Tuesday, March 31, 2009
A constant endeavor to improve...
I never tried to do better in life.
Even now, I do not have any desire to succeed and prosper.
I believe in doing the least possible work for a system.
I have no faith in hard work.
I believe in different things altogether. All these beliefs originated from my faith in God. I actually never stop working, I believe. My vision of success and prosperity is also different. Thereby I lead a cool life. In material life I believe : Duty first, duty last. I try to do minimum work for this principle of life. Hence I can keep myself free most of the time. A high-flying life is not my cup of tea, I firmly believe.
I need minimum resources for my survival.
I survive now to feel God all the time upto my last breath.
I prefer to live a life full of complete freedom...
God bless...
I sometimes write to spend my time...
I want to write with more and more clarity in future.
I am not expecting any response from my personal views.
I believe everyone acts on his basic nature.
But environment is an influential and powerful tool. Even our basic nature changes slowly under the action of environmental factors.
When we suddenly change,people call us mad.
Let us change ourselves slowly but steadily. The change agents are our gurus and role models. A guru shows us the path to perpetual happiness. But who cares ? Our basic nature forces us to take the same old path again and again. We suffer and then we learn...
Learning is life.
The lessons of the past get converted into intuitive wisdom.
Wisdom is a process of knowing God.
Knowing God completely is just impossible.
I think it is hence better to feel God.
It is good to try.
Let us try.
There is nothing to lose. There is no material gain also. What we may receive is a philosophy of life. A way of explaining of events happening all round us to ourselves.
When we realise that we are nothing but souls, days of our sorrows would be over...
There exists happiness in sorrows and vice versa. We possibly need have an attitude of looking at things differently...
If we can move beyond pleasure and pain by our actions, we shall be truly happy...
Let us try...
God bless...
The ultimate objective of my life...
A state in which I would lose my identity in totality ...with a feeling of complete surrender to my Supreme Lord.
I have my own ideas and dream...
The biggest question I ask myself every moment is : Who am I ?
I am getting the same eternal answer that 'I' do not exist...He only exists without any boundary of Time...
God bless...
A few hours in solitude...
Self-purification through prayer with devotion is the way to happiness.
We are tightly bound by our desires and passions. To be free, we need to destroy our desires one by one.
It is the toughest thing in life.
We can only try to understand the nature of worldly pleasures and decide our course of action in the future.
It is a long process to realise the nature of true happiness.
A state of true happiness lies in a neutral state lying between happiness and sorrow. The exact location can be found by each individual separately through meditative knowledge and intution.
Finding the source of true happiness depends upon individual choice.
To me , happiness does not lie in clinging to material possessions and pleasures.
It possibly lies in our mind.
A wandering mind can rarely mind happiness.
I feel happy when I am in a state of meditation on God.
Dry meditation never helped me.
Meditation on Omnipresence and Omniscience of God is helping me a lot in trying to cleanse my mind.
The more I try to depend on God, the more clarity develops in my mind...
I am trying to cleanse my mind with God's Grace.
I think others can also give a try.
I have nothing to lose, as I do not possess anything. I want to remind myself all the time God's compassion is my possession...
God bless..
Breaking the shell of Illusion(Maya)...
Self-enquiry is the path to self-realization.
I am constantly trying to destroy the mind which creates the state of joy and sorrow.
Mind is behind all our unhappiness.
Mind creates 'selfishness'.
"Selfishness" is the root cause of our unhappiness.
Selflessness is the answer to all problems.
A truly selfless personality is Divine...
Selfless work can elevate our lives to a higher level of consciousness and peace.
We shall come to believe that we are the souls , not the bodies with names...
God bless...
Monday, March 30, 2009
Doing no harm to anyone...
I can only punish myself for my wrongful actions of the past!!!
A person with a compassionate heart and a sense of forgiveness is the best human being.
I personally try to be least harmful to others.
We can do harm to others by our speech and actions...
Hence we need to continuously purify our words and actions...
This process of self-purification gives me a lot of satisfaction and pleasure...
I can not change the world,but I can change myself for the better.
I have changed myself a lot. I am still trying to revolutionise my personal life by eliminating my desires and minimising the cost of living...
I want to make more personal sacrifices to make my family members have a better time in the future... I aspire to live like a 'Sannyasi' for the rest of my life...
I am trying to be a pure vegetarian.
I wish to live on least quantity of food.
I am trying to achieve a state of 'constant remembrance of God'.
I wish to speak as less as possible.
I wish to slow down the pace of my personal life...
I wish to live a God-dependent life for the rest of my life...
I wish to remain distanced from any kind of publicity.
God bless...
I think beyond materialism...
God bless...
Ups and downs in daily life...
We must understand our limitations and act accordingly.
Acting on an impulse may generate more problems.
We also need to understand that most of the time we are the creators of our own problems.
All our performances are affected by our moods. Fluctuation of mood is to be accepted as a law of living. The high and low moods indirectly define our outputs. But the fluctuation can be minimised by being 'slow but steady' for all our actions.
If we slow down a bit , we can find that we are really in better control of our lives.
Intentional slowing down is hence very powerful in personal lifestyle.
Mental processes can be slowed down by adopting appropriate method of meditating.
God bless...
Real-life is a wide open-book...
I believe I should be more realistic about my life and profession, as unrealistic ideologies and ideals never work for anyone. I now peacefully surrender to 'realism'. Running after something is no longer an affair in my life. The days of the dreams are over, as life to me also means "Reality".
The final result of our efforts is not in our hands.
Everything seems to be ordinary and simple and acceptable, only if we have the right attitude to analyse the events happening in our lives. Events happen as per the law of Nature. We act and react according to our basic natures only.
Let us set realistic goals of life...
Let us understand and realise the basic laws governing our own lives...
God created Nature, I believe. We should hence never be extra-enthusiastic about our achievements life...
God bless...
Keeping mind ever-green...
Let us be ever-green in our thoughts.
Let our mind search Truth in everthing.
We forget our plans. We forget vital information. We forget about the important decisions taken.
We forget our principles of living. We forget our past sufferings... Hence we can try to remind ourselves of all such things through the writings in Daily Action Plan(DAP) Diary we need to maintain.
Writings in my diary work wonder for me in daily life...
Anyone can test this for himself/herself...
Self-reminder creates a process of self-motivation...
"Mind Your Own Business" works fine for all
We should do our defined duties well and forget about the duties of others.
If each one of us try to follow the above-said principle, it will do a lot of good to all of us as well as to the system in which we function.
Defining one's duty comes from family,society and the professional field. We are supposed to do justice all the three different roles of ourselves.
"What am I doing" is the fundamental question one should all the time, for self-purification...
God bless...
Keeping mouth shut
The persons who talk much talk a lot of lies, I think.
We should always have a measured talk with anyone.
Wrong choice of words and expression can do a lot of harm to ourselves.
Let us be more and more careful in our speech, as the perception varies from person to person.
While talking to a large audience, we must be very cautious and we must keep our emotions in control.
