
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

selfishness aspects of professional rise

I have realized after my long experience that people who are selfish and pursues their personal goals are really successful...

I could not succeed because of reasons

  • less ambitions in life
  • lethargic
  • not being selfish

Thursday, September 11, 2014

worries can be sent to Recycle Bin...

Yes, we can do it just by keeping ourselves as clean and honest as possible and by being choosy about networking with the society.
How can try to implement this in practice:
1. most of our worries originate from deep-rooted fear in the mind, to be fearless we must be honest to the core
2. ethics and legality really matter in life
3. too much of talking involves too much of telling lies
4. silence is a great cure for life's problems
5. hard work is the medicine for a better living
6.talkativeness is the source of all interpersonal ills matters in practical life, it is not be wasted and hence should be saved for hard times
8. tough times never last, but tough people do
9. physical toughness can be gained from regular exercise and a balanced diet
10. mental toughness comes from honesty, integrity, power of analysis and technical skills
11.whatever needs to be done, should always be done well only
12. life is transitory, and hence it is better to converge our thoughts on a specialized domains only
13. self-advice, self-training and self-leadership, continuous quality improvements  are the biggest techniques to influence others positively

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

attitude towards life-long learning

A really positive attitude towards life-long learning can be a great boon in one's life. In this regard, self-vanity and arrogance are the main barriers. These obstacles can be overcome by self-training and self-improvement practices on a daily basis....The major milestones for the philosophy of life-long learning  are as follows:

  • we can learn from anyone...senior,junior or younger people 
  • life is an open book and hence by seeing things around us we can learn a lot of things without reading any book or taking any training course
  • experience of the older ones when coupled with energy, creativity,enthusiasm of the younger ones can do a miracle for the society
  • values and ethics should be given highest priority in real life...
  • our brains are the laboratories could manufacture great ideas and then we need management techniques to implement those ideas in practice
  • we are basically forgetful and hence important ideas should be reinforced from time to time through various means of discussions and debates
  • we should be flexible in absorbing new ideas and modify our own ideas from time to time....
  • scholarly works and researches should have special social impact and contribution....
  • life-long learning can keep us young at heart and physically, mentally more energetic
  • things learnt must have applications in real life
  • we also learn a lot of things by doing manual work and hence we should it regularly
  • we can not do everything in life and whatever needs to be done should be done well...
  • we should take up one job at at a time
  • we should be able to tolerate criticism of any kind and should possess enough patience to pursue our own goals by ignoring things that we can not change....
  • We basically learn by doing
  • if we derive pleasure out of our daily works, we are simply the blessed ones

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

It's never easy to remain focused...

Major distractions are caused by:

  • personal lethargy and laziness
  • human networking that might cause stress of any kind
  • difficulty of concentrating on ONE JOB AT A TIME(OJAAT)
  • waste of time by thinking too much about what 'others' say about the self...
  • bad habits and addictions of various types
  • having least ambitions/dreams in life
  • being unable to say NO when it is required/essential
  • inability to play games as per real-time needs
  • not doing fitness works regularly and being unfit for public/social services
  • revealing personal secrets and worrying about that
  • not being TOUGH, when it is required