
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Soft-skills Development

Use of mind or psychological power for effective and powerful business communication can be taken as Soft-skill. 'Soft' should mean the intangible mind-power which governs the process of communicating. Organised and focused mind power can have enhanced processing power of the brain and can communicate more and more effectively, as per the need of the situation. Development of soft-skills involves oral communication with clarity and articulation, a positive body language and an attempt to establish one's view-point with enough logic and examples. Communicating with mutual respect and dignity is an art. To master an art we need training. The major part of the training should contain practical class-room activities. Practice for a long time will slowly define our own style of communicating.
Remember: Style is the man.
Develop your own innovative way of communicating by touching the hearts of the audience through use of the most 'appropriate' words with 'special' stress.
Without self-confidence, we can never be powerful communicator.
It also needs intelligence,presence of mind and a set of positive attitudes.

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