Emotional maturity is one of the biggest feature of an adult personality.
If a person is not emotionally matured, he will not be able to face the ups and downs of life with a serene mind. Emotional maturity develops from the knowledge of real-life. Hence it is better to face the world with enough courage and determination in the earlier period of life.The more we face bad times, the more matured we become.
In bad times and also in good times, our enemies are at work. Keeping mouth shut is the best principle in tackling of bad times in life.
God bless...
Sunday, March 29, 2009
I have written a lot of things, I will now write only the gist of my professional and personal experience
I have great faith in yoga and meditation.
Through yoga and meditation, one can achieve a state of happy living.
Here 'happiness' is a relative concept for many people. My concept is quite spiritual in nature and I do not want to influence anyone in the matter.
Only thing I could realise in my life till now is that balanced actions with selflessness in attitude can solve all problems of life.
God bless...
Friday, March 27, 2009
Keeping mind free from venom...
Cleansing the mind of these negative emotions will automatically transform ourselves into happier individuals.
Just be happy...
Forget the past...
Let us live for love,compassion,service,selflessness...
God is compassionate.
Let us feel it all the time...
Living one day at a time
Do one job at a time.
Try to relax yourself, when needed.
Try to utilise your time in the best possible manner.
Be as selfless as possible while performing your job.
Do not take so much of mental pressure.
Keep control over your desires.
Minimisation of desires will make us happier.
Running after happiness is like following and trying to grab a mirage.
Living in the present helps us in controlling unrealistic thoughts and desires.
Consider the ground realities of the environment in which we exist.
Try to keep yourself happy all the time.
A desire-free life is the true abode of happiness...
God bless...
Thursday, March 26, 2009
I blame myself most of the time...
God bless...
Music and songs
I prefer soft and old songs.
Enjoy music and songs to forget the bitterness of life's experiences.
God bless...
Self-improvement books are helpful
These books contain marvellous examples and illustrations which can inspire us to do better things in life.
I request my students to read such books.
The parameters of modern living are : success,prosperity,happiness.
These books can guide a person to achieve success,prosperity and happiness.
Name, Fame,Wealth and Power...
All these realizations came to me,because I have enjoyed my life and time to the fullest extent and I have no desire to enjoy more. I feel I got more than I deserve.
A life without name,fame,wealth and power is also a life!!!
I have no problems when others enjoy life.
But I want that nobody should do any harm to others in the process of his/her enjoyment of life.
I believe in 'live and let live'.
I have no problem about others going after name,fame,wealth and power.
I personally try to live a cool life.
God bless...
I have never given my best
But money is not bad when it is used with honesty,charity and service.
Accumulation of Money for satisfying selfish interests only is again a social vice...
Free Meditational Tonic for the self...
It is really difficult.
But with a little bit initial and practice thereafter can solve the problem.
Meditation is a great tonic for body-mind-soul combination.
Let us meditate and rediscover the hidden power within ourselves.
God bless...
Earning money
Some people have extreme desire for money and get rich by adopting quicker and dishonest means. A large number of people earn money through fraudulent means.
Money-earning does not need much education.
It needs tenacity,grit,and determination in the field of any business activity.
Someone can earn huge money only through a business venture. There are some exceptional cases in professional jobs also.
The greatest driving force is the burning desire , unthinkable hard work and personal sacrifice for money which is extermely powerful in modern life.
But the question is : Are those people honest?
If honest, no problem at all.
Otherwise, it is a social vice...
God bless...
Who am I ?
I always think that anything can happen at any time to anyone, at any place.
It is a misconception that we are the doers or creators of all happenings, though everything is happening as it is destined to happen. All beings do things as per their basic nature. Things happen by the will of God,I believe.
We can only try to change things.
Actual happening does not depend on our wishes or desires.
Unconditional Surrendering to God is the only solution to life's problems.
God bless...
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Make everyday a new day..
Learning continually is a great feeling.
Age is not a factor for learning.
Feeling energetic will get transmitted to others.
Remove the monotony by applying creativity and innovation.
Speaking is an art. Let us say the most relevant thing in brief.
Take some health-related decision today.
"Do it Now" principle is the best in doing things.
Take time to relax.
Take time to laugh.
Take time to guide.
Take time to build understanding.
Take time to convince.
Take time to adjust and compromise.
Take time to keep cool and calm all the time.
Take time to express your emotions.
Give time to friendship.
Take time to apply for a new job.
Take time to strength your CV.
God bless...
Society for Human Values, Rights and Welfare
It's a dream for a lifetime.
Everyone of the members will enjoy equality in all activities.
The society will be free from red-tapism of any kind.
We shall have the same designation "worker".
Can it be done ?
Can we form it and work for its mission that is given in its name.
The society will have no touch of political colors.
I am waiting for the reply from the like-minded people...
Thinking is the man...
If we can control our thinking, we shall be more organised.
"Control" of the mind is the prerequisite to self-realization.
The key to self-realization is asking ourselves the eternal question " Who am I?"
When we can discover for ourselves an answer, we shall become self-realized in our own different ways...
God bless...
Daily Action Plan(DAP) really works...
I try to solve problems of many people through personal counselling.
But in everything I try to feel the touch of God.
I am mesmerised by the infinite variety of Divine Creations.
I love meditating of Death,Life and God.
I firmly believe in applying the theory of management in life.
I try to treat my students as part and parcel of my life.
I am concerned about the changing attitudes of some of our present students. There is a sign of crisis of 'identity' in many young people.
I sometimes feel bad about the academic atmosphere all around.
Environment of dirty politics and dishonesty hurts me a lot.
What are the solutions?, I ask myself...
God bless...
Sleeping is my favorite hobby...
I need about 8 hours of sleep.
Sleeping is a poor experience for many people.
It is possibly due to hypertension and taking everything so seriously.
Proper yoga, meditation,bath and light food can possibly solve problems in many cases.
Taking so much of pressure in material life is the cause.
Changing of lifestyle is the cure...
God bless...
Prayer is a great healer...
Human beings can work only. The result actually depends on the will of God, I believe.
Regular prayer will certainly improve our consciousness and show us the path of a better living.
Having faith is most difficult, as our senses are governed by our desires and passions.
Even a slight shift of attitudes can do miracle for us...
I have no right to preach...
These words are self-reminding...
God bless...
Simplicity is sometimes a weakness...
Simplicity is great virtue, I believe.
But it becomes a great torture, when some rowdies utilise it for satisfying their extreme desires.
We are sometimes helpless, as the society gives its support mostly to the rich,powerful, and the people with muscle-power...
It is frustrating...
The younger people should be aware of such situations
and they should give some support to the older and the weak.
At individual level, let us organize ourselves and fight various social evils.
Can we be organised ?
Protest itself is very powerful...
Can we form a society named "Society for human values and welfare"?
God bless...
Drinking enough water...
I never kept my words to myself. But it has been steady at about 3.5litres per day. I am feeling much better now.
I now try to increase the intake to 5 litres.
I must achieve the level and must continue till the end of my life.
