
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Reading some good books will bring about positive changes in life...

I recommend the following books in Bengali:

1. Gyanganjer Amritalok
2. Tapobhumi Narmada
3. Tava-kathamritaam
4.The autobiography of a yogi in English

for people who are interested in spiritual development...
God bless...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Focus on work can really change our attitudes for everything in life..

As I try to be involved in work for about 10 hrs aday, I find the results are simply marvellous...
Things are changing such that I find my works to be a great personal relief.

Really it works.
My attitudes are changing for the better...
I am learning how to say 'no' to 'all talks , no real action taken' policy of majority of the people.
God bless...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

keeping aloof from dirty politics and back-biting

The best way to answer dirty games of the professional colleagues is to be 'staight-forward' in matters. It is better to face anything with boldness in heart...
We should not answer everything we face. We should be bold and confident enough to ignore 99% of the back-biting,leg-pulling, and other political harrasments.
But in 1%, answer should be the ultimate one, the final , the final destruction of all misunderstandings...
Living under any kind of fear is death magnified and highly tormenting.
It is best to give clear answer at the face only, ...directly and without any hesitation...
Lack of clarity is at the heart of all interpersonal problems...
Clarity of concepts and its Clear Communication result into problems-free and tension-free life.
Saying 'clear No' and 'clear yes' are the building blocks of trouble-free relationships in both personal and professional life...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Courageous decision-making and its fruits...

We can not achieve anything in life till we learn to be courageous. Some of our decisions are to be made independently, as these may seem eccentric to most of the people...

If we do not take decisive actions today, we shall invite sufferings later on.
Before taking vital decisions about our course of action, we should go in for a self-brainstorming session for considering 'n' numbers of parameters in the whole process...

Behind all our failures lies 'not doing right kind of work' at the right time after we decided to do something...

Lack of consistency and tenacity to hold on to our dreams are the biggest deciding factors in real life...

Personally, I had no dreams in life...Even now I have no dreams for my future, as there is no future to me...It is just to pull on with my own perceptions and funny ideas about life and existence...

I firmly believe

Friday, October 23, 2009

Power of concentration towards can do the miracle...

I have realized recently that concentration of the mind is the only thing that I need to deliver the goods in time.

Focussing the mind on one job at a time is essential for deriving good quality output for any job...

Too much of the personal relationships at the work-place really affect the quality and quantity of works done...

It is also essential to control the tongue about any topic so as to minimise human interference in the job.

Keeping silence and breaking the same at the appropriate time is essential to keep mental concentration at a high level.

Most powerful human qualities :

1. concentration in actual work,
2. Power of facial expression and forceful speaking at times,
3. Patience and perseverance in pursuing creative and innovative ideas and actions

God bless...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Working hard ?

Working hard has never been my passion. I can not work hard. I have almost no faith in working hard.
I believe in work to be done in slow but steady manner so that I don't have to work hard.
I try to inject Innovative Ideas in all my actions to reduce the burden of work. I try to finish my job with minimum efforts possible.

I am trying to apply DIN (DO IT NOW)principles for all daily jobs...

I constabtly try to find faults with myself to find out the lack of creativity and innovations in my present time and actions...

Finding faults with others is a personal crime, as it makes me feel bad at the end of the day.
God bless..

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Nectar of wisdom from great minds

Presently I am trying to build up a strong foundation of my personal life from one saying of Swami Vivekanada: STRENGTH IS LIFE,WEAKNESS DEATH.

I am also trying to work on the philosophy of Russian Philosopher Turgenov: Life is hard work , and sacrifice.

But the greatest inspiration is from father who used to believe in HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tenacity of purpose...

I have a vacillating mind and hence could achieve anything much in my life. But one example created a great stir in my mind last week. It is a case of one my relatives. Through public speaking and marketting of financial products, a person is now a multi-millionnaire. He had to work very hard(about 16 hours a day) for last ten years. Now he is team-leader of about 10000 members.

It is the height of material desires and tenacity of purpose and persistent hardwork that really matter for achieving something great...

Great physical fitness, mental alertness , common sense and realistic dreams, and hard work that transform an ordinary person into an extra-ordinary personality...

It is the ablty to lead and influence...
It is the abilty to build up relationships with customers and the investors ...



Monday, October 5, 2009

Bold and beautiful thoughts...

Bold and beautiful thoughts coupled with honesty and hard-work can lead us to happiness...

Be different...

Contribute something special to lives of others...

An honest person has nothing to fear...
Regular prayers to God will make us stronger day by day...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Hard-work keeps us away from all kinds of frustration and negative thoughts...

I have realised that work is the only key to heavenly peace. Through work, we can earn money, and with hard work, we can really be rich. Through well-planned and systematic work, we can a life with sufficient money for good living, and we can keep our minds engaged in a manner that eliminates most of our negative thoughts.

To be happy, we must remain engaged in work only...
To cleanse the mind, we must go on working as selflessly as possible...

We should remind ourselves that real happiness has almost no taste...

As happiness is not the transitory pleasures of our senses...

Hence, we should try to go beyond both happiness and sorrows...

God bless...