps many people survive. Many people can go to any extent to earn money. Many people get rich overnight by adopting dishonest means and become God-like figures to many. Through money power, they want to earn name and fame and power. I am personally least bothered about such people. I do not want to know whether they are happy or not.
I believe money can not buy happiness for me.
I believe that I should earn money through honest means only.
Being rich is not bad. Being rich by adopting fraudulent means is really bad.
Being rich ensures social security!!!
No problem.
I personally try to be distanced from the rich.
Richness in money does not guarantee richness of the heart, I believe.
But earning money by honest means is possibly good.
Creating huge wealth only for personal good is no good.
Having large amount of money in the bank does not ensure our happiness.
Everything does not happen as per our wishes,hopes and desires.
We need to think beyond...
Do we have the time to think beyond ?
Time is money, a saying goes.
I am trying to think beyond...
God bless...
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