Water is life, a saying goes.
Water intake will improve my fitness to a great extent, I believe.
Drinking water in large quantities will,I believe, eliminate many of my illnesses.
You may also think in this direction for improved health and fitness.
God bless...
Fear of HR-interviews....
2.Dress well (formal dress only)
3.Maintain eye-contacts while saying things in only 'clear' terms
4.Remember: self-confidence is the reflection of your basic knowledge
5.Remove health-problems of any kind, be fit to the core
6.Have tolerance
7. Managing the conversation is important
8.Delivery of your speech is most important
9.Be honest about yourself, admit ignorance,give thanks when it is required.
10.Be polite,but communicate with self-confidence
11.Retain inner moral strength all the time
12. HR interviews assess your personality and its potential for a specific job only; you may be suitable for many other jobs; may not be suitable for that particular job.
Alternative self-health-care
auto-urine therapy,
biochemic medicines
can be studied by anyone.
They are easy to be applied on the self.
Gaining knowledge and applying can definitely benefit us almost free of cost.
We can be our own doctors for common ailments.
I have tested most of them in my personal life and I am happy.
For chronic ailments,Homoeopathy acts like miracle...
For a novice I suggest one to consult experts for specific cases...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Inculcating the virtue of sense of humour...
But we should not ridicule others.
Our sense of humor should not hurt the soft feelings of others.
The best way is to laugh at ourselves and our stupidity.
Mindful "Exaggeration" of minor events can make us laugh like a child.
For a good sense of humor, we should expand our imagination and apply witty twists to them.
Sense of humor is very good for healthy living.
But we should be cautious about the situation in which we apply such things...
It is better not to take life so seriously all the time.
Laughing without control makes our mind relaxed...
Have nice time with bindaas guys at times...
Just laugh without control...
God bless...
What makes frustration acute ?
Frustration originates from failure to attain things as per our desires.The greatest source of frustration is the environments in which we spend much of our daily time.
Enviroment and the working atmosphere have deep impact on our minds. Bad experiences turn into bad memories.Bad memories haunt us all the time.
The big thing in life is to fight back and stand erect in these hard times. Trying to escape is foolish. When going gets tougher, we should be toughest. Bad things do not remain bad for all times. Changes are inevitable. You and I can also be the change agents for a bad system. It all depends on many factors. But failing before actual failure is a personal crime. Failure is never final. "Coming back" with more enthusiasm and energy is an art.
The greatest cure of frustration is changing the way of thinking and looking at things.
Let us think positive from today. There are many more things in life, to be done, to be dedicated to.
Stick to and say to yourself: Never give up hope...
God bless...
Distance Learning is not bad...
"Learning" should be given more importance than "distance".
Class-room teachers are not super heros who will make feed and digest everything. How many students are really interested in attending some of dry lectures of some 'artificial', self-declared pandits ?
The world has changed a lot.
Still some 'great' men speak rubbish about the highly developed field of distance education.
Choosing a good university is more important.
IGNOU is one of the best universities in the world: please note.
This is my personal opinion.
Knowledge should never be confined only to 'dry' pandits/so-called 'academicians' with no exposure to Industry .
God bless...
"Yes" men in a system
They never do any good to an organization.
They lie a lot.
They mislead a lot.
They behave like chamchas of anybody, in any situation.
How can chamchas solve any problem in a system?
Identify those parasites and fight against their bonelessness.
God bless...
Preaching by doing consistently
Then the thing becomes difficult.
What we question the honesty, we become bad men!!!
I think myself to be life-long follower of my spiritual master. But following itself is so difficult. I can not follow properly what I want to follow. But partially I have been able to do something in that direction.
I am not perfect, nor do I wish to be perfect.
We must accept some of our inherent imperfections and still try to live a happier life.
If we fail to accept ourselves in the right spirit, how can we be accepted by others?
Being realistic can solve the problems of illusory vision of life...
I am trying to be realistic...
I know I am trying to write good things for my students.
I try to treat them with impartiality and honest intentions.
I know I am not hard working.
I work as part of my professional duty.
I have no faith in working 'hard' like the employees of great MNCs...
I least bother that culture of working hard for long hours for more CTCs etc.
ESPM Theory really works
ESPM(Ego-Sex-Power-Money) is at the root of all quarrels,conflicts,killings, and barbaric acts.
The excessive hunger and greed for ESPM brings imbalances to personal and societal life.
Controlling the factors at personal level can reduce social crimes.
The path of yogic and spiritual living will help us in gaining control of our negative passions.
If we analyse the existing problems in the society, the root causes will possibly be found to be deep-rooted ESPM factors.
God bless...
Variety is the spice of life...
There might be criticisms...
Sometimes, we need to ignore them...
I have a unique way of thinking, as I am unique.
You also are unique...
In basic uniqueness, there lies a universal truth that we are all human beings.
Surrendering the individual uniqueness to a common goal for a common good is sacrifice...
Life is basically sacrifice...
God bless...
Igniting self-motivation and self-drivenness
It is better to have a detailed self-talk about our future plans.
It is better to generate practical ideas about our course of action.
When we do it ourselves, our mind and the will-power makes us self-motivated persons.
Self-driven persons can produce better results.
Self-driven persons get high level of job-satisfaction.
Instead of waiting for the command/request of someone else, let us generate creative ideas and let try to follow 'do it now' principle...
Let us try to make bold decisions.
We may fail.
We definitely have the opportunity to learn a lot from our failures.
We do not need blame others, but ourselves.
Finding faults with ourselves and correcting them is a great experience.
Self-correction, innovation and creativity are the key factors which govern our style of living.
God bless...
Monday, March 23, 2009
Middle path
Excess of anything is bad.
Finding and identifying the middle path is quite difficult.
But keeping control on the self about thinking and doing things is the best option.
Sometimes, we may have to be rigid and uncompromising at the personal level to fight against injustice and inhumanity.
Inner toughness and a good moral character always win...
Grade cards
The things which are not reflected are:
your manners,
and other finer qualities of true human being.
Otherwise, it is like drinking poison...
Friends may turn into enemies by the slightest conflicts of self-interests.
Friendliness is sometimes better than friendship.
God bless...
Jai Radhey...
To write or not to write ?
I write not to preach.
I write to remind myself that I am nothing.
I write to provide food for thought for my beloved students...
I am teacher till I get some genuine listeners in my class...
Teaching was my hobby, once upon a time...
Teaching is my bread and butter now...
Writing might be a part of my profession in future...
Am I joking ?
There are no publishers who will publish such writings!!!
I write only to say to my students that behind everything should lie humanistic thoughts and actions for a real human being.
If someone is destructive in nature, let him or her destroy his or her bad habits,harmful thoughts and actions with respect to peaceful living of other beings.
Destroy inhumanity.
Build fratenity.
Destroy cruelty.
Build a green society.
Let us all live for love,kindness and compassion.
What are real possessions ?
What did we lose ?
Is not death the inevitable destiny of life ?
God bless...
To live or not to live ?
What did I gain ?
I am trying to drive out 'fear' by trying to be honest to the core.
Still there is fear of injustice, inhumanity,cruelty,hooliganism, and the fear of violation of basic human rights.
Fighting against fear is a tough job.
Then I slowly moved into the world of spirituality.
My faith now makes me live.
I was thinking whether I can ever live a life.
Divine Names are now the only sources of energy.
I try to be good to others. Still there exists so much of crookedness in those I tried to help sincerely at their bad times...
Ungrateful people makes me unhappy sometimes.
Still I pray to God to give the inner strength to sustain till I can.
God will possibly take care of me.
He will make me cry.
He will possibly allow me a few years to live.
My wish does not matter to Him, I suppose...
Still we live in hopes for a better life.
"keep going" is the inviolable law of life.
Nothing is permanent.
I now feel time cures everything..
God bless...
Think creatively,act slowly...
Choose the path by thorough analysis.
Take actions slowly with firm vision.
Be steady.
Be harmless.
Take feedback and analyse.
Continue to act with honesty and integrity.
Leave the results in God.
Let others be happy with the fruits of your labor and actions.
Life is sacrifice.
The hidden pleasure lies in giving.
I am trying to live with these harmless ideas.
The more we take, the more burdened we are.
Living with burden is partial living.
To make life more satisfying, we should try to renunciate the path of the worldly pleasures...
God bless...
Jai Radhey...
Alternative Art of Living
I believe in slowing down the speed of life. I have no faith in 'to be in a hurry all the time'. Let the world move slowly. At least I must be slow. But I must be steady in all my actions. Slowing down means to me 'feeling peace and tranquility' all the time , in all actions, with all honesty. I want to shape up my daily life with minimum desires. I want to perform one small job at a time.
The calmer we are, the nerves get less strained,the better performer we are.
"Peace" is the keyword of the Alternative Art of Living.
Let us be slow but steady...
Why in a hurry ?
Nothing great can be achieved in a hurry.
Running after money,wealth,name and fame all the time brings hollowness in our body,mind and soul.
What money can not buy is 'peace' and satisfaction of the mind and soul.
We need money for the maintenance of basic parameters of household life like education,health and food and shelter...
Alternative art of living means to me devoting our actions to honesty,discipline,minimisation of desires,enough sleep,commitments,duty and a sense of responsibility towards to one and all.
Living without enmity, without prejudice, without extreme views,without recklessness, without harmful thoughts is life , as revealed to me by intuition.
God bless...
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Defeat shyness...
Shyness develops from some kind of imaginary fears of being revealed and exposed.
Reveal your personality today.Be outspoken at times. Test yourself by doing something special today.
Shyness is the product of introversion...
Hiding the true self from others, for a long time develops shyness...
Shyness is a great barrier to success...
Remove it slowly, come out of the artificial shell of confinement...
Be bold...It needs the light of knowledge,experience and personal interactions...
Make some good friends who will help you break that shell of illusion...
God bless...
Being ambivert is better
Extroversion is the extreme side of expressing oneself...sometimes associated with a lot of negative experiences.
Ambiversion(lying between introvert and extrovert behaviors) with variation and dynamic flexibilities is the best solution for any person...
Be ambivert from today...
Perception and relativity
Everything we perceive through our senses and the mind is relative in nature. In every relative perception, we have a touch of universality and absoluteness , if we have a faith that God is the Supreme Creator of these infinite variations(Illusions).
Only perception which is absolute is the feel of Divine presence in all creations and His manifestations...
God is Absolute.
He is the creator, maintainer and destructor...
We think that we are perceiving...
The nameless, invisible, consciousness within our selves actually does that. Our body has a name. The soul does not have one.
We are not bodies...
We are souls...
We are basically deathless...
Removing the fear of the bodily death is itself a philosophical turning point in our lives...
God bless...
Development of wisdom
It needs summarization.
It needs real life feeling and experience.
Knowledge coupled with experience turns into Realization.
Realization develops wisdom and philosophical thoughts.
Thoughts are ignited as per the need of time and situation.
Philosophy is basically the gist of all sciences of life and existence.
Each philosophical thought is a nectar of wisdom and realization.
Whatever realization we have in daily life can be put down in some universal form(writing,painting etc.). That way we preserve the gist of our lessons in our own relative terms.
After long years, we shall be able to help others in solving problems of life by referring to our realizations of the past.
Our past experience refines our present actions.
Our present actions and attitudes will shape up our future...
Future actually never comes.
We actually live in the present.
We sometimes we forget this fact and turn our life into a hellish den of past and futuristic thoughts.
Whatever positive and great action you want to take, take it now...
Be happy today..
Be satisfied today..
Be bold to day...
Give your opinions today itself...
Decide today...
Manage today...
Lead today...
Forget the bitter past, and start living a new life from today...
Tomorrow never comes !!!
Past does not come back !!!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Alternative Thinking
With all the ordinary ways, we should develop alternative paths also. Keep 'n' number of options before you. Keep ready a mental flow-chart.
All these need creative thinking,brain-storming in a group, and also a desire to learn new things.
Behind it, we need flexibilty, innovation, dynamism and creativity.
When you are bored with all these instructions, listen to a soft music and watch a good movie and just relax yourself.
My most favorite thing is sleeping.
Be relaxed all the time, even while working.
Keep going...
God bless...
Give more importance to self-development
1. reading good books
2.taking physical exercise/yoga regularly for fitness
3.effective speaking
4.learning newer things
5.Being well-informed
6.speaking from the heart
7.holding on to positive attitudes
8.being a doer
9.respecting the dignity of others
God bless...
Giving service needs a special attitude of selflessness.
Serving is a source of pleasure.
We serve God when we serve other beings.
In the heart of every being lies God.
I hate people who creates fear in the mind of people.
I feel God's presence in His creations.
God is the only Creator.His manifestations are infinite.
God is inexplicable...No word is sufficient to express His Infinite Blessings.
You and I can depend on God. He is forgiving. He gives shelters to one and all.
God wants me to serve you through my writings with all my humbleness and weaknesses...
I pray for the happiness of all.
I may die at any time, as my health is not in good shape...
But there is nothing to worry, as soul is deathless...
I will continue to live in the minds of some people for whom I lived...
I have no regrets.
Birth and death are the visual change of phases of an encapsulated Soul only.
By eliminating the fear of death, we can live a more dynamic and satisfying life...
God bless...
Writing to express and to inspire...
I write for you to be informed of things forgotten.
I write to say that we need continuous self-development...
I write to tell you that regular self-training is effective.
I write to tell you that I am not perfect,but I do things for the good of you, and others.
I write to convey that I suffer from my mistakes and blunders about my health, and that you should take enough care...
If you are happy, happiness comes to me.
Love for human is my passion...
I hate cruelty,terror,inhumanity, and dishonesty.
I love peace and tranquility...
I love to pray to God for others ...
I love to sleep well...
I am not a devotee of Money.
I love people who are kind and compassionate to others.
I tell my students that we are all learners...
If we have integrity, our thoughts,actions,behaviors and speech will reflect the same idea before others. Coherence is important.
Class-room manners
Learning is a multi-way process in which all persons participate.
Asking questions is a good sign...
Being attentive is a great quality...
Accepting a teacher is a challenging job !!!
Discipline is the foundation of all actions...
Punctuality is important.
Speak out.
Be free.
Choose correct words for communicating.
Take notes of main concepts.
Develop mutual trust, faith, and friendship.
Remember: College days are the golden days of life
Thursday, March 19, 2009
"Shouting" is a social offence
Be soft,but strong at the same time.
Be silent, when doing is more important than saying.
Set examples.
Encourage talent and creativity.
Use minimum words to express maximum things: Energy Efficiency is important.
Silence is divine, and noise is satanic.
Silence is sometimes more eloquent than energetic speech...
NB: I am not preaching anything, I am generating food for thought... I am not advising anyone...I am only writing things as part of my hobby...
God bless...
Over-confidence is a silent killer
Selfconfidence is needed for success, but there is a sharp line of demarcation between the overconfidence and selfconfidence.
Overconfidence is blind...
Selfconfidence is full of openness and dynamism.
Overconfidence may hurt others...
Selfconfidence is supportive to others..
Overconfidence can bring downfall, as psychological blindness can not be cured so easily...
Overconfidence makes you isolated from others.
Remember: Too much of selfconfidence may land you in a disease named 'overconfidence'
God bless...
Teaching as a profession
Teaching does not make you rich here in India.
If you are after huge money, teaching is not the right option.
Teaching is an art. It is really difficult to master the art...But we should keep on trying for betterment...
To be a teacher, one needs to be patient,tolerant,unbiased, non-vindictive, large-hearted,broad-minded, merciful, calm,interactive,assertive, and should have an attitude of leading to knowledge with simplicity ...
He leads a humble life...
He knows to forgive...
He is not like a politician or a diplomat...
He accepts all, rejects none....
My ideal teacher was Late Dr. Paritosh Mukherjeee, Nimta High School, a great scholar in Bengali Grammar and Literature, a true Lion in my student life...
Why to work 'hard'?
Working with regularity and consistency is not enough or what ?
'Hard' work means working without rest for a long time.
My idea is that no one should ever work hard !!!
Work with proper planning and not keeping things pending should be style.
Hard work damages your body, and health.
You will have to see doctors frequently.
Your sufferings will go on increasing day by day and indirectly your family will suffer a lot of trouble.
Why to work hard ?
Why in a hurry ?
Showing others that one is working very hard seems idiotic to me!!!
Private and MNCs exploit people by using the word 'hard' with work.
Make your life hell by working 'hard'?
For whose benefit ?
Working regularly with punctuality is not enough or what?
Fight against injustice and exploitation.
God bless...
Touch of my Guru
Sri Ramakrishna Brajabashi is my spiritual master. He is my only possession in this material world...
My Guru embraced a sinner like me...
He gave me everything. I am full to the brim...
He was not a money-earning guru...
God bless...
Marketing the self...
Not impossible at the same time.
1.present yourself with simplicity
2.show courage
3.answer questions
4.be positive all the time
5.show that you have strong nerves
6.admit ignorance with frankness
7.communicate with natural accent with clarity
8.be self-confident
9. Take care of manners and body language
Do not be afraid of the result...
God takes care...
Areas of Job searches in present time
Govt. Undertakings,
Food processing,
and many others...
First we need to remove fear from our minds
and go on building up our skills(both technical and managerial) on a continuous basis...
Be optimistic...
Be self-confident...
Consult experts...
Thinking of higher studies, quite good.
God bless...
To stay young at heart...
Play like a child...
Laugh like a child, without control...
Be simple...
Throw out the psychological complexes, be free, be bindaas...
work with dedication and selflessness...
Kick out the imaginary fears by living in the present...
Forget the bitter past...just use the present moment...
Take 6-8 hours sleep to recharge the life's battery...
Admit your mistakes with childlike simplicity...
Finally remember that happiness lies in our own minds and we are responsible for our own happiness...
Thinking big
Thinking big and day-dreaming will lead us nowhere,if we do not act as per 'DO IT NOW' principle.
Let us ask ourselves:
1.are we punctual in doing things ?
2.are we regular and consistent in our duties ?
3.are we committed to our duties and responsibilities?
4.do you talk sense ?
5.are we inspired by someone's life and actions?
6. before finding faults with others, do we find out our own faults first?
7.do we take corrective actions everyday?
8.do we have the right attitudes to utilize limited resources with highest efficiency?
9. do we possess the energy,vigor and vitality(EVV) to succeed ?
10.do we think positive with creativity all the time?
11.can we face tough challenges of real life with calmness?
12.who is perfect in this world? who is perfectly happy in this world ?Is there anyone who
Life in action
2.taking time to laugh
3.managing time
4.good sleep
5.reading , singing and watching TV etc.etc.
6.speaking as per the need of the time
7.having faith in God and in one's own self
8.taking decisions
9.helping others in need
10. trying to improve everyday
11.communicating with human considerations
12.accepting the fundamental truths of life...
God bless...
Variety in human talents...
Never compare yourself with others.
All of us are individually unique in nature and talents.
No one is the best in everything.
Depending on our own talent-sets, we should choose the path of action for ourselves.
Do not imitate others.
Follow the path of great men and women to define your principles of life, considering the real-life limitations and factors...
Nothing in the material world is absolute and final.
Be yourself and be selfless at the same time...
Life will teach you many more things which are not taught in schools and colleges.
Draw inspirations from the poeple you love to keep going...
God bless...
Business thinking
3.transforming ideas into actions and sales
4.a one thousand miles journey begins with a step
5. thinking big, considering ground realities
6.team-building and cohesiveness
7.finance is not always a big factor
8.technical expertise and cost-effectiveness
9.devotion of time
11.dynamism and newer ideas in action
12. courage to start and spirit to continue
God bless...
Misers can never be happy
Do not overspend.
At the same time, never be miser.
Be generous.
You do not have to search for happiness and peace...
Fighting Crookedness
1.simple approach
3.diplomatic behavior with the crooked people
5.real work-based output
7.being tough when we face roughness from the crooked
8.to keep up emotional stability
9.to be a alert and creative problem-solver
Divine Thoughts
God's blessings flows unconditionally for all.
Only a few can understand the fact.
Unconditional surrendering to God (USG) can solve many of our problems. We should remind ourselves that we ourselves are mostly responsible for most of our problems.
Lord Sri Krishna or God is omnipresent and omniscience.
The true devotees can feel God.
Continuous Enchanting of Divine Names will slowly put ourselves in subtle vibrations and we can derive ecstatic pleasure of the mind.
We are here to carry out our duties.
We are nothing.
We are living life to serve God and His creations.
1. duty
4.pure sense of humor
5.Spiritual Practice
7. Personal honesty and integrity.
Noisy environment
Creating noise is a social offence.
Protest against it boldly,when a limit is crossed.
A noisy environment is at the root of loss of individual creativity and professional productivity.
If you try to be internally cool and calm, you definitely can.
Your inner self still feel deep silence,if you are in a meditative state...
Self is a pure, undisturbed consciousness.
Even in disturbance and noise, a self-concentrated person can perform normal duties.
Cool and calm beings are the true assets of a society...
All the best.
God bless...
Crooked characters...
They are cruel and vindictive in nature.
They are diplomatic all the time.
They are selfish all the time.
Avoid them.
Never believe them.
Identify them and behave with same level of diplomacy and tact.
Crookedness is revealed in tone of voice, in over-dramatisation of simple things,praising all the time, and lastly in artificial friendliness.
To fight against crookedness, we should take the path of honesty and outspokenness.
God bless...
Complaining characters
It is for attracting attention.
It is for not accepting responsibility.
It is a part of chamchagiri of someone else.
It is meant to hide the intention of not doing enough work.
It is intended to stop positive work.
Complaining is in the basic nature of some people.
Many of the problems are psychological in nature.
God bless...
Seriousness and suffering
Have enough laugh in life.
Read jokes.
Tell jokes...
Life is a fun...Enjoy.
Life is also a duty, perform.
Life is learning,learn and assimilate.
Life is giving,give selflessly...
Be serious with yourself, not with others...
Enjoy till you have achieved Truth in life.
Do not take so much of mental pressure to earn money, as money is the only thing you need.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Living with fear...
Eliminate fear by knowing the roots.
Cut off the roots by the sword of knowledge.
Take help of others, when needed.
Remember: most of our fears are baseless, unfounded, and imaginary.
If there is a problem, there must be a solution to it.
The solution may need the brain-power of a so-called bad man...
But never be a bad man with a good man...
Keep laughing at jokes, when you have a tough problem to solve...
As some bad man will come forward to help you...
Bad men are not always bad, as everything is relative, you know ?
God bless...
Self-improvement is a continual process of self-growth and self-nurture consisting of :
Positive Thinking,
Forming good habits,
Shaking off lethargy,
Leading by honesty,
Speaking for an objective,
Giving service with selflessness,
Establishing peace,
Forming bond of love and compassion,
Rejecting dishonesty,
Praying to God,
Building good health,
Working with integrity
and trying to help others in need...
leading a balanced life...
Dry Lecturing
Anyone can give advice.
But where are the doers ?
Tall-talkers are found everywhere. But sincere workers are found rarely.
Avoid tall-talkers.
Be your own advisor as far as possible, as silent self-talking will tell you what actions you are supposed to take.
Transform your thoughts into actions.
Success is the produce of actions.
Do your homework well before actual work.
God bless...
Be outspoken
Be bold with honesty.
Give advice, only sought for.
Be a friend in need.
Be pleasant to enemies.
Win hearts.
Listen more.
Think creatively.
Respect views of others.
Do not find fault with others.
We shall be happier persons. Happiness is contagious.
Build selfless friendship, but be cautious about it, as the society has changed a lot.
Be fearless, but be God-fearing.
Help others without expectation.
May God bless us all...
Soft-skill is nothing new
Speaking and communicating for a specific professional need is the key factor involving the power of soft-skills of a person.
How to be good public speaker
Don't be clever.
Don't mislead.
Don't tell a lie.
Keeping informing.
Avoid monotony.
Give surprises.
Give pause.
Be sincere. Be pleasant.
Apply genuine sense of humor...
Never underestimate the audience.
Redefine your style of presentation according to the profile of the audience.
Finally, be optimistic.
Be enthusiastic, as enthusiasm spreads like wild-fire.
Start speaking today...
It needs a lot of practice...
God bless...
All-round development
Physical weakness and diseases land up deep trouble in life. In course of time, physical problems turns into mental one and all our interpersonal relationships go astray. Hence we should attach high importance on physical fitness and strength. It needs regular physical exercise. For mind-training we need to socialise and we need a good sense of harmless humor. Mind-power utilisation at an optimum level keeps us mentally fit.
Spiritual development is essential for personal peace and also indirect social peace.
May God bless all...
Jobs are limited in number.
But our desires are unlimited.
We are possibly the victims of negative attitudes.
We are victims of negative thinking.
We are not dynamic enough.
Finding an employment needs more knowledge, better attitudes, good commincation skills, keeping track of relevant information, a better preparedness for stiff competition, discussing with friends and parents, self-studies, and newer ideas to be different from others.
Best of luck for one and all.
Keep trying.
Never give up hope.
In hard times,pray to God for solution.
Be strong. Think like a lion. Act like a tiger.
Make friends.
Be happy...
May God bless you all.
Ideas and Ideals
We must have some ideals and we should stick to them.
We should have some ideas which will generate some money for maintenance of life.
Ideas we inculcate today will define the future courses of actions in our lives.
Ideas and attitudes are the factors responsible for the rise and fall of a personality.
Ideas define our actions. Our actions produce output. Output generates feedback.Feedback creates newer ways of doing things.
Life is action.
Life is compassion.
Life is shedding tears for the sorrows of others.
Life is sacrifice.
Life is feeling God in existence.
Life is realising the material illusion and choosing the path of God-realization.
Life is never-ending.
Life is a process of transormation and change of phases...
Adopt 'possibility thinking' as part and parcel of your life.
Possibilities are infinite.
Anything can happen.Anything can be done.
Be creative and generate newer ideas which can transform your present life into a better one.
Hard work, tenacity,honesty of purpose and innovation are the change-makers in life.
Are you ready to chnage yourself for the better?
Are you dynamic enough ?
Do you have a strong attitude for learning from life ?
Creativity and innovative may keep you truly alive and healthy for a lifetime.
Have faith in these ideas.
Work for the sake of work.
Love for the sake of love.
Lift yourself above self-interest and selfishness.
Things will change for the better.
Remember: Thinking makes the man. Man develops his own style of living. Running after money can not be a life. Money will come from the ideas you nurture today.
Fighting frustration
Believe in "Possibility" Thinking.
Extract innovative ideas.
Start your work today.
Never give up.
God will help , if you surrender to His Blessings.
My fight against diseases
Alternative Medicines
Trying : Drinking 4 litres of water per day
By making others laugh almost all the time
Keeping my temper cool all the time
Sleeping about 8 hours a day.
Writing things to generate food for thought.
Thinking of death as part of my spiritual practice.
Trying to remember God all the time.
By believing that I am not the doer, the doer lies dormant in me.
How does it matter if I die today? Soul is deathless. I am a soul encaged in a material body.
My aim is to work. My desire is to die without any hidden desires. The material world and its illusion can never attract my mind. I believe in the evolution of consciousness of the souls, not in the dirty material desires and hollowness.
I believe in God. The only aim of my life is to become true devotee of God and die as that.
No more now...
God bless you all.
Leadership Development is easy...
Lead by inspiring & motivating.
Be a good follower at the same time.
Give your heart to the team.
Solve problems
Answer Questions
Speak from your heart.
Be a doer.
Be energetic, enthusiastic all the time.
Recognise and reward the talents and true workers.
Praise sincerely.
Be selfless...
Share your ideas.
Take responsibility.
If you have all these above-said qualities,even in part, you will be a good leader...
KICS for success
KICS rules the world of success...
Communication skills need training (direct/indirect).
Before communicating, one should clear about what to communicate.
One should know the purpose of communicating.
One should be Logical.
One should illustrate his or her point of view.
One should encourage participation and interaction.
Communication can be made lively.
One should be flexible and dynamic in approach.
One must avoid monotony by introducing humor at times.
One should be able to feel the pulse of the audience.
One must be highly energetic to continue communicating for a long time,if needed.
My physical weakness has been a prime factor in shaping my speech. I have ideas, but I do not have enough physical energy to speak for hours together. I am trying to improve my energy level through yogic exercise...
Managing the self and enjoying life...
1. Do I drink 4-6 litres of water for fitness ?
2.Do I take yogic/freehand exercise regularly ?
3. Do monitor my health parameters and seek the advice of an expert when required?
4. Do I worry much about anything ?
5. Am I energetic and enthusiastic during my working hours?
6. Am I a good listener?
7.Am I a good speaker?
8. Do I have sound sleep everyday?
9. Do I do my duties with sincerity ?
The best way to keep fit by taking yogic exercise, light food, huge quantity of drinking water and having sound sleep at night.
To be mentally fit, we need meditation,sleep,solving analytical problems,playing games, relaxing with friends, reading spiritual books,reading biographies, and having a witty sense of humor...
A harmless ,witty, and sharp sense of humor can make laugh without control...
Have sense of humor and enjoy life full...
Having fun is also a part of healthy living...
Talkativeness is great sin...
A man of character doe not need talk much, as his one word means thousand vibrations in a heart.
A liar has to talk a lot to hide the darker side of his character, his idiocy, and also make his hollow personality a externally colorful one.
Liars can gain cheap popularity easily by playing with tender hearts. But the same can never do good to any side.
Shrewdness and cunningness are the qualities of the scoundrels
and the liars...
Remember: simplicity,straight-forwardness, honesty, outspokenness with sweetness are the true qualities of real human being.
Selfishness is a vice. Try to be as selfless as possible.
Do not be talkative. Be a good orator in times of need.
Be yourself in style,decision-making,speaking and working.
Be natural. Be relaxed. Be calm and cool. Be punctual. Keep words and promises. Be bold and courageous. Have friends. Give respect to others. .....be happy all the time.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Experience is the real learning...
Can we live without fear ?
Can we live without worry ?
Yes , we can.
Fear originates from unknowing i.e. lack of knowledge. Higher the level of knowledge,lesser will be fear involved. Remember: most of our fears are psychological and unfounded, baseless and imaginary.
Real fears are founded on ESPM(EGO-SEX-POWER-MONEY) factors. Try to pinpoint the general factor and try to find an innovative intuitive solution of the problem. Friends can help.Parents can help.
Worry is generated from uncertainty of the future. Mind that mostly your future depends upon your own actions today. Why to worry ? Who knows the future perfectly ? Better to live in the present. Make the best use of the present. Future will be taken care of automatically by your present actions. Mind : Life is action,not contemplation. To be frank, procrastination takes away most our valuable time and we are in a hurry at the last moment of every important job.
Overconfidence about one's own cerebral intelligence is the main cause of one's downfall and sufferings from negative emotions like fear, and worry.
We should set the limits of our aims and desires.
Unlimited desires,greed,anger, jealousy and ego-consciousness drives a man to inhumanity and suffering...
To be content with simplicity of living is great virtue.
Accumulation of personal wealth and showing off muscle-power bring about chaos,worry,suffering,fear,betrayal of faith etc. into a otherwise normal life.
In simplicity and humbleness lies the hidden pleasures of life.
For self-realization and perpetual happiness, we need not have huge money...
Divine knowledge and enlightenment can not purchased by money...
God is compassionate to simple-hearted humble beings who completely surrender themselves to Him...
Unconditional Surrendering to God(USG) with selfless work can make us live a better life.
To have peace
Silence and meditation sends us intuitive answers.
Use intution with analysis and intelligence...
Have enough sleep in a day.
Take physical exercise.
Be dynamic.
Be honest...
Train yourself free
Learning from the mistakes of others.
Learn from the style of others.
Develop your own style of communicating,
writing,doing things.
Finally, be your own person.
Be yourself.
Take your decisions.
Jump into action.
Do not bother about the results...
Be selfless,
Be a doer.
Speak the gist.
Keep up Energy-Vigor-Vitality and selflessness to remain truly happy ...all the time...
The Power of a Personality
1. physical, 2.mental, 3.spiritual
The power lies within everyone of us in various degrees of the three components.
Proper tuning of the three factors can make able to influence the hearts of others. If we are selfless in attitudes, good in communication, and honest and humble, we shall be able to influence the minds and hearts of others for establishing our humanistic goals of life.
The major features of a powerful personality are :
1. unflinching honesty
2. commitment towards own family and the society at large
5. humanism
8.protection of the weak, frustrated, helpless and the needy
9. following the path of God,i.e.Compassion
Soft-skills Development
Remember: Style is the man.
Develop your own innovative way of communicating by touching the hearts of the audience through use of the most 'appropriate' words with 'special' stress.
Without self-confidence, we can never be powerful communicator.
It also needs intelligence,presence of mind and a set of positive attitudes.
Life's own silent lessons
do not me reckless
do not break your health,
do not be harsh and cruel to any being,
do not dominate anyone by use of dirty money and money power,
do not leave the path of honesty,
do not be ungrateful to God,
Do not harm others,
do not suffer from frustration,
Do connect yourself with God who will guide you peace,
Do be simple
Do be humble
Do have kindest compassion for any being
Hold on to the Truth
Be selfless
Live for others
Learn giving
Learn forgiving
Learn how to control the mind and its desires
Be strong with the strong
Be selfless and kind for the weak
The power of analysis and logical thinking with clarity of basic concepts and purpose are the key factors in decision-making. Decision-making is at the root of all human activities. Without strong decision , our actions may remain half-done or not done properly. The decision we take is the reflection of our plans and programs. To achieve anything, we need proper planning, decision-making and implementation with technical expertise. Managerial decision-making is an important area which helps in keeping up the financicial health of any organization.
To eliminate confusion and vacillating thoughts, we must adopt scientific and objective decision-making. It is always better to write the parameters of concern and attach numerical figures of importance for an objective analysis of the problems and its outcomes. Then we must use the power of intuition and many other human factors to arrive at a final decision.
Independent decision-making based on muli-way feedbacks is the best for a good manager. A vacillating mind is of no use in the field of work.
For success,prosperity, and happiness, we need to take our own decisions.
Independent,creative and innovative decision-makers are naturally more successful in both personal and professional life.
Timidity is to hated for all times, as life is once.
Behind all decisions, should lie sound human considerations...
Today's decisions build tomorrow's environment.
We can create a better environment by taking some firms decisions today.
Living in the present is an art...
Making the best use of the present time is the wisest of all decisions...
Being selfless at the same time makes us more happier...
Working for the happiness of others is a real pleasure...
Feeding the hungry is divine.
Speaking the truth for the sake of truth is act of philosophers...
The path of Bhakti(devotion), to me, is most suitable for modern life...
Bhakti can be ignited through the company of the saints and gurus...
Honest actions lead to satisfaction...
Upholding of self-dignity is a tough challenge in modern life, as human values and ethics have deteriorated in course of changing times and culture. Humanistic thoughts and ideas are not attached with much importance, as the majority are running after hedonism. Still universal truths are still valid in life. If we do not live a value-based life, we shall get punished tomorrow. Behind all actions there is agoverning rule of stabilty and peace.
Peace and silence are the great hidden truths of existence.
Hence we all should work towards peace and silence.
To realise the self, we need peace and silence.
If we are realized souls, we can try to help others in realization and enlightenment...
Setting good examples before others is true teaching and preaching...
Lecturing is so easy...
Setting example through work is always tougher...
The best way of convincing is by being truly honest about what is being said...
Humility and simplicity are the true gems of any personality...
God likes simplicity of heart...
Hence be of liking to God...
Self-restraint is a true asset of personal life...
Self-control when applied on a daily basis can produce huge results in terms of performance...
Calmness of the mind is a prerequisite for creative and innovative ideas and actions...
Be cool and calm and execute one job at a time to be an efficient worker...
To be relieved of mental tension, we should plan for a day an act accordingly , leaving the fruits of our actions to God...
To enjoy all-round happiness, we should try to be physically fit and strong.
Strength is life...
To succeed we need good planning, dedicated work and a sense of selflessness...
Monday, March 16, 2009
Urge to fight and survive
Suffering originates from lack of discipline...
Calmness of the mind
Friday, March 13, 2009
Challenges of modern life...
and Hatred are the challenges of modern life.
To face and tackle these problems, we must have the guts and the courage...
The art of problem-solving
To defer the solution, we should form a committee ?
Solution comes out, when delve into the root.
Problem-solving needs Diplomacy,Politics and Ethics taken together.
Most of our time should be devoted to the study and analysis of the problem.
Thinking from various angles will help us narrowing the solution.
We should form a small team for creative discussions and brain-storming sessions.
Finally we must know how to conclude.
To practice creativity and innovation, we must develop multilateral thinking...
Feeling of personal nothingness...
This is a fact.
I want to be nothing...
I want to cling on to the Lotus Feet of God as dust particles birth after birth...
I am nothing...
Personal goodness...
Existence of bad people is temporary...Ignore them...God will punish them in course of time...
Have the courage to face bad people, as bad people are morally weak...
Have faith in God...
Follow the path of great men and suffer temporary sorrows...
Do not run after happiness, as happiness lies in your mind awaiting selfless work from your side...
Selflessness is the only good,
selfishness is the only bad.
Have a mind full of compassion which is the nectar of personal happiness.
Maintaining silence is a great virtue.
Speaking for the sake of good is not a crime.
Have the courage to speak,when the situation demands so from you...
Speaking becomes an art when it is delicately merged with deep silence...
Survival of the weak...
Honest work never fails...
Frustration can be eliminated by igniting will-power and knowledge...
Knowledge is power,
Ignorance is Bliss.
Devotion to Truth and Silence will help overcome all odds...
Have faith..
Have 'prayer' as part and parcel of your life...
To be steady in hard times
A state of mental tranquility
Self-disciplined life with a tonic of silence can do miracle for us.
The greatest formula for survival is Self-discipline(Silence-based).
Power of oration can be felt only in deep silence of the mind. When we speak we should from our hearts, from the core of our conscience. Only then we can realize the power of communication skills...
Retaining toughness at tough times
Silence based prayer can help us retain toughness. Toughness with human qualities will help us become winners in life.
Life is a struggle...
Life is a battle of nerves...
Life is a series of balanced relationshps...
Life is communicating with God...
Life is a struggle for existence...
Life is self-realization...
Life is unfolding of the Self...
Life is a faith...
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Fitness matters
Life is silence...Do we feel silence in every moment ?
Life is a duty...Do we perform our duty sincerely ?
Life is a series of ups and downs...Do we take it with simplicity and selflessness ?
Sufferings are our own creations...
Life is a series of mistakes which repeat with our forgetfulness...
Life is a future based on present and future lies in physical death and survival of the soul...
Life is love and compassion with pure selflessness.
Life is detachment from desires...
Life is sacrifice.
Life is constant work and deep meditation...
Life is a chain reaction of success and failure,ups and downs, joys and sorrows...
Tenacity and patience are 'survival' words...
Unregulated,reckless life
media, new generation youngsters, and other hedonistic elements in the society. The best way to control our senses is devote our lives into continuous spiritual enlightenment. Spiritual enlightenment can be derived through meditation, and yoga. Imposing austerity and discipline on one's own self is the only need for developing intuitive wisdom about life and existence. God showers us with His Blessings and Compassion, but we hardly understand it. To realise the fact, we need to devote enough time to spiritual practices and we need to seek the holy company of the sadhus or the renunciates. Spirituality is a matter of realization and personal feelings. Faith and pursuit of spiritual practices can do miracle for us. Self-confidence hence will be converted into God-confidence. Search for self-realization gives us inspiration,energy,vitality, and an attitude of self-surrender and selflessness that brings pure happiness and peace in life. All human achievements are governed by the Will of God only. We achieve to the extent we give a try and to the extent God blesses us silently without our knowledge and perception. Then we boast about such achievements and slowly we move towards our downfall...
Reckless life is the symbol of destruction and wrongful desires.
We must be disciplined to the maximum extent possible so that Omnipresence of God can be felt in silence and solitude....
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Life is Learning , Life is a prayer to God...
Life is EVVL for me.
We should be devoted to EVVL.
We should never stop learning to remain healthy and fit and youthful.
Continuous process of learning will keep us Dynamic, Youthful, and Healthy.
Prayer has a great healing power. We should go on praying while working...
Dominating others is full of mean-mindedness
Life is work
Life is health and happiness...
Life is enjoyment of silence...
Life is listening to Divine Words...
Life is compassion for others...
Life is helping others in need....
Life is writing about our thoughts about Truth...
Life is teaching our hard-earned experiences...
Life is about remembering God and His Compassion
Life is healing through faith in God...
Life is dependence on God...
Life is immortal, as the soul is immortal...
Over-confidence leads to destruction
Mind-body coordination & healthy Living
Monday, March 9, 2009
Money-centred life
Sublime thoughts and actions bring pure happiness
Spiritual Development is the effect of constant practice
Life is action...
Life is sacrifice...
Life is search for the Absolute Truth i.e. God...
God lies in the hearts of His devotees...